*** Zelda: Breath of the Wild ***

But for others it can be irritating.

it sure is annoying.

i want to discuss the future for zelda, peoples opinions on whether we will ever see another gameboy style zelda now that this is the handheld and sitting room console system. whether we might see another whole new game in the not to distant future that is similar in gameplay but just a new story, similar to majoras mask following OOT after only 2 years etc, but can't as there is spoilers all over
I've pretty much given up on this game because of the lack of direction.

I've got the following "main quests" selectable:

"Destroy Ganon"
"Free The Divine Beasts"
"Captured Memories"

I have literally no idea what to do next.

Destroy Ganon is the end game.

"Free The Divine Beasts" leads me off into all directions, all of which contain monsters which kill me with one hit

"Captured Memories" is a bunch of photos I have to find with no direction.

Side Quests:

Playtime With Cottia: Unselectable
The Royal Guards Gear: Leads me to speak to "Parcy" with no further direction

Really enjoyed this game for the first hour or so but finding it pretty frustrating now.

Any help appreciated!

I usually falter and become disinterested in open world games which lack direction but I had a blast with this.

Don't read any guides, don't look for tips, just go out in to the world and find your way. Explore, there's tonnes of cool stuff to find out there.
it sure is annoying.

i want to discuss the future for zelda, peoples opinions on whether we will ever see another gameboy style zelda now that this is the handheld and sitting room console system. whether we might see another whole new game in the not to distant future that is similar in gameplay but just a new story, similar to majoras mask following OOT after only 2 years etc, but can't as there is spoilers all over

All of that is off topic for a botw specific thread. That is best posted in a general Zelda thread.
Im enjoying the game massively and the lack or direction is a big plus. However last night i did stop and actually think what should i do now? I guess at time like that just head for another divine beast? Ive only done the one but dont want to miss stuff outside of that but as i say im also wondering what i should do at the moment so i guess if i head for another i may see even more stuff. Theres just sections of the map to the south that are knowhere near main objectives so inguess they are just there to be explored freely away from the story stuff
The break I took last week was worth it, now I feel reinvigorated regarding the game and I'm getting back in. A fair few more interesting Shrines, especially towards the north. There's one that requires a torch and one I missed in the south where there's 3 Hinox to fight. I've tried mounting the moose and honestly, there's never a prompt to do so, so I'm not sure it is mountable.

The skeleton horse also can't be kept in the stables, the guy says something along the lines of "it'll probably eat the other horses". Stats don't seem amazing on it anyway, only 3 spurs.

I've finally gotten to grips with fighting guardians (the regular big ones in the overworld). It's fairly easy to do even with mediocre weapons once you know how. Just as well, I've been having to farm those guys both to make and then to upgrade the guardian armour. The ones that stay still are the easiest, since the walking ones try to run away. But thankfully I discovered (so late into the game) that Stasis Rune level 2 has a special effect handy for fighting those guys.

And then there's Lynels. There's more than one type it seems, probably with slightly different stats. I killed my first one yesterday. Turns out it's very easy to block and/or dodge his attacks, I rarely got hit. But when he did hit, obviously he hit hard. Once again Stasis rune came in handy and I wasn't even using any particularly powerful weapons.
Though it was the Lightscale spear, but the spear broke before I could finish so I had to switch. The biggest disappointment was what I got for killing it. The Lynel sword, shield and bow aren't that amazing in terms of stats, seems almost low-mid tier to me. I bet the stronger Lynels have better loot.

Since I defeated the Lynel, I remembered my self-imposed challenge and got the Master Sword after that.
A long ass cutscene that can't even be paused, come on Nintendo, this is 2017, pausable cutscenes are a must. The Sword itself is highly disappointing, it's not that good as far as stats go and it takes up a weapon slot and it breaks quick too. I fought a Stalnox with it and it's down to flashing red from that single fight. Thankfully, I just got a new weapon slot before I got it, so it's not permanent deadweight. But highly disappointing considering how powerful it was supposed to be and the limitations. With such a mechanic, one would expect it to at least be better in fights. Or with such low attack power, they might as well have just made it a regular unbreakable weapon.

