Hey guys, no pics at the mo, but will get some up soon. Just though that I'd post about my state + goals
At the moment I'm 75kg 6', pretty skinny, with some belly fat.
My plan is to bulk now until I'm at a reasonable size, then to cut, finishing by September. My overall goal is to be lean mass, so to be ripped, more than stacked
I'm home for a month now, so the plan is to kickstart my bulk. I've paid for a month's pass at my local gym (I am a member of the gym at uni as well)
As far as lifting is concerned, I've got quite a bit of time, as all I've got on this hols (other than the odd trip to see friends, and night out) is revision. So I can be in the gym more-or less any/every day. So I was thinking:
Biceps & back
Triceps & chest & shoulders
Legs & abs
Biceps & back
Triceps & chest & shoulders
Legs & abs
As you can see, that's 7 days' worth
Diet should be easy for this month. I weigh 165lb, so I need around 3kcal a day (formula from Gordy's stickie) which is easy, I have an insatiable appetite, I'll probably be going over (which won't matter until I come to cut)
Protein intake wise, I'll try for 200g a day (that's the middle of Gordy's recommendation)
Each day I'll aim for:
9:00 Breakfast: Cereal with skimmed milk, whey shake* with skimmed milk
10:30 Snack: Piece of fruit or something
12:30 Lunch: Usually something like a couple of sandwiches
14:00 Snack: Something small like a yoghurt or some fruit
15:00 Training, then a whey shake with oats
18:00 Evening meal, normal square evening meal which my mum makes
20:00 Fruit/ yoghurt or whatever during the evening
22:00 Whey shake with skimmed milk before bed
* 2 scoops of unflavoured whey protein from MP
I have an absolutely insatiable appetite, so that list is probably an underestimation.
Food will be a bit more of an (expensive) issue in a month's time when I'm back at uni, and fending for myself
Any comments/ criticism would be greatly appreciated. I'll put pics up a bit later on.