*** Zelda: Breath of the Wild ***

I don't think they really intended the korok seeds to be 100% collected, they just put so many in to fill any gaps along the way

Obviously if you feel like getting them all then go for it, it's impressive but it's not something I feel is worth the chase, personally
I don't think they really intended the korok seeds to be 100% collected, they just put so many in to fill any gaps along the way

Obviously if you feel like getting them all then go for it, it's impressive but it's not something I feel is worth the chase, personally

If you have a look at what you get for it, it's clear they never intended for it to happen :D
I see them as just a bit of fun and a way to upgrade your inventory slots to make things a little easier. I am carrying around 40 myself I just haven't bothered to cash them in yet. No way am I going to go and try to collect them all.
I guess the whole point of best weapons don't last long is to do with balance. If the best weapon lasts ages, it will make the game far too easy. So a balance has to be strike somewhere and make the player evaluate when is the best time to deploy such weapon. Clearly it would be a waste to use such weapon on an enemy which you can dispose with something else that is more common.

I don't think too much of the weapon durability. Just use them until they break, swap for something else. They can be easily replaced/farmed.
Just finished this game with 165 hours playtime (according to the Switch), including 100% completion, compendium, mini boss medals, bridles/saddles and fully upgraded armours. Been a long time since I felt I wanted to do everything in a game. I do have some complaints about the game but it's more to do with the focus of the story, but I'll avoid spoiling that :p.

I miss my dungeons though...

Finally checked Youtube/Reddit/etc on how other people are playing it and wow I've been doing Lynels and Guardians all wrong!
How do you get stronger buffs from food?
Do you add the exact same food item, like 2xArmoured carp? Or do you have to add another item that gives a defense bonus?
Just finished this game with 165 hours playtime (according to the Switch), including 100% completion, compendium, mini boss medals, bridles/saddles and fully upgraded armours. Been a long time since I felt I wanted to do everything in a game. I do have some complaints about the game but it's more to do with the focus of the story, but I'll avoid spoiling that :p.

I miss my dungeons though...

Finally checked Youtube/Reddit/etc on how other people are playing it and wow I've been doing Lynels and Guardians all wrong!

How do you fight them?
How do you fight them?
I was using stasis on the Lynels which while does stun them afterwards, doesn't give you the mount option. If you manage to shoot an arrow into their face it stuns them and gives you the mount option, allowing you to spam attack their back for a few seconds before they throw you off. Gave it a go last night and took down the Lynel considerably faster.

As for Guardians... parrying the beam does wonders :p.
I use stasis too but I find that can be too slow since it does last long and don't have enough time to get close before the time runs out. Best to just dodge and furry attack.

For guardians I do stasis them then hit the legs. 9 hits from master sword should kill one. Hit the legs to stun them, it fire regular arrows to the eye.
I waited for the Lynels to charge into me before using stasis, that way I could get a hit to stun them before it wore off.

Yeah that's how I was mainly killing the guardians, except I was shooting the eye with an arrow first to stun them before charging in to chop off all their legs. But using a shield to parry the beam is a lot more fun :D. Especially in a certain temple...
I waited for the Lynels to charge into me before using stasis, that way I could get a hit to stun them before it wore off.

Yeah that's how I was mainly killing the guardians, except I was shooting the eye with an arrow first to stun them before charging in to chop off all their legs. But using a shield to parry the beam is a lot more fun :D. Especially in a certain temple...

I can never time the parry right, ended up either losing the shield or getting blown up.
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Right! Just finished with 97 shrines done, all of the memories and 70/80+ hours so I feel I'm in a good position to give a lowdown. And by that, I mean endless rambling criticisms that I want to get off my chest :p

We all know why the game is good - exploration and discovery. The whole map (well, almost of it) is a complete joy to discover. I'll be here all day if I write about what's good (hearts vs stamina = great) and I won't repeat what others have said before. It is an excellent game as a whole.

Don't worry, I'm aware that some people want absolutely no spoilers - the whole thing will be in a spoiler tag. The game is best enjoyed 'blind' anyway. Mega spoilers will be within additional spoilers.

Not necessarily in order of importance...

