E3 2015 - The year the SJW's won?

That definition is a contradiction. You cannot get gender equality when you only focus on one gender, which is what feminism is about.

Egalitarian or humanists fight for equality.

Don't ever say this, it could cause mass suicide within the kind of people that crave for identity and have the need to circle jerk with their equally deluded friends on Tumblr.

On second thought could you spread this around? ;)
But also out of 669 games, only 24 of them had female central characters.

It's a bit different letting you play as a female in COD multiplayer and going through the story as a female character.

Anyway, it really doesn't bother me in the least playing as a woman if that's the storyline. I've been enough dude-bro characters to last a lifetime.
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Is this actually a real thread, or are the majority of posters just trolling?

Some of the viewpoints being thrown around are so unbelievable that they can't be real... right? :p
Yawn, just stop force feeding equality and female rubbish down our throats. Make a character female or male, whatever fits the game. Also i dont care who develops the game so long as they do it well, why should it matter if a company hires a female programmer or not. Its constantly highlighted and given limelight which just makes them less credible really.
No, they tested 669 games and only 24 of those 669 had female central characters.

Edit - Correction, it was "a sample" of the 669 games. You don't tend to take a sample that skews the results.

Plus it also says:

"role-playing games had exactly one game with a female only hero"
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Give over.

Your victim complex is so bad that you think you're at the bottom of the chain? I'm sure people the world over are arranging a telethon right now for the plight of the 1st world, white male. We are really struggling these days.

How about you get a grip of yourself. In the words of Chris Rock:

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand my bait worked.

Found the Tumblr poster!

You're all the same haha. "white complex", what does that even mean? Go outside plskthxbye
Yawn, just stop force feeding equality and female rubbish down our throats. Make a character female or male, whatever fits the game. Also i dont care who develops the game so long as they do it well, why should it matter if a company hires a female programmer or not. Its constantly highlighted and given limelight which just makes them less credible really.

If the sex of game characters doesn't matter....why does this thread with a bunch of men complaining that there are female characters in games exist?
No, they tested 669 games and only 24 of those 669 had female central characters.

I've just explained it twice, its pretty easy to understand.

They tested 669 games (We have no idea the division of games)

24 RPGs
322 Shooters
323 Action games

They found only 24 playable female main characters

Females only really play RPGs.

I'm trying to let you come to the conclusion your self.
I've just explained it twice, its pretty easy to understand.

They tested 669 games (We have no idea the division of games)

24 RPGs
322 Shooters
323 Action games

They found only 24 playable female main characters

Females only really play RPGs.

I'm trying to let you come to the conclusion your self.

I'll just requote the study then:

And role-playing games had exactly one game with a female only hero.

Ergo, they can't have only tested 24 RPG's.
Read the whole thread and I don't even know what people are getting bent out of shape over. Is it the amount of female leads at this years E3? Why is this a big deal? How is this the doing of SJW's? Which games are the primary concern?
Gaming consumer demographics has been evolving over the years to the point where it's nearly 50/50. Representation of females in games has been increasing in line with that trend....developers aren't stupid, they go where the market goes.

If women were *over* represented, there might be something to get worked up about.
I'll just requote the study then:

Ergo, they can't have only tested 24 RPG's.

But they could have had 299 gender neutral plots! Or they could have only tested 1 RPG.

The statistics are flawed in this study as we don't know the division of games
. This is what I'm trying to get at with you.
Read the whole thread and I don't even know what people are getting bent out of shape over. Is it the amount of female leads at this years E3? Why is this a big deal? How is this the doing of SJW's? Which games are the primary concern?

Join in the trolls with me?

Basically, it's a bunch of people getting their nickers in a twist because they think the side they are arguing for is valid. But truth be told, there are no sides and people just like to argue for the sake of it.

So, let's just troll haha. I am and it's fun, watch...

I think all games should be locked down to playing a multi coloured square. Or will this be too 'masculine'? Should it be a circle? And only one solid colour such as magenta?
Read the whole thread and I don't even know what people are getting bent out of shape over. Is it the amount of female leads at this years E3? Why is this a big deal? How is this the doing of SJW's? Which games are the primary concern?

The thread is/was about E3 coming over as pandering to the SJW's and their all gamers are misogynists crap.
Gaming consumer demographics has been evolving over the years to the point where it's nearly 50/50. Representation of females in games has been increasing in line with that trend....developers aren't stupid, they go where the market goes.

If women were *over* represented, there might be something to get worked up about.

The point is they are neither!!!

They are perfectly represented in the games they play.

My god, its really that bloody simple.
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