Anyone tried Cheapzy to get youtube premium? Seen it mentioned over on Reddit and looks like it works out to be just under $5 a month.
I broke within 4 days, my God adverts have gotten a lot longer now then they were 3 years ago.
Grayjay is great. The search functionality is a bit meh but it seems to be pretty much the best non-Revanced-related option available on Android.Newbie to Android (pixel ) trying out grayjay which seems to be good, no ads but bit slow loading while it captures the YouTube vid.
I’m not one to defend a massive company but this is simply not the case at all.They intentionally use ad patterns designed to frustrate people into paying, for that reason I'm very reluctant to pay them anything, that and the price they want people to pay for a site that beyond the video player itself hasn't moved on since the 90s with a pathetic comments, history, search and filters, etc. system, etc. etc. which occasionally gets a cosmetic update but no fundamental functionality updates.
At the end of the day, as much as we have been conditioned to believe the internet is free, it absolutely isn’t. VOD is actually quite expensive to deliver and streaming is on another level of cost.
Free YouTube isn’t unusable and at the end of the day, if those ads were not there, the site wouldn’t exist today. The site isn’t sustainable without reliable revenue.Most people don't think the internet is free. What they do expect however is not to have a service unusable or obnoxiously awful in an attempt to push people to pay for it.
The ads only exist on entry level tiers which came in at a lower price point.The reason streaming services like Netflix took off is because people were willing to pay money for the convenience of streaming content they enjoyed without adverts. Piracy took a massive nosedive as a result. Whats happening now? All these companies are moving back towards the advert model because they need that profit to keep ticking up.
YouTube does need a lot of adverts because it’s an inherently expensive business to deliver. The vast majority of the ad revenue is paid out to the content creator, Google gets 30% of it. Out of that 30% comes the vast infrastructure costs before they make any profit.Youtube doesn't need to have so many adverts. They don't need to make the adverts behave the way they do. They do it to maximise profits and "encourage" people to pay for the service because it’s miserable if you don't. I have just moved browsers from Chrome because I can't use ublock any more and youtube was the primary reason for that.
Close your account and don’t use the service then.I am happy to pay for a good service, as I think most people are. I am not happy to support a company that behaves in the way google does with youtube.
See above, the ads and the subscription are ultimately needed to cover the cost of producing the content, particularly for high end TV shows.On a somewhat related note, I have no idea how Sky are still going. It’s expensive and still shoves adverts down your throat at every opportunity. I can only assume it’s the boomers keeping it going.
Cheers, I'll take a nosey at that, we have a couple of apple phones kicking around so that guide might come in handyVPN-tools has a guide to get going out of will need an apple device though.
That would be too easy in all seriousness, it's only the ads that I can't stand, the other features I've barely used and can live without, but the ad interruptions are beyond unreal! Personally, I'm not sure it's worth the price? especially when they are blockable for the most part, I don't know how I feel about it all yet. I'm not sure if I should just suck it up and pay the £20 for family premium though just for the others in the family.Other than pay?
Mines a tizen /samsung tv which is a pain to get a decent app working on I think I'll manage without premium as I can block ads with dns /proxy work and so on, plus on the pc it's easily done. It's my parents and other family members I worry about, they are not tech savvy in any way shape or form, family premium is mostly for their benefit, especially to block the adds, all the other features they don't use but adds are annoying as hell!If it's an Android TV, sideload SmartTube on it. Does away with the ads, and like usual, it has lots of actual good features that the "professional" official app can only dream of being half as useful.
Between that and ublock on my PC, I only have to deal with ads on my phone or tablet, which has made losing Premium a bit more bearable.
I used them for Spotify, not sure I'd want to give them my youtube credentials but if your OK with a brand new account they seem pretty cheap and easier than going down the gift card route.Anyone tried Cheapzy to get youtube premium? Seen it mentioned over on Reddit and looks like it works out to be just under $5 a month.
Free YouTube isn’t unusable and at the end of the day, if those ads were not there, the site wouldn’t exist today. The site isn’t sustainable without reliable revenue.
