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please just stop it, stop buying

OP as a good point. You just seem to be attacking him. Just so you can rock up in here with your 2080ti shoes and tell him how much of a baby he is, as he's not so great at life as you are.

Fair play to you for spending £1500 on your TI without a second thought. No need to attack the guy though. He's just a normal chap on a normal wage who's used to spending £300-£400 for a very good GPU, I bet.

I agree its peoples money do what you want with it, but NVIDIA are mugging people off especially with news coming out these TI's are dieing already.

Its like apple fanboism in the GPU section of late. Everyone as lost there minds.

The OP has a pish point, to be fair. He might as well be posting with a Nokia 6210 pleading with everyone not to buy the latest iPhone because he's fed up playing snake but can't quite stretch to the upgrade.

Your second paragraph is a passive aggressive projected guilt trip... What's it supposed to achieve? To shame everyone who buys the product, in the hope that it forces the price down to a level you can justify and finally get the credit card out?
The OP has a pish point, to be fair. He might as well be posting with a Nokia 6210 pleading with everyone not to buy the latest iPhone because he's fed up playing snake but can't quite stretch to the upgrade.

Tbh...your progression angle is not really robust enough...

2 years on...

2070 same as 1080
2080 same as 1080ti but more money...

The RTX features not used and not even the top card in the 2080ti costing 70% more for only 35% cannot even pull 1080/60 with RTX enabled...

The 2080 series has not progressed one bit..

It’s overpriced tat :p
It's the same excuse every time.."the competition isn't competing so that forces me to replace my perfectly working gpu with a new one that makes no sense money/performance wise".

In the end people can buy what they want and we shouldn't tell them what to do with their own money however they can't run from the fact that it is this kind of behavior that causes price hikes. You cannot blame nvidia, you cannot blame AMD nor can you blame any of the retailers for the price increase. They are all business's and if it sells it sells. Only the people buying are to blame. Its luxury in the end which you can do without, not life saving treatment, medicin or food.

Could not agree more, excellent post.
Tbh...your progression angle is not really robust enough...

2 years on...

2070 same as 1080
2080 same as 1080ti but more money...

The RTX features not used and not even the top card in the 2080ti costing 70% more for only 35% cannot even pull 1080/60 with RTX enabled...

The 2080 series has not progressed one bit..

It’s overpriced tat :p

None of that is relevant. This isn't social injustice, it's a luxury product that some will buy and others will not. There are no morals involved.
None of that is relevant. This isn't social injustice, it's a luxury product that some will buy and others will not. There are no morals involved.

I’m not saying there are morals involved...

A luxury product ?

You think a 2070 is a luxury product?
A 2080 a luxury product?

They are tat ...stagnant gfx cards...nothing else...

You talked progression...I just highlighted there isn’t any...
Last edited:
I’m not saying there are morals involved...

A luxury product ?

You think a 2070 is a luxury product?
A 2080 a luxury product?

They are tat ...stagnant gfx cards...nothing else...

More often than not that is what luxury products are - tat with a price tag and glitter stuck on. Back in the day the 2070 would have barely qualified as a low end card by this point in generation progression. I have to agree with the OP consumers aren't helping themselves here letting nVidia define the market.
More often than not that is what luxury products are - tat with a price tag and glitter stuck on. Back in the day the 2070 would have barely qualified as a low end card by this point in generation progression. I have to agree with the OP consumers aren't helping themselves here letting nVidia define the market.

But..."it just works"

They are tat ...stagnant gfx cards...nothing else...

Well I just hope my tat, stagnant Zotac 2080Ti Amp that arrived today works. Be an expensive paperweight otherwise, albeit with a 5 year warranty.

Big step up from the RX480 that I’ve persevered with rather than buying a stop gap 1080Ti.

I’d say it’s a luxury and I fancied treating myself for a change. Usually spend everything on the wife and kids.
More often than not that is what luxury products are - tat with a price tag and glitter stuck on. Back in the day the 2070 would have barely qualified as a low end card by this point in generation progression. I have to agree with the OP consumers aren't helping themselves here letting nVidia define the market.

I’ll not be buying this gen...blame Gregster and kapp lol

Well I just hope my tat, stagnant Zotac 2080Ti Amp that arrived today works. Be an expensive paperweight otherwise, albeit with a 5 year warranty.

Big step up from the RX480 that I’ve persevered with rather than buying a stop gap 1080Ti.

I’d say it’s a luxury and I fancied treating myself for a change. Usually spend everything on the wife and kids.

Could have bought a 1080ti for £579 sacrifice 35% over 2080ti and saved yourself £700

Treated yourself to new monitor or something !

Anyway You don’t need to justify your buying choices to me mate...if you want to be fleeced get fleeced bro :)
I’m not saying there are morals involved...

A luxury product ?

You think a 2070 is a luxury product?
A 2080 a luxury product?

They are tat ...stagnant gfx cards...nothing else...

They are a luxury to those that desire them and consider them worth buying at the current price. They are not a necessity.

