Brexit fever is getting too much for someYou seem really angry and sweary at the moment. Chill out man.

Some fresh air maybe needed.
Brexit fever is getting too much for someYou seem really angry and sweary at the moment. Chill out man.
He doesn't give a ****, he know's he wont get anything for it, so there's no real issue in being "naughty US, bad US" for a few moments to make him look better. If Boris ever gave a damn about anything other than himself, he wouldn't have wasted our money on invisible bridges, invisible airports, **** buses and taking an "businessperson" for a ride.
He doesn't give a ****, he know's he wont get anything for it, so there's no real issue in being "naughty US, bad US" for a few moments to make him look better. If Boris ever gave a damn about anything other than himself, he wouldn't have wasted our money on invisible bridges, invisible airports, **** buses and taking an "businessperson" for a ride.
He knows the country and media think's it is wrong (which it is), so he's jumping on it for his own benefit and saving face as it would look rather bad if he said nothing. There's nothing genuine about him anymore if there ever was.
If in some strange universe his actions meant the US folded, then and only then will I gain respect for him, as should anyone else.
Diplomatic immunity doesnt get you off in incidents like this. That isnt what its for..
Er, yes it is. Its exactly what its for. Its for the Libyan's who shot dead a policewoman in London in the 80's and got to walk out with their all their baggage onto a plane back to Lybia. No charges were brought then either. Its for the Saudi's who killed Adnan Khashoggi in their embassy in Turkey and walked out with a carrier bag with his head in it. Etc.
Er, yes it is. Its exactly what its for. Its for the Libyan's who shot dead a policewoman in London in the 80's and got to walk out with their all their baggage onto a plane back to Lybia. No charges were brought then either. Its for the Saudi's who killed Adnan Khashoggi in their embassy in Turkey and walked out with a carrier bag with his head in it. Etc.
Diplomatic immunity means whatever you do we can't touch you. And vice versa. And thats the key point its a gentlemans' agreement between countries that means in exchange for letting our embassy spy on your people we'll let you do the same. Incidents like this are collateral damage. It sucks especially when it comes between so called allies but no-ones going to throw out DI for this. The best bet for the family is to do what they're planning to do: fly to the US and attempt to raise the profile of the story and essentially shame the woman into coming forward, its doubtful if any charges will be brought though unless they're willing to stand trial, which seems unlikely.
The barrister Ben Emmerson QC, who took a case to the European court of human rights in 2002 over the US embassy reimposing diplomatic immunity when it lost an employment tribunal case, said road traffic collisions would not be considered by many to fall within the scope of diplomatic immunity.
“The general structure of diplomatic and state immunity,” he said, “is that those activities which touch on the core functions of an overseas mission are usually subject to absolute immunity, whereas peripheral activities – like purely commercial investments or employment contracts with domestic staff – are not.”
Always makes me think of Lethal Weapon 2...
The National Rifle Association? O_o
Now it seems the husband isn't technically registered in this country as a diplomat. He's just a "spy" working for the NRA. This one is going to get messy.
So basically like most "Diplomats" around the world then lol
Trump has stated even he has driven on the wrong side of the road in the UK by mistake.... Oh as Trump has done it that's ok then. But thoughts and Prays to the family from him.
He didn't say it was ok, try and control your derangement syndrome. He said he's going to try and arrange a meeting.
He didn't say it was ok, try and control your derangement syndrome. He said he's going to try and arrange a meeting.