Thanks for posting that mate. I'm using an 2500k any idea on the drivers for that?
Thanks for posting that mate. I'm using an 2500k any idea on the drivers for that?
Is this the all round best Board to be purchasing at the moment then?
is it necessary to update the mobo bios?
I've had 0 issues with my setup so far so is it worth updating? also how do you check your current BIOS version anyway?
is it necessary to update the mobo bios?
I've had 0 issues with my setup so far so is it worth updating?
is it necessary to update the mobo bios?
I've had 0 issues with my setup so far so is it worth updating? also how do you check your current BIOS version anyway?
Currently have one of these on order
Anyone any joy with a 2600k on this Xtreme 4 Gen 3 board?
I'm having a nightmare time
thats was last nite - today is a totally different ball game!
I can't seem to overclock it at all today no matter what settings I use!!!
Just gone back to the older 1.0 bios - going to give that a try first.
you got my hopes up high bro! lol - I was aiming for 4.8 > 5Ghz - did a couple of bench runs yesterday at 5Ghz - but realised too much vcore required so backed off to 4.8
Got it running 4.8 @ 1.38volts earlier today - so started to mess around a bit to see if I could get it lower. No joy. Now it just doesn't even boot at even 4.6!!! aaaaargggghhhhh.
Currently running 4.5ghz