My first week back on a proper routine has gone amazingly, as follows:
Monday: 45 mins on heavy Bag (punches/kicks)
Tuesday: 5 mins warm up on bike, Chest & Back, 10 mins on heavy bag
Wednesday: 5 mins warm up on heavy bag, Arms, 10 mins on heavy bag
Thursday: 10 Mins Treadmill, 10 mins X-Trainer, 20 mins heavy bag
Friday: 5 mins warm up on heavy bag, Legs/lower back & abs
Saturday: Woke up buzzing so hit the gym before the rugby my legs were aching like crazy from Friday but thought some kicking would be the way to go, kinda made it up sa I went along but ended up doing:
30 Mins on bag (predominately punches)
20 Mins training with olympic bar, 2 x 20 clean & jerks, 2 x 20 squats, 2 x 20 SLDL, 2 x 20 shoulder press, 2 x 20 prison squats, 2 x 10 clean & jerks.
10 Mins rest
30 Mins heavy bag (predominately kicks)
I've spent an hour today stretching as my legs are unbelievably tight, every step is painfull