The Intel Quadcore Database

What vcore you running there?

Vcore is high at 1.62v (bios) but that was just to see if it was the chip or the mobo.

The last mobo failed at 3.8ghz at any vcore so I know it was the mobo.

I will try for 4 ghz tonight then back down the vcore until I find a sweet spot.

Temps are fine though and the Four banks of ram in the X38 don't seem to hinder my clock.:)
Use the OP format with your info and I'll update table later,

Whats the max vcore on the new board btw?
Might try pushing the volts up on mine and trying for more speed, will likely get too hot though with my GTX in the same loop.
^ ^ You must include : v v

Vid (core temp)
Thermal paste used
CPU Temp

Your CPU MUST be 8+hours stable for entry to be made.
Also include a screenshot showing :
P95 25.2 or above fully loaded on all 4 cores(running small fft's) (ensure to show the time started in the first box).
CPU-z 1.41
Coretemp or everest for temp validation

If your post dosn't include the above then it won't be entered
^ ^ You must include : v v

Vid (core temp)
Thermal paste used
CPU Temp

Your CPU MUST be 8+hours stable for entry to be made.
Also include a screenshot showing :
P95 25.2 or above fully loaded on all 4 cores(running small fft's) (ensure to show the time started in the first box).
CPU-z 1.41
Coretemp or everest for temp validation

If your post dosn't include the above then it won't be entered

Mine does and I am already on the list.

I have updated results.
Table updated.

I have also amended the first post to show Vcore in windows under load as its this one that matters as every motherboard will undervolt/droop by a certain amount or even overvolt in easyrider's case! People can thereby reflect this droop in vcore and adjust there vcore in the bios to compensate for the values shown.

Had a chance to check max vcore yet Easyrider?
I notice you have removed Easy's previous run. With it being a different cpu/mobo it would have been useful to be in there so we can compare different batches/mobo's etc rather than the user. Just a thought. :)

I've just sold my Q6600 and am back on the E2160 but going to be getting another q6600 this week, hopefully a 1.2625vid or lower :D

Is it me or does there seem to be a bit of a trend with the vid/stable vcore ? A lot of people on XS say it means nothing.
Just running Prime on my Q6600 now. It's at 3650 on water, about 60 accross all the cores and just under an hour in. Not sure what VCore (might be 1.5 or 1.55) is in the BIOS but I'll print screen everything and save it before I reboot. Went for 4 hours today on same settings and no errors so I think 8 is pretty much a given for me.

Oh, it'll be the first NVidia board too, EVGA 680.

CPU - Q6600
Revison - G0
Clockspeed - 3651.45
Vcore (under load in windows) - 1.464
Vid (core temp) - 1.3
Motherboard - EVGA 680i
Cooling - Custom water
Thermal paste used - Cooler Master Premium
CPU Temp - 60/60/67/67

As above, where to I get the FPO? I'll update when I know how. Also, it is 8 hours+ due to the time change in the night.
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Urm, I have absoloutly no idea mate.


Just done a Super PI and a lame 16 seconds. Somethings not right, going to check BIOS. I'll run it again tonight so disregard the above result.

EDIT again, checked BIOS, all fine, rebooted and CPUZ now shows the correct speed. The only think I did during the bench was to start TAT then I closed it. Why the hell did my clock change?
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Not being rude mate but my board is fine. It did 4 hours yesterday, so something weird obviously happened and I can only think of TAT changing something.

Anyway I'll run it again.
CPU - Q6600
Revison - G0
FPO# - L730B292
Clockspeed - 3438
Vcore (under load in windows) - 1.248
Vid (core temp) - 1.25
Motherboard - Gigabyte P35 DS3R R1
Cooling - Air Noctua NH-U12F
Thermal paste used - Arctic Silver 5
CPU Temp - 47 C average

Since the Database had not been updated I took the liberty of replacing this previous entry with a slight improvement as below.


Many thanks for the very good advice I was given following my first build and during my first attempts at overclocking.

Contrary it would seem to conventional wisdom I left CPU Enhanced Halt, CPU Thermal Monitor 2 and CPU IEST Function enabled and the volts on auto.

I post this in the belief that a number of people could find that overclocking in this way is incredibly easy and that worthwhile overclocks can be achieved, 43 % in my case whilst keeping the temps down.

I suspect I could get rather more by manually increasing the volts but I don’t feel it would be worthwhile taking into account the extra heat generated.

Thanks to Devious for info on Core Temp per the following post.
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