Show us your kitty cats

Angel passed her annual MOT last week. It's the first MOT I've had to take her to since inheriting her last November. Even the vet said she's in great condition for a 16yr old. She's stopped biting everyone now, has become quite affectionate, very vocal, rushes to meet us at the door and a lovely little cat. Love her to bits and she gets so much love from everyone.

Angel passed her annual MOT last week. It's the first MOT I've had to take her to since inheriting her last November. Even the vet said she's in great condition for a 16yr old. She's stopped biting everyone now, has become quite affectionate, very vocal, rushes to meet us at the door and a lovely little cat. Love her to bits and she gets so much love from everyone.


aww so cute, she looks a lot like my m8's cat :)
New kitten has arrived! He ran off exploring and is definitely pretty scared right now, burrowed himself under a chair I have and won't come out :p

I've put some food and water out for him and let him be. When he eventually comes out ill see if I can grab some more pics.

Nice update

You may remember I have a gained cat as well, who has had her fair share of issues,
New one this year where we think she caught a pigeon by the foot, punctured one of the saliva glands, expensive few days that.
She was just fully recovered when she got bitten by another cat, causing swelling in the same place virtually!

Due to her incident a few years ago (we dont know for sure but think someone pulled her tail) she had similar issues with poos. She wouldn't go properly and then when she eventually did she would cause issues with the anus as that was sore she would keep trying to go. So she would seesaw between not going and the poo getting backup and hard/dry and food going through her in minutes.
Anyway, we had that Lactulose as well, it sort of helped but not always. She now has a drug called gabapentin, its actually a human one but it quite popular in animals, its not licenced for cats in the UK but is I believe elsewhere
Ours has got damage in the tail area and it seems the gabapentin supresses this very effectively and since shes been on that, no poo issues.
We spent almost a year going backwards and forwards to the vets for pain killers and that lactulose but the gabapentin within 48 hours transformed it for her. The vets had been talking of ops to try to fix issues with the anus and all sorts.

Just thought its worth mentioning, the hard poo could be an indication of something physical that could be aided in a similar way.
@McBain He's gorgeous. I love the photo where he's got his tongue out. He looks a right cheeky chappie. I reckon he's going to be in those hexagons you have on the wall very soon.

@Mercenary Keyboard Warrior Thanks for that insight, I will mention it to the vet when I have to get his next batch of Lactulose and see what they say. I hope your kitty has recovered now. Garfield and Abby are trying to convince me I am losing it I think. The wife got up for work at 04.40 this morning and Garfield jumped up on the bed for a cuddle. I fell asleep on my back again with my arm around him and him curled up in the crook of my arm. When I woke up he was gone and Abby was there!! They did the same thing on Friday morning as well and both times I didn't feel them swap. Trying to make me go round the bend they are. :D
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We're picking this wee guy up on Friday. The breeders kids have been calling him Gus, short for Augustus, and we quite like is so we're going to keep the name.

It's worked out pretty good because the breeder has young kids and a cockapoo just like us.

We're picking this wee guy up on Friday. The breeders kids have been calling him Gus, short for Augustus, and we quite like is so we're going to keep the name.

It's worked out pretty good because the breeder has young kids and a cockapoo just like us.

Those eyes!

We're picking this wee guy up on Friday. The breeders kids have been calling him Gus, short for Augustus, and we quite like is so we're going to keep the name.

It's worked out pretty good because the breeder has young kids and a cockapoo just like us.

What a gorgeous little furball. Those eyes scream "take me home". :D
Not getting a huge amount of work done today because of this stoopid floof.

Image is from yesterday but she's been the same today, on off rolling around on my keyboard, swatting my fingers while I type and shut down my PC twice this morning (I have a macro key). Now have to keep the keyboard in 'gaming mode' to disable my shutdown key :D

This is my pirate kitty Ozzie. I've had him 4 months now and he's settling in well. Loves his food and cuddles when I get up and get home from work. He will gently paw me to tell me he wants fuss.

Too many cute cats in here.

Makes me want a cat but my last one lived to a month shy of twenty, and I probably won't be alive or in a fit state to look after a cat then.

I'll have to make do with the cat from across the street, who has inspired my latest book title, The Cat Who Came to Nick my PC Chair.


@Funky-Melon At least you can get to use your PC!

@snips86x Snap!
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