ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion

I went through a phase in my younger years of watching crap on some of the known sites for gorey stuff. Grew out of it and now will actively go out of my way to avoid. It's much much worse when you know it's real, I still vividly remember seeing one of them, the Korean guy.
Why anyone would want to watch these out of choice I do not know, other than morbid curiosity which I hope they grow out of.

No Idea Bro.

I guess some people just like to behead there lamb and watch it gush blood while watching other innocent lambs go to the slaughter.
I don't know about this video but I can say I will not be trying to watch it. I watched one a few years ago thinking "Meh it can't be that bad because I've seen stuff on movies and TV like it" - so, so wrong. Like you say Noxia, it is so much worse when you know it's real.
Waiting for some more apologists to come and say they have a valid point if indeed they do have the flags in their windows for people to see.

I still hope its not true. But wouldnt be surprised.

No-ones managed to point out one example of an apologist yet, funny that...
The principle of "can't unsee" is a pretty sound reason not to watch it. I know if I saw it my mind would be continually replaying it to me, which is something I do not want.

Same reason I haven't seen ********** :p

"Ukranians being sniped" was the last film I watched and wished I hadn't. Just watching bodies hit the floor lifeless was disturbing enough, without blood or beheadings.

[edit: lol, a pair of young women and a vessel for drinking is filtered :p]
What's that got to do with people murdering journalists?

It's the West's fault. We created ISIS.

Every nutter out there blowing themselves up is blood on our hands. Every forced conversion, every beheading, every mutilated girl - we need to realise we did that.

Islam is blameless. Religion of peace.
It's the West's fault. We created ISIS.

Every nutter out there blowing themselves up is blood on our hands. Every forced conversion, every beheading, every mutilated girl - we need to realise we did that.

Islam is blameless. Religion of peace.

yup we did it all.

now we have that idiocy out of the way what would WE have to do to stop them being religious lunatics ?

and where would they stop, they have already made claims on mecca and spain so what do you really think it would take for them to give up attacking people and live in peace ?

and honestly do you think they would do ?
No they all need to get there sausage in some baps.

After that they will stop trying to prove that they are not insecure about there imperial space wizard because they have finally been laid and wont care anymore.
Obama's speech was good, back to his older days in wording, he's looking thin and tired though, which you absolutely can not blame him for, the amount of pressure he has on his shoulders is phenomenal.
No they all need to get there sausage in some baps.

After that they will stop trying to prove that they are not insecure about there imperial space wizard because they have finally been laid and wont care anymore.

Hmm if it were any other extremist group I'd agree but maybe not encouraging pedofiles.
Those are different, the government has power to easily change given rights and taxes.

The government cannot as easily stop IS, and they want to avoid more military intervention.

Did I say the government should do something. I said for the the so called moderate Muslim majority to make a demonstration of popular collective will.
We should be boming the **** out of ISIS positions right now as a response to Foley. God, if we were russian they would have ****ged half of the new caliphate by now.
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