I currently have six hearts. Only added to stamina once. Will start cooking soon...
Which one should I go first? I've unlocked most of the map. I started by that and explored on the way.
I currently have six hearts. Only added to stamina once. Will start cooking soon...
Which one should I go first? I've unlocked most of the map. I started by that and explored on the way.
I did the Elephant first in Zora's Domain, that's the one the game nudges you towards first. I did it with like 6 hears and in the end I think I only got hit once after like a dozen attempts.
To make the boss fight a piece of cake, catch a few fairies, cook 5 durians and eat it before you step in so you have like 25+ hearts and it will be east.
Considering what I've just learnt... the later you leave them for the better lol.
I just finished my last DB yesterday and the last memory. That memory was tricky to find exactly the right spot, the painter wasn't around to give me any tips. I've noticed from Google that people have googled that one getting stuck on it. But I feel good for getting all of them without any help. In essence I've reached end-game and all it means is that my criticisms of the game increase.
I managed to also find another shrine while farming materials for upgrades, I got lucky as despite it being a hidden shrine, the sensor still detected it. Other than that, the distribution of shrines around the map rubs me the wrong way. Some areas there's a shrine over every hill and others there's nothing for miles. Makes the fast-travel a bit more difficult. I also ventured into a certain place, where one would least expect to still find shrines and found one. Admittedly, an NPC at the nearest stable did literally just tell me there was a shrine hidden there. Having only 7 shrines to go makes things difficult. Main story-wise I've only got Ganon left and as far as I can tell, I have only 3 side-quests left of which 2 I can finish whenever I want.
And I've honestly been stressed out by the ridiculous decisions made in the game's mechanics. After a bit of googling I've discovered certain things. 3 things that have really annoyed me about the 'end-game' in this game:
The game stops restocking items in shops if it thinks you have too many. I.e. if you want to hoard items you can't. People especially found this to be the case with arrows, once you get over a certain number, you can't buy them from shops anymore. It's pretty dumb considering how fast one goes through arrows in this game. I went through ~100 on my last DB and then ~150 whilst farming guardians for cores. It even works with picked up items. Anyone who has tried to get fairies will know that once you have like 4 or more, you simply can't get anymore fairies. Probably for the best though, since fairies do make the game a lot easier.
It makes a bit of sense for the game to give you more powerful and higher tier enemies as you progress through further. Only problem is... it's not done well, with certain exceptions like area based enemies (i.e. ice type enemies in snowy areas). Much of the enemy scaling is merely putting up sliders: i.e. more HP, more damage, etc. After the start, I rarely saw a Red Moblin again. I got lucky when I went to the starting area and found that a couple still exist. But the regular enemies are not an issue with the scaling, they actually have those enemies done perfectly. Rather it's the mini-boss type enemies. It is entirely possible to miss out on things like Blue Lynel, since at the end-game when players might decide to finally tackle these enemies, they find that it's been replaced with the highest tier version.
Here's an example: Lynel. As far as I know, there's only 2 Lynel with guaranteed strength, one of them is the one encountered when doing the Zora's Domain Divine Beast. That guy is the lowest tier and I beat him before my 3rd DB. Other than that, every single Lynel is susceptible to scaling. I got lucky and fought the next tier up a few days ago before doing my last DB, cos now I unfortunately can't even find a tier 3 (White) Lynel, as every single one is now silver. What's so bad about silver Lynel? Gitgud? Thing is there's nothing bad about silver Lynel, except that they have the highest HP and take longer to fight. That's it. I will admit that stuns like Stasis don't last as long, but when it's pretty much the same as a blue Lynel except for HP, people will want to fight the lower tier ones when farming for materials. Because thanks to the weapons breaking, it uses up all your good weapons to kill something with a ton more HP. If there's wasn't a weapons durability mechanic, then I probably wouldn't be complaining about enemy scaling. But when it means I've got to spend more precious weapons for the same reward...
Some post I read put it well: it shouldn't affect every single enemy, the scaling should be weighted to favour/include the higher tiers at later point in the game. I.e there should be a mix of tiers when it comes to miniboss-type enemies.
Speak of the devil, considering what I've just said, you want to defeat that Lynel and get confidence to kill other Lynel ASAP. Cos you'll miss out/regret it if you leave it till later. Potentially come back after you've defeated the Divine Beast and use the Lynel to learn the combat better. Thanks to that Lynel, I learnt how to dodge attacks. Once you have that, it's easy.
So the above is a reason why I don't like weapon durability. But coming to the end-game I find that it infuriates me even more. Remember those crafted weapons that take a precious diamond (costs 2k rupees to buy) or Ancient Cores? They don't seem to have partiularly amazing durability. I crafted one the Ancient Short Sword and with the exception of needing it to finish a quest, it felt like a waste of Ancient Cores. It's not even that good compared to other weapons in the end game. The very common Royal Broadsword can be found to have more attack power...
What infuriated me the most though? Early on in the game, it hints at the highest tier weapons in the game. Naturally, one would think these are the best weapons around? So when I finally get a Royal Guard tier weapon... description reads as it breaking super easy, despite being powerful. What's the point then? I doubt 5 Royal Guard tier broadswords could last a Blue Lynel, let alone the Silver Lynel that only seem to appear in the end-game. Thus we're essentially stuck with Royal-tier weapons at the end-game cos the 'best' weapons don't last long at all.
Funny thing is, the game stressed me out so much last weekend that I had a bad headache. I decided that I'd played enough Zelda that day and had to put the game down. I think I'll have to go easy on it again. This game is not friendly for completionist/perfectionists like me (especially not with 900 Koroks), I find that only when you dive deep into a game can you see what really makes it tick. I had a similar experience with Metal Gear Solid 5. On the surface it's a great game. Underneath it all, it too has some major issues.
Thus, let it be a warning to folks who want to do it all, it may annoy you at times.
I've got 97 shrines now and I'm off to beat Ganon this evening or next - feel that I have lots to say about the game now. It's always easier to be critical but there are some pervasive things that I really don't know how they survived into the final product, after they did all the hard work of getting the core of the game so good!
Do people use horses much? i keep running off and leaving Arnold (my Horse) behind, i then need to travel all the way back to him to whistle to try and keep him with me. Its tempting to Stable him and just go on foot everywhere!
Do people use horses much? i keep running off and leaving Arnold (my Horse) behind, i then need to travel all the way back to him to whistle to try and keep him with me. Its tempting to Stable him and just go on foot everywhere!
I did this, but! If he's miles away and you are near a stable, talk to the bloke and he will take him in to care and you can then take him straight back out again rather than going all the way back and riding him to where you were if that makes sense
You can get a temporary increase in hearts by cooking special meals, but you get more permanent hearts by completing shrines and spending the orbs earned to upgrade health or stamina
I believe you learn this before you leave the great plateau, may be wrong!
I don't use horses much. I teleport to near where I want to be then para-glide to as close as I can. Most exploring I just do on foot. I love the horses in this game I just rarely use them. I do a lot of climbing!
Sounds like your making yourself stressed over a computer game. I see no reason why anyone would want to complete all the korok challenges, certainly not if your stressed by it.
I don't use horses much. I teleport to near where I want to be then para-glide to as close as I can. Most exploring I just do on foot. I love the horses in this game I just rarely use them. I do a lot of climbing!
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