Might as well chip in.
Last year I was very on/off with any exercise (kettlebells, circuits etc) but at 5"8 was around 68kg and skinny fat. I got a new job in September which meant switching from cycling to work to commuting. Between then and June I ended up doing no exercise and although my weight only went up 2kg to 70kg, it didn't reflect fat gained/muscle lost.
Come June I'd had enough, especially as I always dreamed of looking ridiculously thicktightjuciy so I joined a new bodybuilding gym in my high street and sorted out a proper diet in terms of tracking macros and amounts, eating via the Leangains IF protocol, as well as measuring progress.
Roughly 12 weeks later and from 70kg I'm down to 64kg with pretty noticable fat loss + respectable strength gains (which means I've added a bit of lean mass!), so I imagine it's more than 6kg of fat I've shifted. Clothes that had become tight are looser than they've ever been and my waist is at an all time low of 30". Chest was 97cm, now 90cm, as an example.
The texture of my fat has gotten more squishy (oxidization?) and will hopefully keep melting off me until I'm truly abs lean.
I deliberately bought some fitted clothes that I could barely squeeze into at the start as something to reward myself with when I could fit into them and look all aesthetic and while I'm not quite there yet - as I'm not cutting strictly but doing more of a body recomp which will take longer to see results - the fact I can wear them without looking silly now is great. Just need to keep plugging away and in another few months I should achieve my goal... well, the first phase at least - then it's onto mass building w/minimal fat gain!
Done little dedicated cardio as I find it boring - just stuck to the amounts of food required and lifted heavy things x3 a week for about 60-75mins. Keeping the volume relatively non-crazy to I don't fatigue and so far it's working a treat.
Will post pics when I can see my abs (for the first time in my life).