ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion

Stupid ****.

I get the impression that there is a lot of bandwagon-ing by all the muslim 'badboys' of the country who don't even know what they're doing or what the **** they're fighting for. They just join in because they fit the criteria and have **** all else going on in their lives.
Any UK citizens (and I use that term loosely) that has left the country to fight for their beliefs recind their right to hold a UK passport.

Sod all this 'bring them back brigade'.

Once gone you stay gone.

Unlike all those who joined the International Brigade fighting Fascist Spain and their German and Italian supporters due to their beliefs. They too went while the Govt. tried to stop them and some later became part of the UK Govt. You do not know what happens in the future. The UK and US Govt. are supporting groups who are fighting alongside Al Qaeda against Syrian Govt. forces. The US/UK is now working with Iran because the new enemy is ISIS.
I don't understand why they're having issues matching voice samples. Would be pretty easy to match a hooded extremist with a rapper who makes numerous youtube videos if they are the same person.

Regardless Cameron can do one. Not like any of the others are any better though I guess.
We should be boming the **** out of ISIS positions right now as a response to Foley. God, if we were russian they would have ****ged half of the new caliphate by now.

Should be going all Hiroshima/Nagasaki on them. The only way all of this BS will ever stop is if the Middle East vanishes. Until then, we'll always have these religious morons murdering people over there, all in the name of some bloke they don't even know to exist. Just utterly crazy.
What really annoys me is, where is the support for the Iraqi people from this country? I don't see anyone lining the streets calling for an intervention in Iraq, or crowding around council offices asking for the Iraqi flag to be raised. Instead, I see communities in Tower Hamlet raising an IS flag, or douchebags giving out IS support leaflets on Oxford street. It makes me wonder how many IS supporters/sympathisers we're actually harbouring.

If only IS would turn their attention towards Isreal, then we'd really see them get a caning. Naturally that will never happen, these people aren't interested in a real fight, they're only interested in beheading 4 year old children because their parents wouldn't convert.

They're cowards, and animals, I hope the Kurds and 'MURICA send them where they truly belong to be. We'd be involved in that as well, if we had a spine.
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So a single American who was out there by choice is murdered and the forum is calling British forces to bomb the whole area as revenge !!!

Yet we've been bombing the area for over a decade killing hundreds who have no choice but to be there and we want them to STFU and take it !!!
So a single American who was out there by choice is murdered and the forum is calling British forces to bomb the whole area as revenge !!!

Yet we've been bombing the area for over a decade killing hundreds who have no choice but to be there and we want them to STFU and take it !!!

Oh blame the west brigade are back.
So a single American who was out there by choice is murdered and the forum is calling British forces to bomb the whole area as revenge !!!

Yet we've been bombing the area for over a decade killing hundreds who have no choice but to be there and we want them to STFU and take it !!!

And...So it begins...Again.
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