One of the most easily identifiable bugbears is inventory management. At the most obviously level, everyone will become frustrated by the silliness of 'open chest -> item -> inventory full -> close chest -> open inventory -> find item to dispose -> dispose of item -> open chest'. It is really tiring and surely it could be solved by opening a chest and immediately being shown your existing items and offering a swap / drop. Going deeper, the limited number of items you can hold, and how quickly the weapons break, means that you inevitably want to make a beeline for 'maracas man' to increase your item slots, before then spending an enormous of time finding him in the korok forrest. The hunt for the korok forrest, the location of which I won't reveal, incentivises this mad 'tower hunt' to improve your map, which actually distracts from the exploration aspect of the game. It made me less excited to explore what was immediately in front of me because I was so hell bent on finding the forest. Not fatal at all, but it would have been nice to have a bit more guidance as to where this was. Spoiler re: location below to elaborate.

Being behind the castle, you get hooned by the guardians at first instance if you try to go this area the 'short way' from the south, so it's probably inevitable that it's pretty much one of the last areas you go to.

Retrospectively, the game is a bit of a grind until final success without any real need to improve on skills. The fighting is really quite basic and there is little need for any tactic other than 'run up to baddies holding LZ and mash Y', with such limited enemy variety (excluding optional mini-bosses). I very rarely bothered with parrying or 'flurry' attacks. The most important strategy seemed to be whether you had a two handed weapon or not. There only seemed to be one combo with each type of weapon? Even ocarina of time had more weapon tactics with jabs etc. The two handed weapons were very boring to use. I rarely died from doing the same thing over and over - other than finding the black and grey variants of enemies initially giving me 'one hit deaths' until I exercised a smidgen of patience. As a side point, fighting is made much easier with the 'camel' and 'lizard' special moves but I actually enjoyed feeling overpowered.

The optional mini-bosses were very cool though. With the lynels, which were much more satisfying, there was a couple of moves that I was never able to dodge every time (notably the running / charge move when swinging a weapon, and the arrow firing) and they were all instadeaths at the start of the game... once hearts and armour improved, no problem. I ended up killing the hinnox on the south east island by throwing a rock at him :p

The cooking appeared complex but actually, it wasn't at all. There was no incentive for complex recipes or buying goat butter when you could cook one hearty truffle and gain temp bonus hearts. I never bothered with cooking the monster parts - pointless.

Plot discussion with major spoilers:

Considering the build-up, such a weak ending!!! The reward for finding all the memories was... nothing? And there was no post-ganon game... I really did expect some plot developments or twists. Nope. I feel like a spammed ganon to death with cheap moves - the camel lightning - then the horse section had no threat of even being hit? Huh. I expected some reveal such as Zelda inadvertently releasing Ganon in the first place. The weak ending is probably why I'm currently a bit 'meh' and this is a list of mostly negatives.

Whilst I'm on the memories - I was 8 memories in before I realised 'painting man' led you each one at each stable... but ONLY if you show him a photo of the first fairy fountain. Since some of the side quests give you pathetic rewards, what was the incentive for showing him a photo? The prospect of 100 rupees? I expect some people will miss that entirely and slog for the memories needle in a haystack style - maybe it should have forced you to help him if that's how you're supposed to do it.

I quite liked the plot the focussed around Zelda's struggle to gain her father's approval. Otherwise, all the supporting characters were rather weak / 2D. Voice acting and dialogue was very mixed. The highlights were Sidon and Rivali, whom were both amusing - I swear they started trolling with the amount of Sidon's winking and flexing! But I enjoyed it :D

The beasts, rather the lead up to them, were a bit uneven. One of them had almost 'no-preamble go get on the beast' whilst the others really did have full-on quests. Possibly a lack of development time...? The beasts themselves were all very fun, but the bird one was way too easy. Elephant was the best, probably because of the music. Camel was the most difficult.

I agree with kreeeee regarding the lack of memorable music but there is one excellent tune... in the elephant once you've got one terminal it gets really creepy. Brilliant.

Ideally I would have liked more variety with the aesthetics and music of the shrines, which by shrine 90 had got REALLY old.

Finally, three minor nuisances that I can't believe made the final cut:

- Too many octorocs (UGH)
- Boring enemies spawning at night (ugh...)
- Too much rain for too long!!!! Really not fun unless 'post-bird beast'.

Ending on a high note... best bit of the game...
Wandering around in the south east region to suddenly see a huge dragon appear out of a lake from nowhere... that just KEPT COMING!!! Me and my girlfriend were in awe! There really was so much to enjoy in almost every area of the game....

