*** Zelda: Breath of the Wild ***

Started this back up again last night after not playing it for a couple of months. Was certainly nice to just kick back and relax after having a right mare of a time with my new Ryzen build.

Just plodding along atm with no real goal barring exploration. :)
According to google. Star on the save file means you beat ganon but you can load it then carry on exploring and then go beat him again etc. A save file without a start means its one where Ganon is undefeated.
Cheers man , thought it might be that , onto the master trials I go :) ... sat playing it all morning waiting for an operation , ended up completing it haha
I kinda went full nerd with Zelda.

Made a google drive spreadsheet of my current armor, and materials needed to upgrade all of them to the next level.

Then made a seperate list, from the above list to have totals (like 50 amber, for example) - now I am on a massive hunt to fulfill that list so I can go and get as many upgrades as possible...then rinse and repeat until everything is at lvl 4.

It also gives me good drive to explore parts of the map I haven't yet for said materials.
I was on a plane on wednesday and spent the entire short flight doing the shrine quest where you're on an island and lose all your gear. Mobile gaming at it's absolute best ever. I was completely immersed in it. Switch and zelda is absolute A game for nintendo and I hope the sales continue for them.
I spent the last 2 days on and off getting star fragments for upgrades...dear lord that was tedious :D

Still...Lynel & Guardian hunting now for the remaining items needed!
After doing the master trials I found the replay ability skyrocketed. There's something about bossing every bad guy with an unlimited master sword that makes it great to chill with after work!

Might try the hard mode now and go through it all again, although the wife may leave me, she was close on the first play through
That's odd, a post of mine got deleted.

I spent last Sunday doing the Master Trials. Took me around 6 hours of gameplay with 2 hours per set of trial. Loved it :)
With 4 divine beasts done, 94 shrines and the master trials done. I am running around beginning to feel like charlie big potatoes :p :D

Still a way off before I go face Ganon yet! :)
105 Shrines in now and beginning to feel like I am certainly close towards the end of the game. Or that things are coming to an end anyway. I just opened the Lake tower so will explore around here. Side quest wise I've covered A LOT of them now. I think around the 55-60 mark. I also think I have most of the armor sets and additional masks without the Amiibo as well.

What an incredible experience the whole game has been and continues to be. I just love exploring every inch of it.
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