Begging people not to buy them just so they'll drop in price and become "financially acceptable" is pathetic and needy. The thread was suitably responded to in the first reply TBH.
They are a luxury to those that desire them and consider them worth buying at the current price. They are not a necessity.

Begging people not to buy them just so they'll drop in price and become "financially acceptable" is pathetic and needy. The thread was suitably responded to in the first reply TBH.

Well...yeah I agree...but there is nothing wrong with value being an integral part of a luxury item...

I don’t mean value as in cheap but value in what the Luxery item offers...

A gfx card is not jewellery it’s a functioning item that serves a purpose...

The 2080 series is nothing more but trinkets....
Well...yeah I agree...but there is nothing wrong with value being an integral part of a luxury item...

I don’t mean value as in cheap but value in what the Luxery item offers...

A gfx card is not jewellery it’s a functioning item that serves a purpose...

The 2080 series is nothing more but trinkets....

It's a pity that the "tensor" cores can't be used as cuda cores if the game doesn't support any rrtx effects. Would probably give a decent bump over what it is currently. More likely the tensor cores are just repurposed cuda cores anyway.
Could have bought a 1080ti for £579 sacrifice 35% over 2080ti and saved yourself £700

Treated yourself to new monitor or something !

Anyway You don’t need to justify your buying choices to me mate...if you want to be fleeced get fleeced bro :)

Oh I know, but I waited out the 10 series for so long I persuaded myself that I’d saved £600 by not buying a 1080Ti halfway through its lifespan.

It’s far more than I wanted to pay but it is what it is. As long as it works that is. :p
Oh I know, but I waited out the 10 series for so long I persuaded myself that I’d saved £600 by not buying a 1080Ti halfway through its lifespan.

It’s far more than I wanted to pay but it is what it is. As long as it works that is. :p

I was set on a 2080 series gpu too.after selling my 1080 ..but yesterday I bought a 1080ti...I’ll keep this until 7nm next year...or I’ll keep it...
Uh the 5800 and 5900 Ultra were the cards intended to go up against the 9800 pro - the 5900XT was a later release of a cut down high end part at a much lower price point intended to try and make up for the lack lustre performance of the cards filling in the upper mid-range tiers (hence why benched against the 9600 cards). Along with the 5950 Ultra which was supposed to try and retake the performance crown.

The 5900XT was the only GPU in the 5 series that was worthwhile at all as the custom cards like the Gainward Bliss used highly overclockable memory and a new board layout that meant you could overclock them past the ultra cards (IIRC I had something like 40% core overclock and 50% memory - would have to check that) and make up the performance against the ATI 9xxx pro cards while not spending too much money (though still with the problem of gash DX9 shaders).

EDIT: Unless you are talking Far Cry where you'd have needed more like 100% overclock to touch the 9800 pro heh https://www.anandtech.com/show/1545/8

EDIT2: With an Intel cooler ghetto'd on there I actually had over 50% overclocks on the core LOL http://aten-hosted.com/images/DSC00259S.jpg

They were the days. What a noise from the 5800 Ultra. It was a beast of a card but damn that noise when WMP 8/9 kicked in the fan or playing a game. Let alone how long it took for the fan to switch off after gaming. Gaming after midnight was totally out of the question. It made the Playstation 3 fat model sound quiet.
I completely agree with that, I won't be touching them. :)


It's a pity that the "tensor" cores can't be used as cuda cores if the game doesn't support any rrtx effects. Would probably give a decent bump over what it is currently. More likely the tensor cores are just repurposed cuda cores anyway.

If we had that then we could justify the cost...sadly it doesn’t...
If you all had some sort of self control and didn't pay these extortionate prices Nvidia would have to adjust to us instead of us adjusting to them.

Most people don't pay them. Those top-end products aren't priced according to maximising sales, but maximising profits. Price structures work like this:

In certain product categories, and electronics is a perfect manifestation of this, you get two types of buyers. Those who are financially constrained and seek best value for their money, and those that are not constrained and buy the best regardless of cost. It is therefore in company's interest to have two sales models: one is a carefully calculated Supply-Demand intersection tailored to those with financial constraints. It's subdivided into range bands within that category, but profits are maximised according to this principle. The second sales model is to create a Super High-End that in no way preserves the same value-cost ratio but has enough of a quality edge over the mainstream that the financially unconstrained people will buy it no matter that it's way out of whack with the rest of the product line.

Your plea is doomed to failure. You're not meant to be buying the super-high end because you care about money. The only people who can do what you call for are those who by definition don't care. People who care about the cost are not the target market for the Super High-End. If a company kept pricing in line with the cost-value ratio of the rest of their products, they'd miss out on the very lucrative "I don't care how much I spend" market.

I hope that clears things up on how things work.
If games come out that use the features and it makes a worth while difference then the cost maybe be justified.

Until then the jury is out.

Excellent post, unfortunately the judge jury and executioner that is the Nvidiot hater seems to have made up his mind and already crucified the RTX series, regardless of what happens from her on in.
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