*** Zelda: Breath of the Wild ***

Just when I feel like I'm a bit lost or frustrated, I'll stroll into a new area (I've unlocked all the map a while ago) and find myself picking up materials or weapons that are new, used for quests and so on.

Found the speedy white Royal Horse and unlocked the memory by the horse statue. Got the horse gear side mission done at the Outskirt Stable nearby. First time I've customised a horse because I've had Epona since nearly the first couple of times playing.

Then went to the Coliseum nearby, murdered all the enemies in stealth mode with the Master Sword and fought the Lynel at the bottom. First I've beaten - took some time assaulting him with a bow, protected by the Thunder Helm, then went in close for the kill. Used Stasis+ and lots of arrows and flurry attacks. Nearly died twice, thanks fairies! I like the tactics in this thread for killing them though.

Lots of stuff to farm nearby here!
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Just found a new way to farm rupees :D

Farming Farosh horn for 300 rupees each, getting about 10-15 every 5-10 minutes. Making money a lot easier :)
Yeah I'm not looking forward to finding all those *spoiler* :(
There is a trick to get one.

I finally got enough of them yesterday. Turns out there's a few that you can get outside of the regular method. Things like quest rewards, a shrine and a buried chest. There's just about enough 'fixed' drops of it for my purpose. If you do side quests and shrines you should have the right amount for what you might need it for.

Upgraded a few more armours yesterday, including the
'Hyrulian clothing'
set (aka regular clothes) to max and finally I now understand what they meant that not all sets have a bonus. Though that one makes sense, since it's not technically 'armour'. Even if it shares defence rating with an average set of armour. I've now discovered that I need even more Lynel parts, though some is for one of the best armours in the game in terms of defence rating. Though I would like to fight a Lynel that uses the two-handed mace (AKA Lynel Crusher), to try and learn how to fight those guys (sword/shield Lynel are pants easy).

First time I've customised a horse because I've had Epona since nearly the first couple of times playing.

exists in the game? I thought it was just finding a horse that looks like that?
I finally got enough of them yesterday. Turns out there's a few that you can get outside of the regular method. Things like quest rewards, a shrine and a buried chest. There's just about enough 'fixed' drops of it for my purpose. If you do side quests and shrines you should have the right amount for what you might need it for.

Upgraded a few more armours yesterday, including the
'Hyrulian clothing'
set (aka regular clothes) to max and finally I now understand what they meant that not all sets have a bonus. Though that one makes sense, since it's not technically 'armour'. Even if it shares defence rating with an average set of armour. I've now discovered that I need even more Lynel parts, though some is for one of the best armours in the game in terms of defence rating. Though I would like to fight a Lynel that uses the two-handed mace (AKA Lynel Crusher), to try and learn how to fight those guys (sword/shield Lynel are pants easy).

exists in the game? I thought it was just finding a horse that looks like that?

I've done a 110 shrines, and not got a single star segment from them! I've so far only got the one star segment. You need like 50 or so to fully upgrade the armour right?

Epona exists, but only though an Amibo.
I've done a 110 shrines, and not got a single star segment from them! I've so far only got the one star segment. You need like 50 or so to fully upgrade the armour right?

Sounds about right, there's only 1 through that method.
I assume you've done the darkness shrine, which is the one. You only need 3 to max the armour, outside that one shrine, there's 3 more fixed drops from quests/chests.

Epona exists, but only though an Amibo.

Well that sucks big time, it sounded to me like it was obtainable in the base game. Does it have the appropriate stats?

Anyhows, I was fighting more Silver Lynel yesterday. I'm at the point where I can do one with no armour and taking no hits, if it's the Sword/Shield one. I did find a few hammer ones and I got the grip of fighting them, though I will say the spin attack is BS and doesn't seem to be easily dodgeable from close range (takes 2 back flips to get out of the way).

I did fight another spear Lynel and I realise that it's probably the most time-consuming (not the hardest) to fight. Unlike the other 2, it doesn't come in for a close attack and rarely actually uses the spear moves, which are mostly ranged moves. But I did learn something new about fighting them after all this time. The non-spoiler version: it's a good idea to play chicken with the Lynel. It's possible to fight Lynel and not take a hit without ever using runes.

The charge where the Lynel puts its weapon away and leaps at you can give Link a flurry if you dodge right at the last moment. Gave me some opportunity to get some hits in with Spear Lynel.

I wouldn't exactly say I've mastered the combat of this game though, fighting each type of Lynel is like learning a different monster in Monster Hunter. I'd probably take damage if fighting Moblins/Bokoblins in the same manner. Lynel have tells like the large boss monsters in Monster Hunter.

