Counter-Strike: Source New Update Released

29 Aug 2003
^rock solid at 60fps?

I can't play with anything below 100, and i'm now spiking below that. :( :( :(

I don't care what anyone is going to presume to tell me about eyeballs and fps, but I NEED above 100fps to play.

People go on about people whining about changes etc, but really Biohazard has just made an extremely convincing post detailing why this update is rubbish.

But nah, a bunch of numpties who can't play and don't play will tell you that the problem is with you. (They aren't good enough to notice the problems)

I am fuming. Because, if nothing is really sorted about this - I've lost the only PC game I play regularly.

Thanks a bunch valve.
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29 Aug 2003
Of course its gonna be full of bugs when its just been released give the developers time to fix bugs in updates.

The issues at hand are not all bugs.

And I also don't believe you in that they will get immediate fixes - why release it like this in the first place? Same was said about last TF2 update, still waiting on those bug fixes.

There seems to be a lot of bugs in each map now, there is a massi list over at Steam:Forums.

Why cannot they get it right first time? Someone must have tested this? The game is over 6 years old, its not the first time they have updated have they?

I just don't accept 'excuses' like this on behalf of valve anymore. They had the time. When they were supposed to be doing the job of updating it.

Releasing sloppy broken code into the wild and patching it after is just not what is expected from developers. Not on a game this popular and old.

They clearly stuck a bunch of people who have had nothing to do, let alone play, with CSS before to do this update.

Otherwise they would have realised the engine/reg needed attention alone.
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25 Oct 2002
i've dropped anywhere between 40-50 fps.. WHY? (yes orangebox code, however it is graphically not that impressive over source engine) so again. WHY?

I find with a lot of Valve updates the frame rate only goes one way, and that’s down. I've had it with TF2 over the years and I remember when they first switched the original CS over to Steam there was a significant drop in FPS - I used to cruise along at 100 but after the update would be fluctuating all over the place.

I appreciate the post release support that Valve give their games but they could really do with giving a bit more respect to the community who develop the add-ons and host the servers when it comes to making such big changes.
29 Aug 2003
I find with a lot of Valve updates the frame rate only goes one way, and that’s down. I've had it with TF2 over the years and I remember when they first switched the original CS over to Steam there was a significant drop in FPS - I used to cruise along at 100 but after the update would be fluctuating all over the place.

I appreciate the post release support that Valve give their games but they could really do with giving a bit more respect to the community who develop the add-ons and host the servers when it comes to making such big changes.

But put it this way - CSS is now producing the same average framerate as I get out of Crysis on my system.

I mean COME ON!!!!!!!

The games are WORLDS apart in quality, both in terms of AI/UI and graphically.

And for what, a game that feels 'rubbered'? You shouldn't have to upgrade to play a game that looks no better for the update and that I could play perfectly fine only 48 hours ago.


FU valve.
18 Oct 2002
West Yorks
not played cs in years but with each update there is always the same boring old people moaning about something.


there are those who say CS 1.6 is the best thing since sliced bread, no other version of CS comes close etc..

Yet when CS went to 1.0 from the beta, everybody proclaimed the game was dead and it was a step back etc..

The CS players are never happy.

End of.
29 Aug 2003

there are those who say CS 1.6 is the best thing since sliced bread, no other version of CS comes close etc..

Yet when CS went to 1.0 from the beta, everybody proclaimed the game was dead and it was a step back etc..

The CS players are never happy.

End of.

exactly what? people who haven't looked at the game in years deriding people for complaining, many of whom play every day?

I know who I would regard more apt for commenting, and it isn't the day visitors to the game... those who have come back for a quick nose after ignoring CSS for years. Who really, aren't in the best place to ask for comparisons.

BUT....the point you raise isn't what we are 'moaning' about.

1.6 fine if you want to play it.

CSS fine if you want to, you play it.

But now they've borked CSS into something new.

They could have easily wrapped this up into a new product, CSS reloaded or whatever.

this has nothing to do with the old cs1.6/css gameplay/style debate.

Again, its really easy for people not effected by the issues to roll in and go roflchops shut your mouth you don't know what your talking about. It isn't that easy, because there are a lot of people heavily involved in CSS.

Dedicated CS players are not going to enjoy this at all, because it has reverted the mod scene back years.. and introduced problems and aspects that nobody wanted.

Also all this crap like 'CS players are never happy'.

Funny that, if we aren't so happy I'm suprised there is still tens of thousands of servers, and x times as many players, for a game that is nearly 7 years old!

Go see how many left4dead (original) servers you can find now. Go and tell me how many custom maps you can find for L4D.

That should answer this one for you.

Yeah, we were all that unhappy that we had to just keep playing the game. Regardless of how depressed it makes us feel.

