I'm still waiting to hear about how this is a logical fallacy.
You strawmanned him, then used your strawman to ad-hominem him.
I believe him to be delusional & paranoid, by thinking that games are succumbing to social justice warriors by including women.
Based on something he never said (as your initial statement was that he thinks women are trying to take over games). He also never said that including women means they are succumbing to social justice warriors. Strawman.
"I fear we are entering an era where developers will be scared to write a male centric game without a female side option "just in case" the SJW's get their knickers in a twist."
"If a piece of fiction doesn't have a female lead, they shouldn't be forced by fad movements to include one."
Are you reading the same posts as me, or are you just being a contrarian?.
Are you suggesting that the two comments above are not implying that he believes that games developers are being forced or coerced into including women?.
Yes, seriously. He even posted an example. What is it that you're struggling to grasp? It's not just women that are these social justice warriors.
Might Number 9, they've been effectively coerced in to including a female lead.
It's very clear what he's saying, but most people are doing the usual "this is what I want you to be saying, so I'll respond to that", and the thing it seems most people want him to be saying is that he has a problem with female leads in games.
No, he's saying the unnatural (in terms of flow of development) forcing of including female leads JUST to appease "equality" is ridiculous.
Anita Sarkeesian kicked all this off in terms of pushing it to a wider audience, and she is guilty of EXACTLY what the OP is talking about. She isn't doing it because she's a woman, she's doing it because she's crazy.
People want female leads JUST because they're female. They don't give a crap how it relates to the story, they just want it their way and they get upset when they don't get it their way.
Her comments about Dishonored, and being disappointed that there is an option to be a male character instead of being female only shows this, and shows how ridiculous and idiotic she is.
Also, why are you putting full stops after question marks?