I've stil got 4 shrines left, I didn't find any yesterday, despite searching some empty areas of the map. Just want to check...
There aren't any shrines in/near Naydra Snowfield in Lanayru right? I.e. the closest one is at the summit. And I've seen no evidence of shrines on the Northern flank of Death Mountain, the wastelands where there's 2 Lynel. Closest shrine being the 'minecart' shrine.
Once I got to 5 shrines I resorted to a map to find the last ones, some are very tucked away or require you finding a specific person (sometimes in a specific order) to get the clue/quest to unlock them.
Right lads,

I love this game, and I'm invested in it pretty strong, but I can't help feeling a bit lost. I've smashed the water beast but now I'm just at a loss what to do. Without dishing out any spoilers can any of you point me in the right direction and what to focus on? At the minute all I seem to be doing is wondering towards shiny stuff and smashing the shrines.
Once I got to 5 shrines I resorted to a map to find the last ones, some are very tucked away or require you finding a specific person (sometimes in a specific order) to get the clue/quest to unlock them.

There's no need to cheat as there's an npc in the game who gives you hints about where missing shrines are.
I had the most fun by just exploring, it's not a regular Zelda game where you get a single spot on a map, you're supposed to go where your eye takes you (and run away screaming like a big girl if you find something too hard). If you want to find the DB's then roughly speaking you'll find them towards each corner of the map (NE, SE, SW, NW).
Right lads,

I love this game, and I'm invested in it pretty strong, but I can't help feeling a bit lost. I've smashed the water beast but now I'm just at a loss what to do. Without dishing out any spoilers can any of you point me in the right direction and what to focus on? At the minute all I seem to be doing is wondering towards shiny stuff and smashing the shrines.

I felt a bit like this at this point. I then went on to do a side mission towards the top right and ended up busy for a while. Then felt a bit lost again so set my sights on the next DB
Awesome, I'll continue on as I am doing then!

Go into your quests and select/track the Divine Beasts one and your map will be marked with each one remaining. I would do Vah Mehoh (north west) next because of the thing that it gives you will make your life a lot easier.
There's no need to cheat as there's an npc in the game who gives you hints about where missing shrines are.

Clues for that NPC? I'd rather not google it and find them myself. Keep in mind that I completely missed the balloon quest due to only arriving at the area at a time of day when players can't start the quest. A lot of quests seem to be time-sensitive. I actually know the location of one of the 4 remaining shrines, but the trouble is 'unlocking it'. It's kinda one of those riddle ones but the 'riddle' is ridiculously vague. And the funny thing is that it's found very early in the game (it's been taunting me the whole game!).

Been fighting even more Lynel and I will say that the hammer one is the hardest. I still occasionally take the hit from the spin move and either the game is bugged or sometimes the dodge/flurry get's cancelled because Link somehow takes damage from some dodged hits. Still got some ridiculously powerful loot from it though. Like a +40 one-handed sword and a +dmg hammer that totals at least 90 base power. I'm saving that one for Ganon. Master Sword seems like a mere twig by comparison lol.

Anyhow, it's looking increadingly likely that I'll go the whole game without ever finding the Hylian Shield. I thought I had found where it was, but it just turns out to be a Soldier's Shield instead.
Yeah so this might have happened:


I haven't played a vast amount of the game (2-3 hours on the Wii U and around 30 mins on the Switch) but first impressions are holy balls the switch version is (a lot) better!

I stopped playing the Wii U version due to the framerate issues (stuttering and 20-30fps variances) and the fact it looked all together quite messy (blurry) on both my TV and the gamepad.

I am genuinely surprised at the difference tbh. I can now enjoy the game instead of getting caught up on the technical elements :D
My brother has the Wii U version and swears blind on TV he can't tell the difference, but handheld is night and day. I don't even think the Switch screen is all that technically is it, but it is lovely to play handheld. I'm really shocked how much I've actually played it off screen. It goes everywhere with me.

Edit: just looked again at the difference in handheld mode. Unreal.
Maxed all my armour sets and then finished the game yesterday. Googled for the NPC, doesn't seem to be a thing that existed. I also never found the Hylian Shield. The shrine I already knew of had a quest chain attached to it and the trigger to one of the quests was very unusual (hence why I couldn't figure it out). I had one shrine left after finishing all the shrine quests, so I just got a list of shrine names per portion/area of the map and narrowed down which segment of the map it was in. The reward for getting them all... not too shabby. All I can say without spoiling it is ...now it felt like a proper Zelda game lol.

Storywise, I'm disappointed and there's waffle that doesn't quite make sense to me (requires a fair amount of suspension of disbelief). Gameplay-wise, it's not the best, but it's still good. Final boss was meh, IMO. I preferred the one in Wind Waker myself. I'll probably post more detail later, since work is looming.

I feel kind of bad saying this, but completing the game with all memories, all shrines, armours upgraded, etc, I don't think I'll be touching the game again anytime soon and it feels like a burden has been lifted on me. I guess I won't be stuck doing naught but playing this anymore lol.

Took me almost a month to finish from the start (5 weeks to be exact). According to the daily log, I played about 180 hours of the game, 130+ in March and 40+ for the few days in this month. Not bad value for money, I was expecting less play-time. I only ever got like 170ish Korok seeds too.
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