You're not a true OCUKer til you've done one of these

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Mister_Pister said:
I know it could be a possibility I just dont think she would do it in such a way as to leave so many weird clues. The flight goes about 10.30 or something - do you reckon if I ring the airport I can find if she checks in despite not having any exact flight details?

Is the ticket on your name? If so she will need to get another ticket for the mister, I'd say, go to the airport, sit somewhere she can't see you, and wait to see what happens. What about the rest of the holiday? Hotel bookings etc? Under who's name and paid? If you did you might as well cancel everything and get your money back ;)

If she's with the bloke, just go up to her, tell her she's a ****ing cheating whore, tell the guy he aint got the balls to tell you what's going on, and off you go with your mates to find a new lass.

call the special squad, they are missing a member.

Just say thanks and goodbye or just fu and goodbye or whatever as long as it entails leaving :)
Sic said:
ouch. if my girlfriend did that to me, there'd be a very stern interchange of words. a select few in fact. something along the lines of "maybe you should see other people"
I assumed you were about 14 now?
Mister_Pister said:
Agree with first point. As for 2nd yeah it was from her mobile - so she managed to turn that on to have a go at me despite it being off all night. Strange..

So how did the mother contact her?
Save yourself the worry and heartache.

There is NO excuse for her actions, and in my opinion there's no making up for them.

Go out, have a beer (or two) and relax. And coming from someone that doesn't drink, that's saying something!!

Turn off your phones, block her MSN, etc.

Got any female friends you've been interested in? It's time to move on.

[edit] Notice the lack of smilies? I'm not kidding. Life's too short for idiots to ruin your life like that.
Can i just ask how long you have been dating? im just surprised that you dont have her mums phone number thats all.

To me sounds like she was deffo hiding where she was and is trying to make YOU out to be the bad guy. Just dont contact her and see what happens. Ive been through something very similar and in the end i just had enough with her constant lies and distorting the truth. I drove her to dumps-ville and left her there.
Mister_Pister said:
As far as I know its in my name I never actually saw it though. cant make it to the airport now :( All the bookings will be under her name unfortunatly

Try to? Just put on whatever clothes you have laying down and go!
You know where the flight is leaving from and going to and roughly when.
Ring em up and tell them you're supposed to be meeting your GF at the airport but her phone's broken can they tell you if she has booked in.
How much money are you losing out on by not going dude?

I can't understand why she's pretending everything is alright... she said she'd be at yours within the hour and isn't there over 5 hours later and is having a go at you for being concerned? :/
AtreuS said:
Can i just ask how long you have been dating? im just surprised that you dont have her mums phone number thats all.

To me sounds like she was deffo hiding where she was and is trying to make YOU out to be the bad guy. Just dont contact her and see what happens. Ive been through something very similar and in the end i just had enough with her constant lies and distorting the truth. I drove her to dumps-ville and left her there.

A few months now - just never needed to call her mum really she only lives like next door to her. She has til about 2pm to choose to go on hol or come here, should be enough time to drive back from the airport if thats where she is. If not ill kick her to the curb
Nix said:
How much money are you losing out on by not going dude?

I can't understand why she's pretending everything is alright... she said she'd be at yours within the hour and isn't there over 5 hours later and is having a go at you for being concerned? :/

not much at all, the villa is her dads so it costs ziltch and the flights were only about £30 or so.
Hate to say it but like everyones said, sounds like shes taking someone else on that holiday.

Move on asap, ****** like that arent worth the time of day.
Mister_Pister said:
A few months now - just never needed to call her mum really she only lives like next door to her. She has til about 2pm to choose to go on hol or come here, should be enough time to drive back from the airport if thats where she is. If not ill kick her to the curb

I wouldn't wait that long.

Leave her in the dark, see how she likes it (as you go to find someone new......)
TBH id just dump her mate... if shes doing this now ( at a couple of months ) then imagine how it would be in 5 years time! :eek:

Shes obviously either got a screw loose or doesnt give a crap about anyone but herself. Sounds like my girlfriend's sister actually... she does this kind of thing and just doesnt care who she hurts or annoys. The thing is in HER head shes always in the right and justified, no matter how wrong she is or what anyone else says.
VIRII said:
You know where the flight is leaving from and going to and roughly when.
Ring em up and tell them you're supposed to be meeting your GF at the airport but her phone's broken can they tell you if she has booked in.

This might be your best bet br0, say that you are going on holiday with her and her boyfriend, but due to family illness you can't make it, and your mobile's broken. This way at least you get a straight answer as to whether or not she is with man.
benneh said:
This might be your best bet br0, say that you are going on holiday with her and her boyfriend, but due to family illness you can't make it, and your mobile's broken. This way at least you get a straight answer as to whether or not she is with man.

its a good idea - ill ring at half 9. thats about an hour before the flight leaves so she will of checked in by then
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