I hit 52 shrines last night. Loving every second.
I want to explore more of Hebra, but I have been doing it with a fire sword equipped to stay warm. I think I am pushing my luck here. Right now if I get caught in a big fight and the sword breaks, I have problems and will need to hot foot it out of there
So I think I am going to have to stop my routine, head to Rito at least to get the warm clothing and then come back
Also picked up the Master Sword last night, and began practicing parrying Guardian blasts. Was reasonably successful. Managed to blitz all my shields though in a Temple Ruins which had many...MANY Guardians in there
Got the rest of my current armor to lvl 2, also managed to discover an extra memory accidentally
just 8 of those to go now!

So I think I am going to have to stop my routine, head to Rito at least to get the warm clothing and then come back

Also picked up the Master Sword last night, and began practicing parrying Guardian blasts. Was reasonably successful. Managed to blitz all my shields though in a Temple Ruins which had many...MANY Guardians in there

Got the rest of my current armor to lvl 2, also managed to discover an extra memory accidentally