Though to be honest, go play the snowball game. It's not 100% but you can get it at least 50/50 easily and can get 280 rupees every time. In 15mins you should get about 5k easy.
Given up on this now as all I am doing is wondering around the map aimlessly.
Had a blast for the first few hours but literally have no idea what I am supposed to be doing.
Took the advice and started exploring but not sure which way to go. Wander too far and you enter territory which is clearly meant for further along in the game.
All I keep doing is travelling backwards and forwards between travel points. None of the main quests are accessible and the side quests have no real destination to speak of.
I've only got an hour or so each evening which I can put into it and sadly it looks as though this game needs a lot more time.
As it stands, I have the following Main Quests available:
"Destroy Ganon"
"Free The Divine Beasts"
"Captured Memories"
I have 4 hearts.
I have the following side quests:
"Robbie's Research"
"Slated for Upgrades"
"Playtime With Cottia" (never selectable)
"The Royal Guard's Gear"
"A Royal Recipe"
Does anyone know what I should be doing?
None of he quests have suggested levels so if I select one, I could end up travelling for miles only to find out I am not levelled up enough.
I think I'm too used to the Witcher where although it's a huge open world, you're never stuck wondering what to do...
Given up on this now as all I am doing is wondering around the map aimlessly.
Had a blast for the first few hours but literally have no idea what I am supposed to be doing.
Took the advice and started exploring but not sure which way to go. Wander too far and you enter territory which is clearly meant for further along in the game.
All I keep doing is travelling backwards and forwards between travel points. None of the main quests are accessible and the side quests have no real destination to speak of.
I've only got an hour or so each evening which I can put into it and sadly it looks as though this game needs a lot more time.
Once you are out the main plateau area ALL the main quests are available to you. The genius in this game is the lack of hand holding but if you have to have a linear game as opposed to an open world then it's not for you.
What you are trying to do is just explore the world, go shield surf down a mountain, go get all the armour, go solve puzzles, go find a good horse, go get those towers. That's my first task, I literally went around the map on foot trying to get all the towers.
You are right that this game is a total time sink, I spent about 3 hours tonight doing 2 shrines, hunting guardians for parts so I could get new piece of armour and thought I fight another Lynel.
I kinda just walk around, explore, like a kid going into somewhere new and explore. Along the way you will get better weapons, armour, orbs, and slowly stronger. When you feel you are ready, go for a main quest, aka Divine Beast. But only if you want to. My suggest is do Zora's Domain first, then Rito Village.
Yeah, you're mistaking being in the wrong area for the games choice of making mobs actually hard whenever you face them. I have about 15 hearts and still get one shot by things. You get tougher and stronger but so do enemies. You can go anywhere at any time in this game as long as you have the right gear or potions to deal with the elements. The main quest is really thin, the magic of this game is in the exploration.
Also, you can run away from pretty much ALL enemies, apart from the Divine Beasts boss fights.
In the word, you don't have to fight anyone if you don't want to. Try sneak attack on enemies, get the armour set that lower the noise and do that. Sneak attack can kill a lot of the lower enemies with 1 or 2 hits.
Or just run!!! You gain no XP by beating them so if you are not after their weapons, don't have to fight them. They don't follow outside of their zones.
87 shrines done, about 100 korok seeds. Maxed out one or two bits of armour, had completed all the memories.
Final fight was a bit of an anti-climax. I found the lynels in the gate houses much tougher to be honest, but that was mainly because I somehow ended up with an inventory full of 2 handed swords and you really need a one handed sword and shield to fight Lynels.
Anyway, my profile says about 70 hours played. Amazing game....Feel a bit deflated now though, what am I going to play that's as involving as Breath of the Wild?
Given up on this now as all I am doing is wondering around the map aimlessly.
Had a blast for the first few hours but literally have no idea what I am supposed to be doing.
Took the advice and started exploring but not sure which way to go. Wander too far and you enter territory which is clearly meant for further along in the game.
All I keep doing is travelling backwards and forwards between travel points. None of the main quests are accessible and the side quests have no real destination to speak of.
I've only got an hour or so each evening which I can put into it and sadly it looks as though this game needs a lot more time.
As it stands, I have the following Main Quests available:
"Destroy Ganon"
"Free The Divine Beasts"
"Captured Memories"
I have 4 hearts.
I have the following side quests:
"Robbie's Research"
"Slated for Upgrades"
"Playtime With Cottia" (never selectable)
"The Royal Guard's Gear"
"A Royal Recipe"
Does anyone know what I should be doing?
None of he quests have suggested levels so if I select one, I could end up travelling for miles only to find out I am not levelled up enough.
I think I'm too used to the Witcher where although it's a huge open world, you're never stuck wondering what to do...
The king tells you your main task at the end of the plateau area. Rid Hyrule off Ganon. He also says he doesn't think you're strong enough. I took that to mean, explore to get better gear, find towers and complete shrines to get more hearts/stamina. My favourite part is just exploring the beautiful world they have created.
