Your top 10 gaming moments!

The Death or Aeris in FF7 And the music for it was so good too. (did that scene bring a tear to anyone else eye? damn music seems to send chills which tip you over the edge)
First time playing Half-Life online with my mates
Playing my First MMORPG/FPS - Neocron: I know many will **** it but 3 or 4 years ago when I joined it was fantastic, bugs asisde that it! Still hasn't been matched and it appears it won't be for awhile yet as FoMk doesn't seem to be close.
Just imagine if blizzard had been financing and developing it!
In order that I think of stuff:
Darkwatch - Xbox- 4 player deathmatch on Xbox, the best console FPS multiplayer I have ever played!
Black & White - PC- Smashing the Hermits shack then crushing him with a rock...
Gran Turismo - Playstation - First time I watched the intro with the classic Manics/Chemical Bros mix.
Might and Magic VI - PC - The fact I played it for about 5 months straight...
Sonic 3 & Knuckles - Megadrive - First time I mixed those carts and played through the whole game I was blown away. Hyper emeralds... Woo! End sequence with Sonic was also mildly insane.
Resident Evil 2 - Playstation - Bit when crows or something fly through the windows... Brown pants time me thinks...
Shenmue - Dreamcast - The graphics were ace, the story was immense, loved it!
Dead or Alive 2 - Dreamcast - The moment I beat the end boss and had to lie down as my arm was in muchos pain... Good old button mashing!
Lylat Wars - N64 - RumblePak-tastic, great graphics and a brilliant game. Getting medals on every level = the way forward.
Goldeneye - N64 - 4 player console madness, need I say more?
Sonic 2 - MD - Collecting the 7 Chaos Emeralds on Sonic 2, sheer difficulty!

I can't think of anything else right now, but there ARE more!
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In no order~

1.Gran Turismo3 - Bought myself Gt3 and a Ps2, the graphics are read me immense

2.Sonic3 & knuckles - You can stick them together!

3.Capturing giran castle on Lineage2

4.Doom3 - Scare factor

5.Max Payne - Absolutely awesome game. The maps, the bullet time, the story
line. So much detail time and effort put in. Truely a work of art.

6.Completing Tombraider2 - I worked pretty hard to do it and when i did i was chuffing extatic. i had people calling me up asking how to do certian maps for weeks.

7.CS - Satisfying aas hell to kill a whole team. You know it, they know it~ i fcking OWN

8.GTA - The first 2 are great games. The rest are probably the best games ever made.

9.C&C - pre generals i loved this game. Smashing some1s entire army with artillary on Tibsun or sending a 100 Migs at you enemy in Red alert. I love that game.

10.Hl2 - When the chimney falls across the river and you realise that this is the future.

Edit ~ Add Transport tycoon and Carmageddon to the list ><
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1. C&C - The combination of the graphics and sound was immense. That was 2nd ever PC game Ive played and I cant wait for EA to bring out the uber C&C pack.

2. FF7 - Finding out about Red XIII past. That was waaaaay better than the Aeris scene IMHO.

3. WoW : Battlegrounds - Nothing more satifying than killing a Paladin or a Rouge.

4. Duke Nukem 3D: Build Editor - I spent close to 2 years making levels for this game. It was such an easy piece of software to use and could give some fantastic results.

5. Transport Tycoon - Breaking the money counter. After you have got £2 billion the next year, your money goes -£2 billion. And doing that in 53 years.

6. Freespace 2 - The ending. Such a fantastic game with a brilliant storyline.

7. X - The ending to the storyline in that. Was very cool following clues about this gate that could get you back home to earth . . .

8. Sonic - Just seeing that for the first time was amazing. It just ran sooo fast.

9. Trackmania Sunrise - Putting up the fastest time with only mear seconds to go.

10. Deus Ex - Realising there was more than one way to complete a challenge suddenly opened a whole new area of gameplay for me (im a real gunho FPS player)
Lucifurr said:
Which bit was that? Was that after you blow up the Knossos portal and the Shivan Juggernaut still appears?

It was when you go on the scouting mission into the second Knossos portal with the intelligence group. When you first find out about the thousands of other Sathanas ships.

That game was full of many great moments though.
Weebull said:
To be fair, I had never played FF7 until the end of last year. I didn't know anyone that had a PSX or PS2 and a copy of it until I moved into the house I'm currently in 18 months ago. Believe it or not, but not everyone has played every good game out there. Knowing Aeris died (worst kept secret ever! ;)) definitely spoilt the impact of that part of the story.

As for mine, I can only think of a few offhand, and they've all been reminded to me through other people's posts in here.

  • The Half-Life opening train sequence - Absolutely amazing at the time.
  • The 'other' twist in FF7, about Cloud's past - I had aboslutely no idea about this story, since no-one mentions it like they do Aeris, and I thought it was brilliantly told.
  • The best Champ Man comeback ever - My first ever game, on the demo. Lost 2-0 at home in the first leg of the cup against the Conference leaders (I was second). They were absolutely unbeatable at that time, and I figured I had no chance left. Pushed for an all out attack in the second leg, and somehow managed to win 3-1 with a last minute goal. I never thought a game could make me dance round my room like a kid before that point. Bought the full game soon after, and haven't loooked back.
  • Last man left on CS - No individual moment really stands out for me, because it's happened more than once, but that sheer rush of adrenaline you get when you know everyone's watching you and there's an opposing team full of 5+ players all looking for just you is unmatchable. I still get serious nerves for it even now, after years of playing CS. My heart goes crazy and I'm trying my best not to panic and flub the whole thing up.

