No Man's Sky - Procedural space game

13 May 2012
I've just asked Steam for a refund citing the content was different in the promotional material/whatever the exact wording is. I doubt it will go through but its worth a try i guess? It just isn't worth the £40 in my eyes.

As with any game, if the request is made within fourteen days of purchase, and the title has been played for less than two hours, you're pretty much guaranteed a refund.

But you probably already know that after going through the process, so just to note from my personal experience - I have gotten refunds for games with over the 2 hour playtime limit. Not wildly over mind you, but it was actually something more around 10 hours. It appears Steam lets one refund slide if you provide sufficient enough evidence supporting your problem. Given the whole controversy surround NMS, you might stand a chance.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
As with any game, if the request is made within fourteen days of purchase, and the title has been played for less than two hours, you're pretty much guaranteed a refund.

But you probably already know that after going through the process, so just to note from my personal experience - I have gotten refunds for games with over the 2 hour playtime limit. Not wildly over mind you, but it was actually something more around 10 hours. It appears Steam lets one refund slide if you provide sufficient enough evidence supporting your problem. Given the whole controversy surround NMS, you might stand a chance.

Yeah Steam is usually fairly relaxed about the odd refund now and again but they do clamp down if you abuse it and refund games all the time.
10 Sep 2010
Why can't we edit the names of discoveries? I've had the misfortune of inadvertently misspelling the name of a planet. I've tried to keep my discoveries consistent, however a mere distraction has sullied my efforts. I know the data is uploaded online, but we should be at liberty to change the name if we so desire!
30 Jan 2009
Aquilonem Londinensi
I am glad I didn't buy this for many of the reasons cited here and Reddit. Was blown away by the concept and demos/interviews which are outright lies to be frank.

I have a feeling what was shown off was a hand built PC version of the game, all the procedural systems later to be nurfed to fit it on PS4. NMS 2 better be awesome
7 Feb 2010
Anyone else laughing at the mere presence of this video on every page? Feels like the posters are just appearing to take a dig, doesn't it! Strange that.

28 Nov 2014
This could be useful I suppose...

(no spoiler, just in tags for size)


My Gek is coming along nicely, over 50 words now...:D

18 Oct 2002
Why can't we edit the names of discoveries? I've had the misfortune of inadvertently misspelling the name of a planet. I've tried to keep my discoveries consistent, however a mere distraction has sullied my efforts. I know the data is uploaded online, but we should be at liberty to change the name if we so desire!

Don't worry, go back after two weeks. It's now appearing that if players go back to planets they visited two weeks before every single thing is reset. The generated names upon entering the system remain, but every single thing you name personally gets reset after two weeks. Multiple users appear to be reporting the same thing.

So literally everything you name and take time and effort over, is gone two weeks later. So even if another player goes to the same system anything you did there is erased.

But on the plus side, in two weeks you can rename whatever it was, though once you realise your time spent naming things gets wiped, you won't bother anyway.

Game becomes more laughable with everything I hear or see on it.

EDIT:- seems to be unclear, some people saying discoveries gone, a couple saying not.... honestly I'm not sure it's a big deal, due to effectively awful map and little information most people can't find their starting world after a few jumps let alone dozens. So it doesn't really make a difference but it would mean chance of finding a visited world and feeling like it's a lived in universe would go out of the window... though you can't see anyone and have a small chance of visiting discovered planets anyway.
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Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
^^ Sites and discoveries like that literally reset the moment you leave the planet atmosphere, all those uploads are meaningless except for the credits. I believe animals and stuff like that reset after 2 weeks. So if someone visits a planet you discovered 15 days later they will find completely different animals apparently (as an aside that isn't how pseudo random in procedural generation is supposed to work).

The game is a complete sham if you look at any of its mechanics too closely - not to say there isn't interesting things you can do with it - though my best experiences so far came after modding it.
28 Oct 2011
It's pretty disappointing that it's not a living breathing, constant yet developing universe where your imprint on it remains, but an empty resetting shell.

I thought they were creating a universe, they haven't, it's randomly regenerating mess with incredibly shallow and repetitive game play.

'18 Quintibillion Planets of Same' would have been a better title.

Deleted member 651465


Deleted member 651465

Please stop posting the same video. Fair enough if you wish to critique the game but it's becoming a bit tiresome seeing the same video.
10 Sep 2010
It's becoming a bit tiresome hearing the same criticisms, also. We get it, you've saved yourself £40. Pat yourself on the back and move on! Leave the discussion for people who enjoy the game, warts and all.

