ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion

I've just come through Shelton, a Muslim enclave around here, and was shocked to see more than a few houses had the black flag of ISIL displayed in the windows.

It's sad that we can't just round them up and deport them, no questions asked.

They should be made to go and join the Islamic State they love so much. And stop being parasites in our land.
For how long though?:eek:

I wonder if there's a bacon beer :D heaven on earth.

Why So the police can prosecute malevolence for islamaphobia? :D

Surely a phobia is an illness that needs understanding and treatment not punishment?

I reject all religion and I have a particular problem with Islam but it is most certainly not a phobia.

Islam is more of an ideology than religion in my mind, with global subrogation one of its aims
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Phobias tend to be irrational I wouldn't apply that in this case :D.

It was an attempt at implying the police would persecute the person reporting rather than the extremists so as not to cause any discrimination outcry :eek:
i live less than 15 mins away from Rochester where the journalist was from and it really angers me when people say it look like one of your countrymen did this.

As for people displaying the black ISIS flags in the UK they should be done for inciting racial hatered.
Viewing it an offence? They need to rethink that.
Its so easy to stumble into it on youtube at the moment just by clicking a link which does not exactly describe in full detail what your about to watch.

It happend to me and I closed it pretty much instantly.

I cannot stand to watch another person be murdered.

It is so wrong.

I went through a phase in my younger years of watching crap on some of the known sites for gorey stuff. Grew out of it and now will actively go out of my way to avoid. It's much much worse when you know it's real, I still vividly remember seeing one of them, the Korean guy.
Why anyone would want to watch these out of choice I do not know, other than morbid curiosity which I hope they grow out of.
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