Does anyone actually think objectively when commenting like this?
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24 Dec 2006
I agree with Biohazard on some of his points, but I don't think I'm entirely against the update.

I've had a chance to play it now, and the first thing that I noticed was the server only being 66 tick, but I think that's just because the server admins haven't got round to cranking it up - so not really a negative if it can be turned up like before, and apparently they have fixed the door speed bug, which will be a positive for people who play competitively in matches on 100 tick servers, as finally going through the door on de_nuke won't be quite as suicidal as before.

I played on de_dust2, with the motion blur off, and I could hear my CPU fan ramp up a bit, which it doesn't usually have to in css, so I thought great I should be getting better performance. But when I checked my net graph my fps has been reduced, which obviously is a step in the wrong direction, especially as there is no real noticable improvement in graphics. Hopefully this is just a temporary thing though, and maybe with another update and next months drivers it could be sorted. If not then it's dire really.

I quite like the stats, well as long as my kd stays above 2 then I'll still like them :p. I'm not that fussed about getting achievements but they are a bit of fun, and I'm not against them either. The new scoreboard is a bit cumbersome, it's a bit difficult to see through it, and I've got bit of a habit of spamming tab, but again I don't see it as a big deal. I don't really see the point of forcing the in game name to be the same as the steam friends name, but to me it's another thing that doesn't bother me as they are the same anyway.

I've had a minor issue with my buy binds and stuff, for some reason * doesn't seem to work for the bind anymore, but the rest do, so I'll just put it on another key, minor inconvenience and I'm not sure the reasoning behind it.

All in all, with the exception of the performance, I think this update is good for public servers especially as I'm sure the problems on mani and other plugins will be ironed out soon enough. For competitive play in matches the door speed fix is certainly beneficial (I'm assuming it's been fixed properly, haven't had a chance to try it on 100 tick yet), but the rest of the updates aren't really geared towards it at all so I can see it being annoying for some people. But I think if the achievement pop-ups and death cam stuff can be turned off, then the update doesn't really have to conflict with competitive play.

So I'm reasonably happy with it :), but what's with the new explosion noises? :confused:
18 Oct 2002
West Yorks
this has nothing to do with the old cs1.6/css gameplay/style debate.

yes it has

the Die Hards dont like change.

They whinged when CS went from Beta to 1.0, They whinged when 1.6 came out, they whinged when CS:S came out.

They have always opposed the changes and said it was better before, and argued the old version should be left alone and the new version released as a different game. But the game constantly evolves, but it keeps pulling in some of steam's biggest numbers.

The fact that it continues to pull people in while the keybaord warriors on the internet argue that the game is now broken and they wont be playing is nothing new.
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29 Aug 2003
yes it has

the Die Hards dont like change.

They whinged when CS went from Beta to 1.0, They whinged when 1.6 came out, they whinged when CS:S came out.

They have always opposed the changes and said it was better before, and argued the old version should be left alone and the new version released as a different game. But the game constantly evolves, but it keeps pulling in some of steam's biggest numbers.

The fact that it continues to pull people in while the keybaord warriors on the internet argue that the game is now broken and they wont be playing is nothing new.

One, you are using keyboard warrior in the wrong fashion.

That only applies to people acting hard online when they wouldn't outside. Hence being a warrior with the keyboard.

Which has no bearing at all to this dafty. Ie someone complaining about the changes.

'They' have not always opposed changes.

"They whinged when CS went from Beta to 1.0, They whinged when 1.6 came out, they whinged when CS:S came out."

Very good for you, but that does nothing to reduce the problems with the game now. Neither, does it mean that no one is allowed to complain about these problems.

Also, no one said from cs v1.3-.4-.5-.6 that they should all be seperate games. Not enough people anyway for you to say 'you all want this everytime'.

Why do you feel so strongly about the people who do not like the borked changes?

I agree with Biohazard on some of his points, but I don't think I'm entirely against the update.

I've had a chance to play it now, and the first thing that I noticed was the server only being 66 tick, but I think that's just because the server admins haven't got round to cranking it up - so not really a negative if it can be turned up like before, and apparently they have fixed the door speed bug, which will be a positive for people who play competitively in matches on 100 tick servers, as finally going through the door on de_nuke won't be quite as suicidal as before.

I played on de_dust2, with the motion blur off, and I could hear my CPU fan ramp up a bit, which it doesn't usually have to in css, so I thought great I should be getting better performance. But when I checked my net graph my fps has been reduced, which obviously is a step in the wrong direction, especially as there is no real noticable improvement in graphics. Hopefully this is just a temporary thing though, and maybe with another update and next months drivers it could be sorted. If not then it's dire really.