Not great. I'm about to do my 3rd DB though.
A long ass cutscene that can't even be paused, come on Nintendo, this is 2017, pausable cutscenes are a must. The Sword itself is highly disappointing, it's not that good as far as stats go and it takes up a weapon slot and it breaks quick too. I fought a Stalnox with it and it's down to flashing red from that single fight. Thankfully, I just got a new weapon slot before I got it, so it's not permanent deadweight. But highly disappointing considering how powerful it was supposed to be and the limitations. With such a mechanic, one would expect it to at least be better in fights. Or with such low attack power, they might as well have just made it a regular unbreakable weapon.

The Master Sword becomes a lvl 60 weapon in certain dungeons and against certain enemies. If you hold down the R button (with full health)it can also send out a ranged 'laser' attack. I assumed the game gave me an extra slot for free for the Master Sword as I'm sure my Sword inventory was full when I pulled it out of the rock in front of the Deku tree.
According to the Switch I've played over 60 hours in 23 days (which is nearly 3 hours a day, everyday!)

I've now done all the Divine Beasts, I've done 80ish Shrines, I have a few memories to mop up and a few side quests I want to finish (not all though, a lot only reward you with 100 Rupees)

Only time I had to refer to a guide was on Death Mountain when
I didn't realise you had to attack the Divine beast with the cannons as you went along)

One of the all time great games IMO. I probably could have completed it 30 hours ago if I'd wanted but I kept delaying going to Hyrule Castle because there was so much else to do.
Sometimes the lack of direction can be frustrating. Not in terms of getting lost, there's lots to do and I find it all good (shrines, opening the map etc), just progressing the story. It's only annoyed me when I've burnt out a load of food or elixirs to go into an area, for me to not actually find anything particularly useful or special.

You sort of have to accept that you're going to spend a bit of time doing 'stuff', but sometimes it then just drops into place, you pick up a load of bits and you're all the more powerful for doing so. I played some really good shrines, where you use a combination of powers or have to link up electric circuits. No story progression, but fun nonetheless.
Is there like a light none spoiler guide for which areas to do when? I've mostly cleared out the east side of the map, done the first divine beat and have just...

got to the hub in the desert after crossdressing lol
I found the apparent lack of direction a bit overwhelming at first but then just kind of got it. The fun is in the exploring and not knowing where things are. I am discovering new things all the time, things that I might have benefited from if I had looked around a bit more early on. But I just went with what I wanted to do. It's really refreshing to be able to play it this way. This isn't a Ubisoft open world game and as much as I love games like Far Cry this game just looks down upon them all from a great height and says 'must try harder'. It doesn't hold your hand too much. I think this is where some might be struggling to get in to it.
I didn't think there was too much lack of direction. Your shown you need to collect shrines, how to do them and how to re-claim your prizes for doing so. Your then sent to a village where your sent off from there. It's not that hard. It's a huge puzzle game, Zelda has always been this way.

Alright a few times I might've been confused, but I soon figured it out. Theres worse RPGs out there for lack of direction. It's also designed to force you to explore.
I didn't think there was too much lack of direction. Your shown you need to collect shrines, how to do them and how to re-claim your prizes for doing so. Your then sent to a village where your sent off from there. It's not that hard. It's a huge puzzle game, Zelda has always been this way.

Alright a few times I might've been confused, but I soon figured it out. Theres worse RPGs out there for lack of direction. It's also designed to force you to explore.

Much as I loved Oblivion & Skyrim it did sometimes feel like I was on autopilot, you could so easily traverse the landscape and hit each step in the quest that I might as well have had someone else do it.

