Speaking of the Volcano region, something I came across when exploring made me wish I'd started along the well trodden-path of paths when exploring that area. It would have been handy to head that way first for... reasons. Thus I recommend taking the regular path in first, if exploring the Volcano. Something useful may happen along the way ...as long as folks realise that it's not actually difficult to sort out. I'm also finally getting reasons to use the stealth elixirs I made at the start of the game, most of the game I've been in my lovely sneaking armour so they've not been needed till recently.
I've also found the last fairy fountain. Turns out it's in an area which I've already explored, just that I never looked in that direction. Looks like I need to kill a bunch more enemies like Guardians and Lynel to upgrade my armour too. Especially the more difficult type of guardian, even with top tier weapons, the distance makes them difficult to fight and I don't think these guys can be frozen either (unlike combat trials). Some of the armour need a few fish, some species of which I've not really come across (found a lot of fish earlier on in the game, but not many new types recently). The last DB can wait... must max my gear!
I've been working on some of those lengthy quests, finally got to the end of one of them but still on another (I've put everything on hold to just work at it and finish it off) and all I can say is, I'm wishing I'd taken the time to chop more trees for wood (earlier on when I had woodcutters axes) lol. I've also just found my favourite merchant, cos the guy has a decent stock of regular arrows. It's amazing how fast we go through arrows in this game.
I also feel like I've missed some shrine quests somewhere, I keep getting some for shrines I've already completed (I found the shrine before taking the quest that gives hints on finding them).
I've also found the last fairy fountain. Turns out it's in an area which I've already explored, just that I never looked in that direction. Looks like I need to kill a bunch more enemies like Guardians and Lynel to upgrade my armour too. Especially the more difficult type of guardian, even with top tier weapons, the distance makes them difficult to fight and I don't think these guys can be frozen either (unlike combat trials). Some of the armour need a few fish, some species of which I've not really come across (found a lot of fish earlier on in the game, but not many new types recently). The last DB can wait... must max my gear!
I've been working on some of those lengthy quests, finally got to the end of one of them but still on another (I've put everything on hold to just work at it and finish it off) and all I can say is, I'm wishing I'd taken the time to chop more trees for wood (earlier on when I had woodcutters axes) lol. I've also just found my favourite merchant, cos the guy has a decent stock of regular arrows. It's amazing how fast we go through arrows in this game.
I also feel like I've missed some shrine quests somewhere, I keep getting some for shrines I've already completed (I found the shrine before taking the quest that gives hints on finding them).