I'll just leave this here:

It's akin to attending a Volkswagen enthusiasts club to complain about German engineering. You just don't do it!
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10 May 2004
South UK
^ That vid is hilarious.

So just to clarify as I have not been keeping up with this game, you fly or walk around randomly generated planet environments with randomly generated creatures to harvest stuff to upgrade your suit and ship. The visuals are generally downgraded from living, breathing environments found in pre release vids to baron, empty ones and the game has no end "goal" at all. You can fly in space and shoot things to harvest yet more stuff for no apparent reason than to upgrade without progressing towards any form of objective. Meanwhile hardly coming across any other players.

All this for a AAA price tag for what is essentially an Indie game.

Text book hype game that failed to deliver or am I missing something?
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
It's becoming a bit tiresome hearing the same criticisms, also. We get it, you've saved yourself £40. Pat yourself on the back and move on! Leave the discussion for people who enjoy the game, warts and all.

I'll just leave this here:

While some of the reposting is getting boring - you seem to be taking any criticism of the game very personally :S

So just to clarify as I have not been keeping up with this game, you fly or walk around randomly generated planet environments with randomly generated creatures to harvest stuff to upgrade your suit and ship. The visuals are generally downgraded from living, breathing environments found in pre release vids to baron, empty ones and the game has no end "goal" at all. You can fly in space and shoot things to harvest yet more stuff for no apparent reason than to upgrade without progressing towards any form of objective. Meanwhile hardly coming across any other players.

All this for a AAA price tag for what is essentially an Indie game.

Text book hype game that failed to deliver or am I missing something?

There is an end goal - it is however a massive troll. Much of it falls down in execution though - a few simple mods bring the visuals up fairly well - sure they aren't upto what some of the PR would have lead you to believe but they do the job ok. A lot of the "gameplay" is tediously reinventing the wheel which gets in the way of doing some of the more interesting things and the more you play and explore the more you realise everything is very fake and basically designed to entertain simple minds.

Its the execution that really lets it down IMO - there is plenty of content and/or potential for content that in a more focused game I think would have been ground breaking - as it is it just comes off a bit meh and a bit meaningless i.e. there is a lot of potential for backstory there which well crafted over say 2-3 systems with a few planets would have been epic instead it is just meh.

People talk about exploration - but if you understand the game mechanics you can find pretty much everything (atleast one variant of each possibility) from basically the same spot :|
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10 Sep 2010
^ That vid is hilarious.

So just to clarify as I have not been keeping up with this game, you fly or walk around randomly generated planet environments with randomly generated creatures to harvest stuff to upgrade your suit and ship. The visuals are generally downgraded from living, breathing environments found in pre release vids to baron, empty ones and the game has no end "goal" at all. You can fly in space and shoot things to harvest yet more stuff for no apparent reason than to upgrade without progressing towards any form of objective. Meanwhile hardly coming across any other players.

All this for a AAA price tag for what is essentially an Indie game.

Text book hype game that failed to deliver or am I missing something?

The part highlighted certainly isn't true, as evidenced by the videos below:

Man of Honour
16 Mar 2005
Clevedon , Bristol
living, breathing environments found in pre release vids to baron, empty ones

am I missing something?

The bit you are missing is you haven't actually played the game to find out :D

The planets have day/night cycles and constantly changing weather conditions - That constitutes a living breathing environment in my book.

Some are barren radio-active rocks with no life, some are green vegetated planets with plenty of animal life.

Is it a carbon copy of the 'ever so slightly misleading' E3 2014 trailer :p - No
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Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
I am still enjoying this. Sure, it isn't as good as it could have been, but I look forward to seeing what they add. It is something unique and I find it very relaxing.

Still haven't gotten to my second atlas waypoint. Currently working on maxing out my ship. The I will slowly head to the centre.
31 Aug 2013
Hmm does the planet surface regenerate itself every time you enter the atmosphere? I set a structure as a point of interest with zoom - went to the space station and back (also using the position of other stuff as a guide in) and the site it directed me to was completely different as was the terrain - then tried the same thing again with the new site and got something completely different again.

Would explain why you can't bookmark discoveries to come back to.

Interesting. I blew a hole in an asteroid on my way to the space station to sell up before returning to the planet. Once I had found two remaining creatures for 100% I headed back to the space station only to find the same asteroid with a hole in it, that impressed me.
13 May 2012
Yeah Steam is usually fairly relaxed about the odd refund now and again but they do clamp down if you abuse it and refund games all the time.

Update for anyone else wondering - I just read that Steam is now accepting refunds for No Man's Sky REGARDLESS of play time.

I would link but muh swearies. Shouldnt be too hard to find on Reddit or whatever.
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