I quite like the stats, well as long as my kd stays above 2 then I'll still like them :p. I'm not that fussed about getting achievements but they are a bit of fun, and I'm not against them either. The new scoreboard is a bit cumbersome, it's a bit difficult to see through it, and I've got bit of a habit of spamming tab, but again I don't see it as a big deal. I don't really see the point of forcing the in game name to be the same as the steam friends name, but to me it's another thing that doesn't bother me as they are the same anyway.

I've had a minor issue with my buy binds and stuff, for some reason * doesn't seem to work for the bind anymore, but the rest do, so I'll just put it on another key, minor inconvenience and I'm not sure the reasoning behind it.

All in all, with the exception of the performance, I think this update is good for public servers especially as I'm sure the problems on mani and other plugins will be ironed out soon enough. For competitive play in matches the door speed fix is certainly beneficial (I'm assuming it's been fixed properly, haven't had a chance to try it on 100 tick yet), but the rest of the updates aren't really geared towards it at all so I can see it being annoying for some people. But I think if the achievement pop-ups and death cam stuff can be turned off, then the update doesn't really have to conflict with competitive play.

So I'm reasonably happy with it :), but what's with the new explosion noises? :confused:

The 100 tick plugin will not work anymore. Steam have made it so, apparently. They are arguing that it has the largest effect over hitrates/boxes.

You also don't mention much as to why you think it is better or you welcome it... you have mentioned more issues than benefits in this statement. Fair enough if you don't feel they will impact greatly on you, but overall imo there is not a raft of benefits with this update.

lol Biohazard

And your simply turning into a broken record..
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18 Oct 2002
West Yorks
Very good for you, but that does nothing to reduce the problems with the game now. Neither, does it mean that no one is allowed to complain about these problems.

your right you do have a right to complain.

But valve knows this isnt welcome by the die hards, but they dont care. Those who dont like it, will either come to terms with it, or leave.

Regardless, CS wont change back and the game will still survive, just like it always had.

Its called progress.
10 Dec 2006
Tefal's Kitchen
censorship (ragdol)? why do the sprites just fall down like a rock after 6 years of flying around when shot/naded? why is this needed now? the game is 18 rated anyway! Lets have a pillow fight instead yeah?
You don't like it fair enough but how exactly does it affect how you play?

i've dropped anywhere between 40-50 fps.. WHY? (yes orangebox code, however it is graphically not that impressive over source engine) so again. WHY?
I already said performance issues were a fair enough reason to complain.

our clan server has problems from mani plug in to weapons themes sounds and other scripts all now junk.
Updates have broken plugins before, it's up to the creators to make sure they work with new updates, not valve.

can't see who is talking on mic, can't mute them either
Fair enough but it still doesn't change how you play.

net code issues
When hasn't there been someone complaining about netcode, it's the king of all excuses.

shadows and guns clip though walls
This has always happened.

lag on almost every server I've managed to get on since yesterday
I said fair enough.

66 tick rate effects me. (door speeds etc)
Fair enough as I didn't realise they'd removed the ability to change it.

bhop and surf!!! coded out of existance!
One's an exploit, the other will be fixed.

configs don't work anymore
Fix them.

horrendous negative mouse acceleration
Fair enough but why can't you fix this yourself?

net_graph 3 being something akin to nasa effects me as I can't use it anymore
Not the end of the world is it?

Not being able to have a differing name to my steam account is going to be a nightmare when I'm trying to ghost server to boot stupid players. I basically won't be able to.
Explain this one but fair enough.

maps/mods (zombie mod, minigames, gungames etc) all not working and could take months and months to get back to where it was for variety, if the modders can be bothered.. Would have been so hard for them to let the community know IN ADVANCE? Valve should have really let the community prepare for this. CSS is ONLY alive today, whether or not Valve recognizes it, is because of the modding community.
As you say they'll be fixed, Valve don't have a responsibility for third party code.

If I wanted some gay ass ******* achievements I would have bought wow.
Doesn't affect you so don't bother moaning about it.

This is only going to bring in casual players which will wreck CSS gameplay.
Oh no those evil majority of players.

Why the hell we need this crap after 6 YEARS? What is next step, iron sights, perks, vehicles and removing dedicated servers feature ala MW2? CSS isn't TF2 either.
That's an overreaction, nothing has been added of any real change..

So come and tell me again that this doesn't effect me tombo. :rolleyes:

My favourite game and clan have been completely wrecked.
Not really, calm down.

^rock solid at 60fps?

I can't play with anything below 100, and i'm now spiking below that. :( :( :(
Of course you can.