I feel with Zelda I'm actually exploring, so few games have ever captured that feeling.
I'd much rather Nintendo's way of doing things, i.e climbing a tower and using the view to mark places of interest than all the Ubisoft crap which just adds 100's of markers on your map.

Fed up of the hand-holding in games with their constant breadcrumb trails leading you on. Breath of the Wild is a masterpiece in design IMO and feels like you are really exploring the World for yourself.
Is there like a light none spoiler guide for which areas to do when? I've mostly cleared out the east side of the map, done the first divine beat and have just...

got to the hub in the desert after crossdressing lol

You can do any area at any time. Only things that will limit you are enemy levels and gear. Though higher level enemies will drop stronger gear so it all works out if you can kill the first one. As for the desert, without spoiling anything, max level stealth potions or stealth gear will be handy. Though with a powerful weapon (at least 40), a certain section may become easier. Make sure you thoroughly explore the town, you never know what you might find...

Oh and finally I'd highly highly recommend picking up those Voltfruit and cooking with them. For me, it provided the only solution to something rather frustrating. Now to go do the 3rd DB... something I saw got me wondering as to how many of the armour items I have are from complete sets? I've just checked Amazon and my deluxe edition guide is to arrive mid-April :s
I'm so far into the game that something like that would be handy to find the few things I've missed in my extensive exploration of the map. I'm shocked to see that I've now done 98 of the shrines... not that many left.
Decided to head towards the volcano divine beast, though I do wonder if suitable armour could be had else where to make this area better! I'm sure there's something! Eating a certain recipe holds it off for a while
Decided to head towards the volcano divine beast, though I do wonder if suitable armour could be had else where to make this area better! I'm sure there's something! Eating a certain recipe holds it off for a while

there is a flame proof armour, no idea where from though!

This video might help

I was doing a fair few early game quests yesterday and I've got to say... there's a certain quest in Hateno that folks might want to start as soon as they can since it requires a lot of revisits to that area as you progress through the game. I've still not finished it and I'm wondering if it ever ends of what happens at the end lol. Some folks might know exactly which quest it is...
The Weapon Connoiseur: return each time you find one of the weapons he asks to see

Zelda has turned a bit into one of my favourite games: Monster Hunter. It's the armour upgrades and the mini-bosses that give me the monster hunter vibe now. Needing to upgrade some armour, I've been 'farming' a few things like Molduga. Blood Moon occured in the middle of the fight and thankfully it didn't have any bad effects on the fight. But it did mean that Lynel I killed (and needed for a quest) yesterday respawned. I finished off the quest and then fought him again, but this time I was messing up a lot more, like missing with runes. One of the more handy armours in the game requires Lynel parts for upgrade so I decided to brave it and fight the next tier up: Blue-maned Lynel.
A lot harder than vanilla Lynel, since this guy was using a 2-handed spear and 2-handed weapons can't be easily blocked with a shield. This time I wore my best armour (Radiant tier 3). I took a different approach to this guy and while I did get hit a few times from missing things like the stasis rune again, he wasn't all too difficult. I found the bow was helpful comboing with stasis rune though. I used the Master Sword this time and was still disappointed, since it still acted like a 30 power weapon. It broke partway through so I had to switch out to other non-optimal weapons. The drops were a lot cooler, it dropped the spear and something I've heard is very rare and supposedly top-tier...
Spoiler-ception: the rare 5 hit Savage Lynel Bow
! I immediately went home to Hateno and hung the bow up on the wall as a trophy lol.

Oh and I did find the answer to my question about missing armour pieces. Upgraded the set and the bonus is nice, especially when compared to something like the climbing set.
So I completed the game a week or more ago, I've put probably 70/80 hours into this and yesterday I realised that I hadn't even opened up the whole of the map. An area right at the bottom of the map was still unexplored. I caught a glimpse of one of the red towers and thought "no, I can't have missed one" but it turns out I had. Happy days, a whole new area to explore!
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