best game ever and ima let you finsih but
^^^^ thats the whole thing and all old school gamers are not happy cause they want a cod 1 game , medal of honour first game or quake style shooters.

this isnt going to happen ever again im sorry to say.

so you have what is here bfbc2 medal of honor or black ops thats how your fps is going to be. play them or dont play them. or just play and have fun and forget about being the super leet mf and just enjoy video games.

People shouldn't expect depth or long term appeal from EA/Activision type games, thats all. Its like going to see a blockbuster action film and you wonder why theres no character development or its the same plot/dumb entertainment you got the last time you went.

Theres millions of PC gamers that want something more than blockbuster tripe tho, and there will be companys that accomodate us. Best you can do is stop supporting big publishers tho. Rather than have simple console FPS's dominate the PC market, stop buying them and open up the market for the smaller companies

Theres still Valve, although they did dumb down their Source games..I feel they will want to reinvigorate the market tho and go for something a bit more interesting to PC fans with their next shooters. Tripwire Interactive is one to watch too
People shouldn't expect depth or long term appeal from EA/Activision type games, thats all. Its like going to see a blockbuster action film and you wonder why theres no character development or its the same plot/dumb entertainment you got the last time you went.

Theres millions of PC gamers that want something more than blockbuster tripe tho, and there will be companys that accomodate us. Best you can do is stop supporting big publishers tho. Rather than have simple console FPS's dominate the PC market, stop buying them and open up the market for the smaller companies

Theres still Valve, although they did dumb down their Source games..I feel they will want to reinvigorate the market tho and go for something a bit more interesting to PC fans with their next shooters. Tripwire Interactive is one to watch too

What if you want to play a barebones shooter without all the gimmicks and complexity? Gun - Point - Shoot. Whats wrong with that?

What is it with us "PC GAMERS" and wanting to stick it to the man?
Nothing wrong with that at all. I just feel there should be a breadth or gameplay you can get from PC games, not just the same old stuff thats getting churned out now

Its about having choices and options, and I don't see why people expect anything other than what they're getting from the big publishers. They will keep making whatever targets the most players as they are a business. Smaller publishers and companys are where people should be looking to now, not buying EA type stuff then wondering why its not what they want
I do find it a bit bizarre that this game can cause so much love and anger at the same time.

The people moaning about it should stop. You must have played the BETA, only to buy the full game THEN realise you hated it? What did you expect? More fool you I say. :p

It is a good intensive FPS shooter with no bells and whistles. A game like this has been a long time coming to be fair.

The hitboxes are spot on. The lack of recoil does not bother me either. The moaners are going to moan. Just remember, all the players on the game you play against have no recoil so just because you are getting pwned has no bearing on the lack of recoil. You are just rubbish. ;)
I do find it a bit bizarre that this game can cause so much love and anger at the same time.

The people moaning about it should stop. You must have played the BETA, only to buy the full game THEN realise you hated it? What did you expect? More fool you I say. :p

Seeing that buying the game got you on the closed beta how do you figure that?

Are you saying that the people that bought the game under the premise that the closed beta was as beta, and therefore their expectation for the game to actually improve in the final release was misguided?

The open beta wasn't a beta so much as a demo. The game had already gone gold by that point, and the only patch since then has been bug fixes, and not gameplay related.

It is a good intensive FPS shooter with no bells and whistles. A game like this has been a long time coming to be fair.

The hitboxes are spot on. The lack of recoil does not bother me either. The moaners are going to moan. Just remember, all the players on the game you play against have no recoil so just because you are getting pwned has no bearing on the lack of recoil. You are just rubbish. ;)

Who says that the people complaining are getting owned? In the games I've played I've always been toward the top, yet I dislike it massively.

The assumption that people dislike the game because their crap at it is flawed. My dislike with the lack of recoil is that I'd prefer a game where I actually need to put some effort in to try to evolve my skills to be good.

Out of interest... How many of the people in this thread that actually like the game, do not have some kind or another of investment in a server? It seems like a very small minority.

A lot of this sounds like: "Spent thirty quid on servers, must get the most out of it... I chuffing love this game!", as well as general DICE do no wrong fanboyism.
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Sorry I disagree.

There was an OPEN beta available to all. The recoil and all the other little things that people are now finding annoying was there for all to see. If people were concerned about not liking the game and parting with 3000 of their hard earned pennies, they should have waited a few days to see the user reviews, and threads such as this one.

Yes I have a server, but I did not pre-order it. I played both the closed and open beta, then played the game for three days straight with my chaps before a decision was made. ;)
Seeing that buying the game got you on the closed beta how do you figure that?

Are you saying that the people that bought the game under the premise that the closed beta was as beta, and therefore their expectation for the game to actually improve in the final release was misguided?

The open beta wasn't a beta so much as a demo. The game had already gone gold by that point, and the only patch since then has been bug fixes, and not gameplay related.

Who says that the people complaining are getting owned? In the games I've played I've always been toward the top, yet I dislike it massively.

The assumption that people dislike the game because their crap at it is flawed. My dislike with the lack of recoil is that I'd prefer a game where I actually need to put some effort in to try to evolve my skills to be good.

Out of interest... How many of the people in this thread that actually like the game, do not have some kind or another of investment in a server? It seems like a very small minority.

A lot of this sounds like: "Spent thirty quid on servers, must get the most out of it... I chuffing love this game!", as well as general DICE do no wrong fanboyism.