Fair enough, seems a bit daft to come into a top 10 gaming moments and being upset that someone spoils part of a game for you ;)
True, but I doubt many people have played every game listed here, and yet they're still going to want to read the thread. Most don't really count as spoilers either.

For example, I've never played KOTOR, but still mean to get round to it someday, and yet I still don't know what the twist is, because people don't blurt it out in threads constantly like they do Aeris dying. ;)
In no special order:

1. Soldier of fortune - Blowing bodies into pieces :)

2. Duke Nukem 3D - Pipe Bombs and pr0n movie.

3. Soldier of fortune - Being part of the European Team that pWned USA in a DM match.

4. Max Payne - Awesome effects and a cool look.

5. Ultima Underworld - Never really liked those type of games, but this one I got sucked into.

6. Half Life 2 - Paintbuckets and other nice gimmicks.

7. FarCry - Best looking engine imo.

8. Fahrenheit - Not the best looking game, but just a really interesting story with a cool gameplay.

9. Doom - the walking sound of some of the monsters in Doom just scared the **** out of me, I belive it was "Cyber Demon" and "Baron of Hell".

10. Jack Nicklaus Golf - Must be the game I have played most hours ever, came with my CD-rom drive (2x Creative).
Farcy = seeing the game for the First time. i nearly wet myself
HL2 = seeing that for the first time too. i had to pick my jaw up off the floor
BF2 = killing a MEC chopper in one shot with an M16A2.
Homeworld = winning the Last level with 1 ship left
Unreal Tournament = when i realised how to play well. then playing multiplayer and getting:
in no order

zelda OOT - n64 - watching the day turn into night first time i seen it in a game great use of colour

world of warcraft - pc - first time when you enter stormwind

mortal combat - megadrive - first finishing move i did sub zero riping my opponents head off

metal gear solid - PS1 - blowing up metal gear thinking the game wasent over then the case at the end was great

metal gear solid - PS2 - when you finish the tanker level and you watch Ocelot steal metal gear the fmv sequence was fantastic i use to watch it over and over again

sonic - megadrive - trying to get the fastest time on green hills stage 1 with my mates

cs:S - pc - geting anoyied with my team for not rushing the garage on office so i ran up the stairs with a p90 killed 5 of them with a p90 then 2 with a knife before i was stoped was my best 1 man rush ever

gran tourismo - doing the endurance race'a with tire damage on dam that was hard!

jimmy whites whirlwind snooker - amiga - beating my dad for the first time

championship manager -pc - being 2 - 0 up in the final of the champs league then the teacher turning off all the power before i had a chance to save was gutted
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Cant think of 10 :p

Best one that pops into mind is in CSS. One shot from the AWP, 3 headshots. Ill never do that again.
I just need to another one which I only experienced yesterday - the funfair ride on the Loony Park level of "Painkiller: Battle out of Hell". That was pretty cool!
Freespace 2 Had many good moments for me.

But my all time favourite moment was looking below me from the top of a cliff and seeing an attack chopper coming towards me. Got out my trusty Dragunov (Sniper Rifle) and with one shot took down the pilot and watched the chopper slowly decent to its death :)

Another good one was playing OFP again and getting out my LAW Launcher just in time to kill a BMP before it hit me. Pressed the fire button and heard a 'CLICK'. I hadnt reloaded the thing!! Got blasted into small bits.
I think it might be the time my old CS clan took out the other team in 5 seconds with our grenade tactic on de_dust2. Was awseome. CS days over for me though.

As for standard games, just things like completing COD2, first time I saw HL2, the cut scenes in FF9, kicking an annoying Americans bum at C&C Generals etc etc
Like some others i can't think of 10, but the one that truly stands out for me is this:-

1. After years of owning ZX Spectrums, from the rubber keyed 48k to the super duper 128k with mega sound and a nice radiator on the side i bought an Atari ST and played my first game on it, Carrier Command. I remember taking off in one of the planes for the first time and thinking wow, no colour clash or anything. Plus the fact you had landing craft and aircraft doing things at the same time against the enemies craft. A moment that will always stick in my mind.

2. Resident Evil series :- Those bloody dogs jumping through the windows and the crows in a later one. i nearly cacked myself :D That and the hands coming out the wall and grabbing you when running by.

3. Playing Gran Turismo 3 on the PS2 for the first time. Looked amazing, and the only reason i kept my PS2 was for GT4.

4. Black & White :- Awesome graphics and seeing your animal grow and deciding things to do, good evil, etc was cool, but very repetative :(

5. Sensible Soccer :- Ah the good old days of me and 7 m8's huddled round the Amiga playing this. Hope the remake is gonna be half as good.
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