Terrible writing but I'm tired so forgive me :D
Sounds like your making yourself stressed over a computer game. I see no reason why anyone would want to complete all the korok challenges, certainly not if your stressed by it.

Korok challenges aren't the stressful part. More like other certain game design decisions that can make it more frustrating to play. I don't really care much about Koroks lol, there's some things I'm sure are Koroks but I've got no idea how to trigger them.

If the best weapon lasts ages, it will make the game far too easy. So a balance has to be strike somewhere and make the player evaluate when is the best time to deploy such weapon. Clearly it would be a waste to use such weapon on an enemy which you can dispose with something else that is more common.

Especially that last bit, things should scale accordingly and be useful. What use is there for a weapon with very high damage but very low durability? Not many situations where such a weapon could ever be used.

How do you fight them?

I killed a couple of Silver Lynel yesterday without ever taking a hit. I could have probably done it with no armour, but I wore a certain set (which has very low armour rating, partly because I've not upgraded it) for a bit more damage (since they have the highest HP and weapons break after all). And what I've found is that the ones with a Sword and Shield are super easy to fight compared to ones that use 2-handed weapons. I'm not sure why, but it's so very easy to time perfect dodges (the ones that give you a chance to flurry) when he does the swipe attacks. And I even managed to get one when he did the running swipe.

I guess it mainly means I'm less reliant on stasis, which I usually save for the charge. If you time it correctly, you can get in to land a few hits. It's easier on lower tier Lynels since it doesn't run out that fast. The main thing to remember is:
If using Stasis, then shoot the Lynel with a bow while it's frozen to ensure the stun, that way you can stasis stun it at any point in the fight and not just when it charges

Now the question is, how do I translate this to the 2-handed weapon Lynels? I will say, one-handed weapon Lynel was easy to learn since you can hold the shield whilst dodging. So if you time it wrong, your shield blocks the hit instead. Shields seem useless against the 2-handed weapon ones. Unfortunately I'm low on decent weapons atm, so I can't really afford to fight more Lynel.
It was the barbarian set for the attack boost. Went from using 3 or 4 weapons down to one or 2, per Silver Lynel. Also got another 5-shot Savage Lynel Bow from one of them last night. I will also say that Hinox are a decent way to replenish weapons, since they drop 3 things usually.

I've also found a fair few shrines yesterday, so it looks like I've been doing 1 shrine a day since last week if averaged out. Now I have 4 shrines left (in the whole game) and one of them I already know where it is (most folks will have probably found it early game and not been able to unlock it), but have no clue how to activate it (there is a 'key' nearby, but getting the 'key' is the problem). I've also maxed out a fair few more armours and of all things to end up running out of for an upgrade... I'm low on Bokoblin Horns lol. However one set needs an item which I've no idea how to get more of besides a potential waiting game of sorts.
I'm talking about the Star Fragments. As far as I know, they only drop when shooting stars land, but I've only ever seen one shooting star in my ~100 hours of the game. The 2nd one I got was from a quest reward. I still need a few more and waiting for shooting stars doesn't seem like the most fun idea
Korok challenges aren't the stressful part. More like other certain game design decisions that can make it more frustrating to play. I don't really care much about Koroks lol, there's some things I'm sure are Koroks but I've got no idea how to trigger them.

Especially that last bit, things should scale accordingly and be useful. What use is there for a weapon with very high damage but very low durability? Not many situations where such a weapon could ever be used.

Sure there is, mini bosses etc. Plus if very high damage has big durability then it'd be a wasted mechanic. Don't you think? The whole point of the weapon system is high power, low durability.

I've also found a fair few shrines yesterday, so it looks like I've been doing 1 shrine a day since last week if averaged out. Now I have 4 shrines left (in the whole game) and one of them I already know where it is (most folks will have probably found it early game and not been able to unlock it), but have no clue how to activate it (there is a 'key' nearby, but getting the 'key' is the problem). I've also maxed out a fair few more armours and of all things to end up running out of for an upgrade... I'm low on Bokoblin Horns lol. However one set needs an item which I've no idea how to get more of besides a potential waiting game of sorts.
I'm talking about the Star Fragments. As far as I know, they only drop when shooting stars land, but I've only ever seen one shooting star in my ~100 hours of the game. The 2nd one I got was from a quest reward. I still need a few more and waiting for shooting stars doesn't seem like the most fun idea

Yeah I'm not looking forward to finding all those star fragments :(
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