OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

I happened to stumble accross a few pictures I posted in here a few years ago, and thought it would be interesting to take a few more to see how ive improved.

I've spent the last year or two trying to fill out whilst still trying to keep up my main sport - cycling. Ive actually managed to loose 2 Kg (pretty much keep my weight constant across the same period).

Jan 2012: (63kg)




Nov 2013: (61Kg)



Very lean. Good work. :)

Thanks! Now I need to put on some mass :D

Those deadlift traps. :cool:

Not deadlifted in 6 months... But was one of my fav's when I was going them regularly lol. New programme that I'll start in a few weeks has deads in it though so looking forward to it.

Been squatting twice a week to build up my twigs, so hoping the carryover means my deads survived :D

Looking stacked robin, you definitely don't look like a guy who uses Nate silver style protein! :D

Dat 30 banana's a day diet ;) haha. Think I saw his log, read the last few pages and saw too much bro-science/weird thoughts to be able to read the rest.

Thanks man! This is going to be my first lean bulk where I don't just eat everything in sight, so hoping to actually put on muscle rather than the plethora of fat and minuscule amounts of muscle I've put on the past 2 years when I bulked. Having to cut from 20% each time is horrible, this cut was 6 months.

Here's a few more pics.

Dem twigs:

Upper bodeh with my favourite pose :)


And one of my least favourite poses, need to get thicker.

Not got many recent pictures really, I keep a few for a blog/progress update. It's pretty bad quality, but hopefully can get an idea. I feel in good shape, just need to get that chest bit better.

How do you work out body fat %? What would people say I would be

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I don't post much outside of my log but cutting up at the moment.

I know the lighting is drastically different. Started at 94/95KG

Few weeks ago: 89KG ish


Last weekend: 86KG ish


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