The ads only exist on entry level tiers which came in at a lower price point.
If you hadn’t noticed, the TV and Film industry is going through a massive crisis at the moment, revenues and profits are way down.
The adverts served on traditional cable/sky networks used to pay more than the cut they get from a streaming service, a lot more. Not so much any more and the cut from streaming hasn’t grown to replace that revenue.
Studio grade film and TV is increasing expensive to make and people have stopped going to the cinema to watch it. The cut from streaming doesn’t make enough money to replace the lost revenue from cinema viewers to pay for a modern film.
YouTube does need a lot of adverts because it’s an inherently expensive business to deliver. The vast majority of the ad revenue is paid out to the content creator, Google gets 30% of it. Out of that 30% comes the vast infrastructure costs before they make any profit.
Close your account and don’t use the service then.
See above, the ads and the subscription are ultimately needed to cover the cost of producing the content, particularly for high end TV shows.
I’m not one to defend a massive company but this is simply not the case at all.
At the end of the day, as much as we have been conditioned to believe the internet is free, it absolutely isn’t. VOD is actually quite expensive to deliver and streaming is on another level of cost.
Shock horror, they want you to either watch the full ad so they get paid or pay directly for no ads.What isn't the case? they've previously admitted to intentionally using ad patterns tailored to users intended to be frustrating.
that and the price they want people to pay for a site that beyond the video player itself hasn't moved on since the 90s with a pathetic comments, history, search and filters, etc. system, etc. etc. which occasionally gets a cosmetic update but no fundamental functionality updates.
Per the above, the only way they generate revenue is if you actually watch the ads.The issue isn't with adverts, its the number of them, the length and the way they act. Showing adverts that you have to skip manually if you don't want to watch 2:30 of advert. Showing short adverts that just stop on a static final page until you manually skip. Showing you so many adverts in a video that you can't even be bothered to watch the content because its such a jarring and stuttering experience.
For now... they have already said that the ad tiers make them more money than the more expensive ones without ads i'm pretty sure. Make no mistake, ads will creep into all of them or your price will continue to rise and rise.
Not really, the stuff they are churning out today isn’t any more or less dross than it was 10 years ago.They have done this to themselves by catering to non-existent audiences and churning out utter dross at vast expense. Yes part of it is the sheet competition and volume of media coming out all the time but 99% of it is crap. Its recently come out that Netflix are changing the way they develop content so its more palatable to the attention incapable younger generation who have their phones in front of their faces most of the time while watching netflix.
Of course it is but they are still making bank on it. The issue, as with all publicly traded companies is that they need to always be making more profit. You either grow your paying customers or you squeeze more out of each one. Thats how these companies work. Google as an entity have a vested interest in creating their ecosystem and as a company their profits last year were around £60bn. They aren't struggling. They are greedy.
That’s not really a YouTube thing, that’s Google trying to control the ad market across the internet.Or just ditch chrome and move to a browser that allow ublock to function...
Not really, what im trying to say is the internet costs a lot more than what the vast majority of the population thinks it does. Most people think the internet is free, it really isn’t.You're arguing as if I have a problem with ads and subscriptions. I don't. I have an issue with the race to squeeze every penny out of people so they can pay their shareholders and keep the line moving ever upwards. Netflix at this point is a content factory. The vast majority of it is rubbish. Give it 5 years and we will be back where we were before streaming services were de-facto. Ads everywhere or paying insane money. These companies aren't some of the most valuable in the world because they are rubbing two pennies together.
This.The short of it is YouTube is a free service and optional content consumption. It's a business.
Pay for it. Steal it. Whatever. Just stop moaning.
Whenever I subscribe to Netflix, it's always to watch one particular show, which is inevitably The Great British Baking Show, and I cancel my subscription as soon as I've signed up. Netflix is great at producing massive amounts of content but their content just isn't at all interesting to me.Netflix at this point is a content factory. The vast majority of it is rubbish.