I have a little more sympathy to people complaining now but you're just being hysterical and overreacting.

my god you people whine about some really pointless stuff

the game wont play any different in the end so does it matter?
Careful, elitists about.
24 Dec 2006
The 100 tick plugin will not work anymore. Steam have made it so, apparently. They are arguing that it has the largest effect over hitrates/boxes.

You also don't mention much as to why you think it is better or you welcome it... you have mentioned more issues than benefits in this statement. Fair enough if you don't feel they will impact greatly on you, but overall imo there is not a raft of benefits with this update..

I must've not read the update news properly as it does say "Removed -tickrate command line option", and I didn't read that before, I assumed the option would still be there, which I would've thought would've been common sense. That truely is shocking, I thought they had actually fixed the door bugs and stuff, instead they have just removed the option of having different tick rates :mad:. This is going to be a big pain for all the server hosts paying for their 100 tick packages, and now can't get it, and I haven't played in a match or mix on a 66 tick server for years, even most of the largish public servers I go on are mostly 100 tick. So on this point, and the performance it's definately a step back.

I've liked and welcomed updates in the past, but with the exception of the stats which I do like, this isn't progress at all, instead of fixing bugs they have just removed commands, some of which are widely used such as -tickrate, to remove the chance of players coming into contact with the bugs that are still there. Don't get me wrong css is still one of the most complete well made games I've ever played, which is perhaps why so many people are still hooked after so long, but they should've fixed the bugs rather then glossing over them. It seems before I was being a bit optimistic that they had actually made progress.
29 Aug 2003
your right you do have a right to complain.

But valve knows this isnt welcome by the die hards, but they dont care. Those who dont like it, will either come to terms with it, or leave.

Regardless, CS wont change back and the game will still survive, just like it always had.

Its called progress.

It will probably survive, just, but this is not progress.

Leaving the game alone and coming up with HL3/CSS2 would be progress.
29 Aug 2003
You don't like it fair enough but how exactly does it affect how you play?

It effects how the game works and feels, how you experience it.

I am shooting and blowing people up, not hitting them with feathers.

It is unrealistic.

I already said performance issues were a fair enough reason to complain.

I didn't see that see you say that.

Updates have broken plugins before, it's up to the creators to make sure they work with new updates, not valve.

Again, valve should be considerate to the community that brings their games great success.

Fair enough but it still doesn't change how you play..

And whats 'change' how you play got to do with moderating your own server? :confused:

When hasn't there been someone complaining about netcode, it's the king of all excuses.

Well we didn't have any major trouble until yesterday

This has always happened..

lol no it hasn't, not to the levels like what I and others am experiencing now.

I said fair enough.

Well you were the one saying this didn't effect me tombo, which it clearly does.. and for many others too.

Fair enough as I didn't realise they'd removed the ability to change it.

One's an exploit, the other will be fixed. .

bhop maps and servers are exploits?

bhop is not an exploit in its own right anyway.

Fix them..

Why should I have to? binds everything lost.

Yes, really userfriendly.

Fair enough but why can't you fix this yourself?

erm because they have been ******* about with the dpi settings in code?

Not the end of the world is it?

I use netgraph3 to monitor choke etc on the servers, now I can't because its too resource heavy and actually gets well in the way of things with the redesigned graph

Explain this one but fair enough.

I just did.

As you say they'll be fixed, Valve don't have a responsibility for third party code.

I never said they did, and this goes no where near the point I was making either.

Neither can you say with any knowledge that they will all come back. Bhop and surf maps/servers for a start.

Doesn't affect you so don't bother moaning about it..

When players are more interested in personal goals than the team goals, yes it does.

Oh no those evil majority of players.

They add nothing to the game, except claiming everyone to be hackers because they are ****.

That's an overreaction, nothing has been added of any real change...

No its not, but I agree nothing of real change has been added..

What we are left with is no variety in maps, other game types and on top of this we are lumbered with a drop in server and game performance.

Yes, really worth while this one.

Not really, calm down.

Yes they have tombo, because you aren't me, you aren't my clan and you clearly don't extract the same enjoyment from the game as i do.

Don't see how you think you could even start to make knowledgable comments like this.

Of course you can..

It doesn't matter how smooth the game is presented to me above 35fps, if its not screeding above the hundred the whole game runs jerky and slow for my reaction times.

Again, you are not me. So don't try to pretend that you can comment on my game perception, reactions or skill.

And even if you still believe this, why should I take a 30-40fps hit in performance for something you have said yourself doesn't actually add anything to the game?

I have a little more sympathy to people complaining now but you're just being hysterical and overreacting.

I am angry, but I am neither hysterical or overreacting.

Overreacting would be making stuff up etc, which I haven't, I am experiencing problems with a game I've played without issue for 6 years.

Wouldn't you be?
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