You're not a true OCUKer til you've done one of these

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Mister_Pister said:
She has til about 2pm to choose to go on hol or come here, should be enough time to drive back from the airport if thats where she is.
I thought you didn't have time to get to the airport??
she has a car i dont. nah 2.30 is when i reckon she *** be back at my house by from gatwick at the lastest. Ive just rung monarch and they can only tell me whos checked in 40mins before the flight - which means 20mins of waiting
When I said she had no good reason to be angry and was too wussy to talk to me on the fone..

her said:
" a good reason to be angry? u got the police to wake my family who didnt have a clue what was happening. i dont need to explain myself to you or anyone!"

Mickey_D said:
Save yourself the worry and heartache.

There is NO excuse for her actions, and in my opinion there's no making up for them.

Go out, have a beer (or two) and relax. And coming from someone that doesn't drink, that's saying something!!

Turn off your phones, block her MSN, etc.

Got any female friends you've been interested in? It's time to move on.

[edit] Notice the lack of smilies? I'm not kidding. Life's too short for idiots to ruin your life like that.

Quoted for undeniable truth. If my gf did that to me she'd have been booted into touch already (as I would if I'd done it to her). Her actions are inexcusable and indefensible, so dump her before she gets a chance to dump you first. Call the airport and get them to pass a message to her, something along the lines of "welcome to dumpsville, population: you". If she is with another guy (who may well know nothing about you) it might well get her dumped twice. That would be an almost fitting revenge (boning the mother when she's away would be the cherry).
Mister_Pister said:
When I said she had no good reason to be angry and was too wussy to talk to me on the fone..


So you spoke to her then.
Did she get on the flight?

mc_bob said:
So you spoke to her then.
Did she get on the flight?


well she has replied via txt during the times the 8.30 flight would have been and the 10.30 flight doesnt appear to actually exist. I sent my message via text earlier. What a total *****
benneh said:
Update?. I need to be summarised here.

Be there in an hour.
Never arives.
Worried sick.
Calls police to ask the parents.
Parents worried.
Girl gets angry.
OP doesnt understand why.
Girl uses silent treatment.
OP Get angy/sad
Girl bes unreasonable.
OP dumps girls
" a good reason to be angry? u got the police to wake my family who didnt have a clue what was happening. i dont need to explain myself to you or anyone!"

WHAT???>.. So now we dont need to explain ourselves to people who we leave wondering where we have been all night, and dont need to explain ourselves to people who we randomly ignore hours before we are supposed to be boarding a flight to happy holiday time with.

Something should happen to her.

Did you ever call and find out whether she was with man dude?.
Plan a) Phone up the airport and shop her as a terrorismist (DONT DO THIS)
Plan b) Kill her in the face (POSSIBLY DO THIS)
plan c) Forget about the dumb cow (DEFFO DO THIS)
Zip said:
Be there in an hour.
Never arives.
Worried sick.
Calls police to ask the parents.
Parents worried.
Girl gets angry.
OP doesnt understand why.
Girl uses silent treatment.
OP Get angy/sad
Girl bes unreasonable.
OP dumps girls

TY :P.
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