We could pull our server back to pretty much any FPS we wanted, we have no "investment" per se-

The server is ours to use, we choose to put it on MOH! I could put it back to some other game within about 5minutes so go figure.

The lower recoil actually caters to those who can aim. If your outgunned its because you missed, not because of a random cone of fire. Massive recoil cones are A) unrealistic and B) do nothing for a game. Its equal playing field.

I know a fair few competitive gamers who haven't touched anything since CSS/CS1.6 but are finding themselves excited about this game.

Generally the ones who hated it in our clan were the ones who were struggling. Its obvious your enjoyment is proportional to success. Even they have turned the corner by having a good round or two so its a fair assumption to make.

The point about the beta is a valid one. I played the open beta and didn't preorder or anything. It was exactly that, open. Everyone could play. To think the game was going to drastically change in a week is misguided for those that bought it on the basis its a beta, it will be better.
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wasnt the only way to get into closed beta

There were codes, and places like combat testing.

Sorry I disagree.

There was an OPEN beta available to all. The recoil and all the other little things that people are now finding annoying was there for all to see. If people were concerned about not liking the game and parting with 3000 of their hard earned pennies, they should have waited a few days to see the user reviews, and threads such as this one.

The open beta ended 7 days before the game was released. That's not a beta at all, there was no way that any changes going forward from that would make it into the release game or even a day one patch.

It was a demo with the intention of improving lacklustre pre-orders. Anyone that actually believes them when they called it a beta is a naive numpty.

A lot of people pre-ordered the game way before the open beta, some of these people will have got their money back, but not everyone would have had that opportunity. I was one of those people. I thought at least I'd have a reasonable single player campaign to fall back on. Whoops!

We could pull our server back to pretty much any FPS we wanted, we have no "investment" per se-

The server is ours to use, we choose to put it on MOH! I could put it back to some other game within about 5minutes so go figure.

You're with Multiplay right? So it still costs money to have MoH on your hot-swappable games? So you're still paying a fee per-server, per-month right?

The lower recoil actually caters to those who can aim. If your outgunned its because you missed, not because of a random cone of fire. Massive recoil cones are A) unrealistic and B) do nothing for a game. Its equal playing field.

Actually it caters to people that can't control their recoil... Also, see point below, I'm not complaining that I'm getting owned because of a lack of recoil.

I know a fair few competitive gamers who haven't touched anything since CSS/CS1.6 but are finding themselves excited about this game.

Generally the ones who hated it in our clan were the ones who were struggling. Its obvious your enjoyment is proportional to success. Even they have turned the corner by having a good round or two so its a fair assumption to make.

I mentioned in my post that I have plenty of success when I play, so all the comments that people keep making about "getting owned no wonder you hate it" don't really ring true. However, I fail to see how a massive lack of recoil can ever be a good thing for a game, other than making it easier for people that can't handle it.

The point about the beta is a valid one. I played the open beta and didn't preorder or anything. It was exactly that, open. Everyone could play. To think the game was going to drastically change in a week is misguided for those that bought it on the basis its a beta, it will be better.

I was thinking more of people playing the closed beta and hoping for a large improvement.
As I mentioned, the open beta was just a marketing ploy, and in reality just a big old demo. Nothing will have come from that beta and been in the release, or day one patch.
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We have a FPS server package thing. No fees or anything just a different game in the drop down list on the server admin. Worked out cheaper than our servers before with the discount.

I disagree with the recoil, its fair, its consistent and it punishes spray and pray getting them lucky shots. At long range there is still a reason to control your fire.

Rifles are accurate/effective to 500mtrs, given the close quarters nature you should be hitting every shot.

Who cares how the pushed the beta/demo? It makes no difference I don't see the point you making mate? If people thought there were going to be huges changes in a week they are the idiots. Makes no difference to the game its self.
I disagree with the recoil, its fair, its consistent and it punishes spray and pray getting them lucky shots. At long range there is still a reason to control your fire.

Rifles are accurate/effective to 500mtrs, given the close quarters nature you should be hitting every shot.

Sounds like some modern school sports days, where everyone's a winner no matter how bad they actually are..

I'm not saying having a low cone of fire is bad, it'll punish players that really can't shoot for toffee.
Having a little recoil adds nothing to the game, apart from making it feel lifeless imo. All I have to do to kill someone, is round up on them and hold the mouse until they're dead, there's barely any skill involved. If you can put your reticule over someone before they do the same to you, chances are you've killed them, regardless in any difference in skill level.

Clearly this is something that some people seem to enjoy, I for one have no interest in playing a game where I hardly have to apply myself.

Lack of recoil is by far my only reason for not liking the game though. I'm just saying that they people saying "lol, you're getting owned and that's the only reason why you don't like it" are talking out their rears. I bet a lot of the people complaining about the lack of recoil in this thread could join a server and be near the top by the end of a few rounds. Mainly because they were expecting something requiring the skills they've gotten over time from previous games. Why should people force themselves to enjoy it though?

Who cares how the pushed the beta/demo? It makes no difference I don't see the point you making mate? If people thought there were going to be huges changes in a week they are the idiots. Makes no difference to the game its self.

What? I think you've completely missed the point I was trying to make in regards to this. I agree with you when you say that people that played the open beta and expected change are morons.
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The open beta ended 7 days before the game was released. That's not a beta at all, there was no way that any changes going forward from that would make it into the release game or even a day one patch.

It was a demo with the intention of improving lacklustre pre-orders. Anyone that actually believes them when they called it a beta is a naive numpty.

And you still bought the full game?
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