CPU - Q6600
Revison - G0
FPO# - L730B292
Clockspeed - 3438
Vcore (under load in windows) - 1.248
Vid (core temp) - 1.25
Motherboard - Gigabyte P35 DS3R R1
Cooling - Air Noctua NH-U12F
Thermal paste used - Arctic Silver 5
CPU Temp - 47 C average
Since the Database had not been updated I took the liberty of replacing
this previous entry with a slight improvement as below.
Many thanks for the very good advice I was given following my first build and during my first attempts at overclocking.
Contrary it would seem to conventional wisdom I left CPU Enhanced Halt, CPU Thermal Monitor 2 and CPU IEST Function enabled and the volts on auto.
I post this in the belief that a number of people could find that overclocking in this way is incredibly easy and that worthwhile overclocks can be achieved, 43 % in my case whilst keeping the temps down.
I suspect I could get rather more by manually increasing the volts but I don’t feel it would be worthwhile taking into account the extra heat generated.
Thanks to Devious for info on Core Temp per the following post.