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please just stop it, stop buying

OP as a good point.

Unfortunately for the OP NVidia has a better point.

As a business if they can charge high prices and get people to buy they will.

Having said that to be fair to NVidia the cards use very big chips that cost a lot to produce with low yields and they are recouping their manufacturing costs.

The real question should be "is the extra features on the silicon worth the money or should we wait until its an established tech and produced cheaply".
Unfortunately for the OP NVidia has a better point.

As a business if they can charge high prices and get people to buy they will.

Having said that to be fair to NVidia the cards use very big chips that cost a lot to produce with low yields and they are recouping their manufacturing costs.

The real question should be "is the extra features on the silicon worth the money or should we wait until its an established tech and produced cheaply".

If games come out that use the features and it makes a worth while difference then the cost maybe be justified.

Until then the jury is out.
The cards are crap for the amount they cost. Can we move on now :D. I am glad to see that the majority that would usually buy decided they are not worth it. There will always be those that think they need it and buy. For me it's Nvidias worst launch in a while and the owners threads are showing this.

The cards so far look to be as useful at Ray Tracing as a one legged man in an ass kicking comp if you want to game at anything above 1080p 60. The good thing about RTX is it may kick start Ray Tracing in pc gaming.
The cards are crap for the amount they cost. Can we move on now :D. I am glad to see that the majority that would usually buy decided they are not worth it. There will always be those that think they need it and buy. For me it's Nvidias worst launch in a while and the owners threads are showing this.

The cards so far look to be as useful at Ray Tracing as a one legged man in an ass kicking comp if you want to game at anything above 1080p 60. The good thing about RTX is it may kick start Ray Tracing in pc gaming.

Yeah I’ve bought tech on a whim and had it delivered next day then suffered purchase regret . The mere fact people are actually waiting over a month for this dross clearly highlights their insanity !

I would have cancelled my order weeks ago !!!

Now with the chance you even get a borked card into the bargain !!!

Madness !!!
Same reason why people buy German cars. More expensive, not as reliable as they should be, but people like a badge :D

There are many different car makers. You can only really choose NVidia or AMD.

I am stuck with NVidia due to being ITX with a 450w PSU.
The cards are crap for the amount they cost. Can we move on now :D. I am glad to see that the majority that would usually buy decided they are not worth it. There will always be those that think they need it and buy. For me it's Nvidias worst launch in a while and the owners threads are showing this.

The cards so far look to be as useful at Ray Tracing as a one legged man in an ass kicking comp if you want to game at anything above 1080p 60. The good thing about RTX is it may kick start Ray Tracing in pc gaming.

Love mine and has been a nice step up from my 1080Ti. To the point where on bf1 I can run 165hz 1440p all maxed at 120% resolution.

There are also many games im playing at 4k where the 1080Ti just wouldn’t cut it and was giving me frequent frame drops and stutter but smooth on the 2080Ti.

Sure it’s expensive but having had pascal since launch, nice to have something new and it will get plenty of use.

I’ve seen a lot of people with issues though. Thankfully not myself and mine has been perfect. Although I have had a 1080Ti die on me before.

I suspect once dlss and RTX features are under full swing. Many here will end up getting one in some form or another.
Definitely AMD's fault. Blame them if anyone :D
They had faster cards loads of times but nobody buys them.

I say blame Nvidia themselves and the reviewers mainly. In the past if Nvidia made a bad GPU, the reviews would actually avoid showing the competition cards altogether. Just look for a 5900XT review and see how long it takes to find one where the 9800pro was included or even the 9700pro. It's near impossible.
They had faster cards loads of times but nobody buys them.

I say blame Nvidia themselves and the reviewers mainly. In the past if Nvidia made a bad GPU, the reviews would actually avoid showing the competition cards altogether. Just look for a 5900XT review and see how long it takes to find one where the 9800pro was included or even the 9700pro. It's near impossible.

I think a lot of it is people just stick to what they know.
Love mine and has been a nice step up from my 1080Ti. To the point where on bf1 I can run 165hz 1440p all maxed at 120% resolution.

There are also many games im playing at 4k where the 1080Ti just wouldn’t cut it and was giving me frequent frame drops and stutter but smooth on the 2080Ti.

Sure it’s expensive but having had pascal since launch, nice to have something new and it will get plenty of use.

I’ve seen a lot of people with issues though. Thankfully not myself and mine has been perfect. Although I have had a 1080Ti die on me before.

I suspect once dlss and RTX features are under full swing. Many here will end up getting one in some form or another.

Glad you are enjoying the card it's just to much imo. I play at 4k on Vega 64 and it's doing a good job so far. Most games i play are not to over taxing though so Vega does a decent job. The only triple AAA game i play atm is Forza Horizon 4 and i get a locked 60fps with HDR on using the ultra preset. I do have Assassin's Creed Odysey and know i will be taking some pain in the settings menu.
I had my cash ready to drop on one but I paused, looked at what I was paying, what I was getting, what I already had and I changed my mind so you shouldn't blame people for buying a 2080Ti because remember "a fool and his money are easily parted" :D
I'm more interested in VR performance personally. I have a Pimax on the way (hopefully by Christmas...he says optimistically...) and as much as I love my 1080's, they're just not going to cut it.

But if I were playing just regular hum-drum 2D games like most people, an ultrawide gsync monitor and a 1080 (or even 1070Ti) would be more than enough for a few years yet I would think!
Its got nothing to do with AMD at all, never heard so much crap in me life :p

It's the same excuse every time.."the competition isn't competing so that forces me to replace my perfectly working gpu with a new one that makes no sense money/performance wise".

In the end people can buy what they want and we shouldn't tell them what to do with their own money however they can't run from the fact that it is this kind of behavior that causes price hikes. You cannot blame nvidia, you cannot blame AMD nor can you blame any of the retailers for the price increase. They are all business's and if it sells it sells. Only the people buying are to blame. Its luxury in the end which you can do without, not life saving treatment, medicin or food.
They had faster cards loads of times but nobody buys them.

I say blame Nvidia themselves and the reviewers mainly. In the past if Nvidia made a bad GPU, the reviews would actually avoid showing the competition cards altogether. Just look for a 5900XT review and see how long it takes to find one where the 9800pro was included or even the 9700pro. It's near impossible.

Uh the 5800 and 5900 Ultra were the cards intended to go up against the 9800 pro - the 5900XT was a later release of a cut down high end part at a much lower price point intended to try and make up for the lack lustre performance of the cards filling in the upper mid-range tiers (hence why benched against the 9600 cards). Along with the 5950 Ultra which was supposed to try and retake the performance crown.

The 5900XT was the only GPU in the 5 series that was worthwhile at all as the custom cards like the Gainward Bliss used highly overclockable memory and a new board layout that meant you could overclock them past the ultra cards (IIRC I had something like 40% core overclock and 50% memory - would have to check that) and make up the performance against the ATI 9xxx pro cards while not spending too much money (though still with the problem of gash DX9 shaders).

EDIT: Unless you are talking Far Cry where you'd have needed more like 100% overclock to touch the 9800 pro heh https://www.anandtech.com/show/1545/8

EDIT2: With an Intel cooler ghetto'd on there I actually had over 50% overclocks on the core LOL http://aten-hosted.com/images/DSC00259S.jpg
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