
Just played our first game of Black Plague. Finally.

Easy to pick up if you've played before. A bit of rule checking regarding the Necromancer but overall I like it. The player boards are great, a very nice addition.
The way wounds work is much better too, and the addition of armour (not guaranteed to work) and healing is helpful.
Anyone else seen the update that we won't be getting the rest of the Kickstarter stuff until May/June? Not happy with that, they're experienced enough to know how long it takes to make everything, and they know how popular their Kickstarters are. Being 6 months out with their delivery estimate is way too much.
Although it is disappointing, I am not too upset given the increase in miniature detail over previous editions. There may have been delays or other issues getting acceptable final production pieces on some of the pieces, especially the larger Abominations variations, that could have held things up given the quantities needed.

It would be nice if they gave all the reasons behind the delay but I would rather get a well produced game that lives up to what I pledged for, a bit late, than the alternative (even from a company with as much experience as CMON).
I understand why they can't, but I wish they would send out some stuff in stages as they have it, rather than waiting until everything is done. The main thing I want is all the additional survivors as I think they can add so much variety to the game. I'd be happy just having the survivor cards available to download and print off myself to keep me going until the official ones arrive.
I'm not too bothered, me and my group only managed to play this once since I got it (we loved it) in December and I've just about finished painting my first 3 zombies! so its going to take an age to finish painting them, just don't have the time to spend on it like I use to when I was younger!

I can understand those who have played it to death since getting it might be a bit more eager to get new content though.
And here are said 3 zombies! after 15 years off painting, not perfect but happy with them.

I've decided with the limted time I have for painting, I'm going to get all zombies to base layer and then wash, then do my survivors and Abom in detail like these 3
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Got my paints from TheArmypainter today. Should hopefully get all my zombies primed this weekend then based / washed over the next week or two. Once I'm there, I'll decide how much highlighting I want
On mine?

A base of crusted sore red, then abomination gore red ontop and after that (and thus photo) I matte sprayed and then added a little glistening blood which looks like fresh blood as its gloss so catches the light well against the matte varnish.

Managed to get 14 more zombies to a shaded level over the weekend but literally spent all weekend doing it because the girlfriend was away. I think I will attempt a hero soon as I know these will get used the most AMD looked at the most AMD feel confident now.
We've been playing a few games lately and really enjoying it :)

But we do come up with a few questions that don't seem covered by the rules.

What do you do with dead survivors and their gear, are they lootable?

The scope, as an item on its own it takes up a slot, but does it still when you combine it with the rifle? It's seems logical it wouldn't, not like say plenty of ammo which still would...or are we just over thinking it :D
For the dead survivors, we don't treat them as lootable, though it's an interesting question as it's not something we have to deal with a lot. Thinking about it, I'd personally make a house rule to say that they are lootable, with one search action required for each item you want to take.

For the scope, when combined with the rifle they effectively become one item, so it doesn't take up a slot then :)
Looking at picking this up but have heard conflicting information on what season is the best to start off with? They are all around the same price so I'm looking for some people that have all 3 first series to give me some idea as to what one is best rules wise and best bang for buck with minis/content.
Audience of who will be playing will be aged 10 to 40 if that makes any difference.

Cheers for any suggestions
It gets refined with each new release. Black Plague is the most recent and I prefer it to season 3. Black Plague is fantasy based as opposed to modern day like the others. Depending on your preference you can't go wrong with either of them.
I got the Toxic City Mall expansion - enjoying it, but the ultra-red weapons are a bit OP :p

But, I came to play a mission in the manual and it needed some P tiles...?

Are these from Prison Outbreak?

I notice there is a tile only expansion for Toxic, but I would assume they are M tiles as per the expansion
Only when someone new joins in.

Hardly played season 2 and 3 before Black Plague turned up. We do sometimes break out season 3 but it's becoming more a rarity as between us all we buy new games.
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