*** Zelda: Breath of the Wild ***

Just stumbled into Korok seed guy! Woohoo! :D

He is definitely up there with one of the more bizarre Nintendo creations :D
Nothing can touch tingle, but the erotic fairies in this come close.
I did consider tingle. But then I considered what the korok seeds actually are and how excited he gets when you bring them to him. I think Tingle takes the all time weirdo char (especially when talking just Zelda) but this is a close second :D

Anyway, coupled with finding Korok seed guy I found the Master Sword last night.

Didn't pull it though. I know I haven't got enough hearts, although I have enough orbs "in stock" to go and pray to then get it. It will however throw a spanner in the works to my current plan so I might just leave it for now and come back soon. :p

I did do the Korok trials which I loved. These little Korok guys are too cute :p "Hey you're that hero guy, Mr Hero!!"

Great stuff :)
Oh I know what your talking about now. Also didn't enjoy it. Zelda + stealth, never seems to have the right affect.

I didn't mind it. What made it enjoyable for me was the sounds by the Korok and the speech bubbles

"Nope, I am definitely not scared at all.....WAS THAT A GHOST?!"

The worst part of the game was watching my poor girlfriend sound the alarms in the thieves den and having ~10 enemies attack her at one from all directions... game slowed down to a right crawl :o :D

I'm interested as to whether anyone did that and survived, was pretty hard as far as the game got. Although that was her first DB attempt (no power up goodies).
The stealth trial was my least favourite part about this entire game.

For me it's the Devine Beasts, so boring, I know they are like classic Zelda dungeons which some folks love but that's why this is the first Zelda game I've really enjoyed, the open world exploration is so much better.
Yeah they really dropped the ball on the dungeon aspect. They were far too easy and just dull.

For the Switch exclusive Zelda I want BotW with the following changes:

- At least 8 proper Zelda style dungeons, with maybe a temporary power up (such as the hover or iron boots from OoT) you get half way through that's needed to complete the dungeon and beat the boss.

- Remove all test of strength shrines and make all of the shrines meet the quality of the best 15 shrines in BotW. The quality of some of the shrines was atrocious.

- If they can't have a decent story, then make the characters deeper with recurring characters throughout the game. Tarrey Town and The Observatory are really nice concepts that could have been used for so much more. Majoras Mask did this best, Wind Waker and OoT show the minimum that should be acceptable.

- The first 30 hours were perfect and then you just need to mash "A" against everything as you become so overpowered . Make more of the game like those first 30 hours where boulders, metal crates and explosive barrels were actually useful (% damage to enemies rather than fixed damage).

- Enemy variety please, and enemies should be specific to certain regions.

BotW is very good, but now that they have the engine and over world in place they can really focus on fleshing out another "best game of all time".
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As the game is so massive I am kinda glad it doesn't have enormous dungeons to boot. You're already on this immense journey. Big tough dungeons may have spoiled that.

Lets see what the dungeon DLC is like later in the year :)
Yeah they really dropped the ball on the dungeon aspect. They were far too easy and just dull.

For the Switch exclusive Zelda I want BotW with the following changes:

- At least 8 proper Zelda style dungeons, with maybe a temporary power up (such as the hover or iron boots from OoT) you get half way through that's needed to complete the dungeon and beat the boss.

- Remove all test of strength shrines and make all of the shrines meet the quality of the best 15 shrines in BotW. The quality of some of the shrines was atrocious.

- If they can't have a decent story, then make the characters deeper with recurring characters throughout the game. Tarrey Town and The Observatory are really nice concepts that could have been used for so much more. Majoras Mask did this best, Wind Waker and OoT show the minimum that should be acceptable.

- The first 30 hours were perfect and then you just need to mash "A" against everything as you become so overpowered . Make more of the game like those first 30 hours where boulders, metal crates and explosive barrels were actually useful (% damage to enemies rather than fixed damage).

- Enemy variety please, and enemies should be specific to certain regions.

BotW is very good, but now that they have the engine and over world in place they can really focus on fleshing out another "best game of all time".
dungeons too easy?

whoa u play too much games mate! The dungoens where hard. Are you on about the Devine beasts dungeons? those where hard and i needed a guide to help me!
I've recently returned to this to try and get all the shrines ( had about 72 when I beat the game). I'm am finding I get killed quite quick in the snowy area maybe because my snow armour isn't upgraded? I'm not too sure. Not really used the upgrade system all to much. Any advice on what to wear/use and what to upgraded?
I find characters like Ooccoo and the 'Granny' trader far more disturbing/bizarre than Hetsu and Tingle personally. Oh, and dont forget the toilet hand thing (did it have a name? I hope it didnt have a name...).

Regarding dungeons I think they made the right choice to spread out puzzles (in the shrines) instead of having large dungeons in this game. The concept of the DB's was great and I enjoyed them, there could be a little more variety though, especially in terms of encounters/bosses. I hope they take the DB concept and expand/elaborate on them in the next game.

I actually kinda liked the Korok stealth quest too.
It was amusing, especially where you get to save him without him realizing it, and it wasnt too long or difficult (quite easy actually).

The only aspects of the game I was abit dissapointed with was the scaling and 'worth' of encounters in the late game and balance of resource use relative to that. But at least you got a really strong sense of progression from it.

The next game will give them more time to refine things around the very strong exploration aspects - the focus of BotW. it's quite exciting to see where this already amazing game can go next. They've built a beautiful canvas with huge potential to build upon :).
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Only one of the divine beasts stumped me for a bit on the actual puzzling and that was because the way you had to do it wasn't very elegant and everything else about them was very smooth.

I think it was the bit on the elephant
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