Amazon says my copy should have been dispatched today, but doesn't actually list as dispatched. Has me worried. If it arrives Friday it will be perfect as I have the weekend to sink my teeth into it.
So many amazing Wii U games.
Now where do I start with the list?
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is your tough as nails, Dark Souls-like RPG game.
Pikmin 3 is a strategy game, where suprisingly, the best controls are Wiimote+Nunchuck.
Metroid Prime Trilogy, while technically a Wii game, is an amazing atmospheric trilogy singleplayer FPS.
Zelda Wind Waker HD is a beautiful remaster of an initially devisive (art) Gamecube classic and it's Zelda.
Super Smash Bros is a fighting game anyone can enjoy, with all your favourite Nintendo characters.
Mario Kart 8 is best for multiplayer racing, though the battle mode is a letdown. MK8 Deluxe will fix that.
Xenoblade Chronicles X, last but not least an amazing open world RPG that I lost hundred of hours to.
And there's plenty more I've missed.
Does it make a difference if you buy it now or at Christmas? Not worth the cost? Makes no difference to me.
Buy it now, play only Zelda and maybe Bomberman and then let it collect dust till games release later this year. Buy it at Christmas and you might get a bargain, potnetial console bundles (which I'm shocked that the Switch doesn't have, since they were big on every Nintendo system before it), more games to play and the thing is feature-complete: online multiplayer is enabled, Virtual Consoles is there, etc.
Here's an analogy. It's like buying an early-access incomplete game on Steam as opposed to buying the full game when it launches with all features complete. Sure it's the same game, but it's not quite the same experience. It's the same caveat as with being an early adopter with anything.