If you have a large number of low-tier monster parts, sell some of those, they make a ton of money. Especially mid to late-game you'll have a ton of Lizalfos parts. The lower tier gemstones like Amber and Opal can also be sold, but I'd avoid selling Luminous stones, despite the good value. As for food, I've found that frozen meat sells for a smidge more than cooked meat. I'll leave it up to you to figure out how to freeze it.
The snowball bowling mini-game is also just the best source of money as mentioned by most folks. I spent 40 minutes figuring it out the other day and doubled my rupees from 5k something to 11k in 40 odd minutes. Once you've got the technique it's fairly easy to nail it every time. If you've not found it yet... here's a clue:
Not quite. My first Lynel I beat using mostly a spear. While I do feel it's clunky to switch between shield and a 2-handed weapon, after a bit of getting used to it's no issue. I only switched to the weapon when an opening came up to attack the guy. The harder Lynel I did without a shield, since it appears that 2-handed weapon attacks can't be blocked as easy. Similarly, I only whipped out my 2-handed weapon when it was time to attack.
Anyhows, I upgraded a few more armours yesterday and I am loving the armour upgrade mechanics. The game keeps on going on about how not every set has a bonus, but so far, I've seen bonuses for every set. My only complaint is that some of these bonuses aren't very well explained, I feel like they need tooltips, even though most of them one should be able to guess with common sense.
Radiant armour is a good one. Disguise/Bone Attack Up. What exactly does that mean? I've never managed to figure what exactly disguise does and I can only assume that Bone Attack increases damage with Skeleton arm weapons, though by how much is also not known.
I also did my 3rd DB yesterday and of the bunch, this one was the most disappointing. I swear I've spent longer on some shrines than that DB, it went by too quick. The positive was that the reward from the race after defeating it, was a pretty good one, best one so far IMO.
The triple shot bow, almost as powerful as a 5 shot savage Lynel Bow
I'm also now on over 100 shrines. By the looks of the map, it's central Hyrule, the volcano area and a few bits around the west where I might be missing shrines. I think I've found all the ones in the North-West, some of those shrines were difficult to get into. There's one shrine quest I've not been able to do since it requires a unique item whose location is too vague.
It literally just says the guy dropped it off a bridge. Which bridge? There's so many in that area. I've jumped off the one he was on and looked around below and found nothing
In terms of the chap above not sure what to do etc
I have had that feeling twice, once before doing any divine beasts so I then set that as my active quest and tackled one and what that did is send me on an awesome journey to a new area of which along the way I found so many great distractions!
So after that I followed the Robbie quest mentioned, and did loads on the way there and after that I felt lost again
So I've headed to another divine beast. The game does a great job of letting you decide what's important to you and gives the main tasks room to breath
I'd say if you get bored, head for a divine beast.
That's what I did with the DB's. I've been on 2 DB's completed for a couple of weeks now and I am just spending my time roaming around looking for shrines before I tackle the other 2. Some of the hidden shrines are great when you figure them out. Like Raymond said the first thing I wanted to do was to open up the whole map. Set yourself little goals and the game opens up incredibly. In the end you might not even care that you have nothing to focus on as there is so much cool stuff to find.
I am on 15 hearts and I've just started adding to stamina.
Given up on this now as all I am doing is wondering around the map aimlessly.
Had a blast for the first few hours but literally have no idea what I am supposed to be doing.
Took the advice and started exploring but not sure which way to go. Wander too far and you enter territory which is clearly meant for further along in the game.
I think I'm too used to the Witcher where although it's a huge open world, you're never stuck wondering what to do...
My advice would be to follow the captured memories quest, I don't want to give any spoilers here but if you Google this quest it will give you a hint of someone you can speak to in game who will get it going by telling you the rough location of the nearest memory.
That was the DB disappointingly short/easy for me. So I'd agree, do that one first. Though I usually tend to turn off the 'powers' and just not use them. The gale comes into it's own when it's raining. I did a very annoying shrine yesterday, where I had to climb things in the rain to get to the shrine. Had I remembered about the Gale, it would have been way less stressful.
Number of shrines remaining is now whittling down. I want to try and get them all done before I face Ganon.
Explored a bit of those parts of the maps which seem like they should have shrines (i.e. cos those bits are empty of fast-travel points) and I was shocked to find that some of those areas don't really have shrines. There's parts of the map where there won't be a shrine for ages. Especially as I explore an area near the last DB I've yet to do. I thought there must be a bunch of shrines around there since I hadn't explored it yet (and that segment of the map was thusly devoid of fast-travel points).
Also the volcano area made me laugh. I drank an elixir and then found a super-long shrine. By the time I finished the shrine, the elixir ran out... makes me wish they'd pause or something while we do shrines.
Anyone notice the massive spider like creature just casually walking round the volcano near the top ?
I got to top of a tower to the east of the volcano and thought oh I'll just have a look at the scenery , then noticed something moving on the side of the volcano so zoomed in and there it was ... so many moments like that in this game where you notice little things and think wow
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