Assassin's Creed Odyssey

15 Dec 2002
In a cowfield, London, UK
I first mentioned the quiz on this forum on the 29th Sept, the date I had completed it. On the same day I purchased the standard edition using my uPlay credits yet I haven't heard from Ubi either regarding the 20% off Quiz reward. I had planned to use it (if possible) on some AC dlc.
9 Mar 2015
I cobtacont Unisoft who could not see that I was valid for this. They have raised it and waiting on reply. Might just buy from cdkeys for couple £ more

Thanks. Opened a ticket. Do have loads of points and could go that way, but rather use the quiz I think and not in any big rush as I need to finish few others games first.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
I killed him in 20 sec, lead him to a hill top and Sparta kicked him off the ledge and fell to his death.

Yeah if I had one criticism of it currently, it would be that the Sparta kick needs some balancing, as it stands at the moment its too easy to cheese kill almost anybody by just climbing up on a rooftop and repeatedly Sparta kicking them off. The fall damage is so high that I've been in a fight with 3 or 4 bounty hunter/mercenaries at the same time and just kicked them all off of a rooftop (doing like 10-12k fall damage to them) and effectively one shotted them all. I'm hoping that later in the game there will be mobs who block or dodge the Sparta kick but if not then I think they may need to decrease fall damage to NPCs or something to stop the Sparta kick from being overpowered.
25 May 2013
Few performance tweaks.

Nvidia Control Panel: Disable MFAA, Prerendered Frames to 1.

Right-Click the ACOdyssey.exe file.
Select the Compatibility Tab
Check "Disable Fullscreen Optimization"
Hit apply and close the Window

Also setting Odyssey to High Priority in the Task Manager apparently gives me a 10-15fps boost. All found on reddit.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
So. Verdict? As good as Origins?

Early days yet , I'm only 13hours into the game, so a little too early for me to be 100% sure of whether its better or not but I will say for absolute certain that its at the very least as good as Origins. Once I've played more I will have a better idea of whether its better. (It seems better from my initial impressions but need to play more to be sure)
10 Apr 2012
This is the last place I would have expected people to buy into the early access scam, gaming is going to go down a dark dark road :(
9 Nov 2005
What are you on about? You can buy it and play it now and it is also 20% off through the Ubisoft store. I don't get the problem?

Only if you buy the Gold or Ultimate editions. The Standard edition releases on Friday.

Actually scrub what I said above. There is actually 7 different versions according to Wiki, and 5 of those give early access. A bit of a joke really to make people who want the standard/deluxe edition to wait 3 more days.'s_Creed_Odyssey#Editions
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Only if you buy the Gold or Ultimate editions. The Standard edition releases on Friday.

True , though the motivation (for me at least) to get the Gold edition was really down to the fact that it includes all expansions/DLC in that edition, which if I had bought the standard edition I would have ended up needing to buy anyway down the road, so the Gold edition was a good deal (with the 20% off and 3 day headstart being merely additional bonus to getting all the expansion/dlc)
Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
True , though the motivation (for me at least) to get the Gold edition was really down to the fact that it includes all expansions/DLC in that edition, which if I had bought the standard edition I would have ended up needing to buy anyway down the road, so the Gold edition was a good deal (with the 20% off and 3 day headstart being merely additional bonus to getting all the expansion/dlc)

This. Whilst also keeping in mind that Origins had some significant DLC and they seem to be planning the same for this. Early access has nothing to do with it. That is just a nice bonus.
9 Nov 2005
True , though the motivation (for me at least) to get the Gold edition was really down to the fact that it includes all expansions/DLC in that edition, which if I had bought the standard edition I would have ended up needing to buy anyway down the road, so the Gold edition was a good deal (with the 20% off and 3 day headstart being merely additional bonus to getting all the expansion/dlc)

I don't mind having different versions of a game, but they should all release on the same day.
10 Apr 2012
True , though the motivation (for me at least) to get the Gold edition was really down to the fact that it includes all expansions/DLC in that edition, which if I had bought the standard edition I would have ended up needing to buy anyway down the road, so the Gold edition was a good deal (with the 20% off and 3 day headstart being merely additional bonus to getting all the expansion/dlc)

This. Whilst also keeping in mind that Origins had some significant DLC and they seem to be planning the same for this. Early access has nothing to do with it. That is just a nice bonus.

Nar, every publisher is doing it now. Forza has the same 4 day crap for no reason locked behind it's most pricey edition, I'm not sure how anyone could rationalize this into being anything other than a farce. Few years ago people would have been up in arms about publishers locking release dates behind extra paywalls.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
This. Whilst also keeping in mind that Origins had some significant DLC and they seem to be planning the same for this. Early access has nothing to do with it. That is just a nice bonus.

Yes, you certainly have to weigh up the quality of the DLC when making a decision like this, I really enjoyed the DLC for Origins and felt the DLC was good value, so given that experience I had no trouble in going for the Gold edition of Odyssey in order to include the DLC/Expansions in the cost. I would be the same if they ever did a Witcher 4, the Witcher 3 DLC/Expansions were so good (especially Blood and Wine) that I would feel quite happy to buy a Witcher 4 Gold Edition if it included the DLC/Expansions because of their track record with Witcher 3.
Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
Nar, every publisher is doing it now. Forza has the same 4 day crap for no reason locked behind it's most pricey edition, I'm not sure how anyone could rationalize this into being anything other than a farce. Few years ago people would have been up in arms about publishers locking release dates behind extra paywalls.

Apart from the fact that you are jumping on the anti-gaming practice bandwagon (most practices of which I don't like either), why shouldn't people have the option to pay more if they want early access (not that this is happening here)? It's their money. If there was a game that I really really wanted, say Elder Scrolls 6 for example, I would happily pay a lot of money to play it early (especially if it was coming out during my time off work).
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Nar, every publisher is doing it now. Forza has the same 4 day crap for no reason locked behind it's most pricey edition, I'm not sure how anyone could rationalize this into being anything other than a farce. Few years ago people would have been up in arms about publishers locking release dates behind extra paywalls.

I don't know about Forza, not sure what it includes in its editions, but the Gold edition worked out at something like £20 more than the standard edition, which I saw as £20 extra because it included the DLC/Expansions, not because of it including a 3 day headstart, imo the extra paywall is there because you are paying in advance for the addons rather than the 3 day headstart. Frankly I would have been perfectly happy if the Gold Edition had only included the DLC/Expansions and didn't have a 3 day headstart, I still would have paid the extra money and bought the Gold edition because its the dlc/expansions included that I was after.

Likewise, if they had done a standard Enhanced edition or some such...which was the standard edition but included the DLC/Expansions, I would have bought that. The headstart was inconsequential to my purchase decision, the DLC/Expansions included was the factor.
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