E3 2015 - The year the SJW's won?

Glad you asked!

80% of female console gamers played on Wii = Our population (Since we have no other statistics to go on)


66% of FPS players and 63% of digital console players are male =

37% of overall console players are female,


80% of them are on the Wii.

Not necessarily

34% of FPS players are Female

If the above stats are correct then sure...

34% of the Females who play FPS games, represent 0.272% of the Female FPS gaming population.

por que?! :confused:

Please correct me if I'm wrong in my maths here.
You're wrong in your maths there.

Also, what are your sources?

However this whole thread is good entertainment, so carry on :p
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But what's actually bad about more women or gays or non-white races appearing in games?

I mean, what would we actually lose by that happening?

Nothing, the issue is the forcing of such things in the name of "equality", especially with regards to what that guy said about an even 50:50 split. That's forcing things to be equal for the sake of it, not for accurate/realistic portrayals of society.

Whilst the population may be roughly 50:50, not everything is, because men are better at women than doing some things, and women are better at men at doing other things.

Cherry Picking?

Your suggesting that in the last 25 years, most games have had amazing narratives?

Here't the best selling games of all time:


How many of those narrative classics started with the story?

Where did he say "amazing", and how exactly is that even remotely appropriate?

Does your scale go from crap, straight to amazing (despite amazing not even being a metric of quality).

I see more people attacking the OP and why are you here if it's such a horrible place?

This is exactly how a lot of these sort of things go around here. The bottom line is some people are too stupid to actually refute someone's argument, so they just call them an idiot or something to that effect and then tell themselves that they've put someone in their place that day.

The OP has a very good point, he might not have expressed it as good as he could have done, but he still has a point all the same.

People love to argue that there aren't any strong female leads in games, and then ignore you when you point out that there are loads. Then they love to moan that female leads (that are in a super position of existing whilst also not existing depending on their mood) are overtly sexualised or highly unrealistic, whilst ignoring that the vast majority of male leads are too, but the problem is that they consider the male leads to be "normal" so don't see that they are actually overtly sexualised, or highly unrealistic.
How can you be under represented if the fiction didn't include a female to begin with?

If you want more females, write more female leads. Go make a game about menstrual cycles and transgenders. I hope its a great success, nothing is stopping you.

But don't go into a book club and complain they aren't reading the book you want.
You are not a feminist, traditional or modern. You sound like an idiot & a bigot.

If you think that women are 'taking over games' by the fact a new developers have adding a few female protagonists then you are also paranoid & delusional on top.

There is a side of feminism which hates men, but thankfully these reside in the underbelly of the internet & are widely ignored by real feminists & a majority of serious people. They do on the other hand provide great click-bait for angry & paranoid middle aged men.
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She is the very reason feminism is seen by the majority as idiotic, until SJWs shun and ridicule her moronic opinions feminism with quite rightly get zero respect.

She recently complained that you can play as both a male and female in Dishonored 2, if that isn't a case of putting women OVER men, then what is?

She needs a smack in the mouth, honestly. She spends far too much time talking about things she doesn't understand.

Anyone who knows anything about Dishonored understands that they haven't chosen a female character for the sake of including a female character, it's part of the story.

This really does just prove that she wants women to be put first, not to be equal.
You are not a feminist, traditional or modern. You sound like an idiot & a bigot.

If you think that women are 'taking over games' by the fact a new developers have adding a few female protagonists then you are also paranoid & delusional on top.

There is a side of feminism which hates men, but thankfully these reside in the underbelly of the internet & are widely ignored by real feminists & a majority of serious people. They do on the other hand provide great click-bait for angry & paranoid middle aged men.

Feminism is redundant. The original feminist movement doesn't apply any more, so there is no reason to continue to call it feminism except for the ones who want to put women before men.

You are also misrepresenting what the OP is saying, and using that as a basis to call him an idiot or a bigot, do I need to list the multi-layered logical fallacy here?
Feminism is redundant. The original feminist movement doesn't apply any more, so there is no reason to continue to call it feminism except for the ones who want to put women before men.

You are also misrepresenting what the OP is saying, and using that as a basis to call him an idiot or a bigot, do I need to list the multi-layered logical fallacy here?
I stated an opinion that he sounds like an idiot & a bigot. If you could explain how an opinion is a logical fallacy then I'd love to hear it.

The rest of what you wrote is a baseless assertion I don't agree with, a worthless opinion you are stating as fact.

There is something tiresome about the cliché middle aged paranoid socially inept male, fearful & scared of any social movement aimed at reducing in part the existing imbalances.

Completely & utterly fixated on finding the most extreme & uncommon examples of a given cause (using the stupid on-line feminists' as examples of feminism as a whole) & see's any changes in society as others 'bowing to the extremists'.
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Where did he say "amazing", and how exactly is that even remotely appropriate?

Does your scale go from crap, straight to amazing (despite amazing not even being a metric of quality).

Because his initial argument was

LateX'Dog said:
If people write stories with a male protagonist in mind, they shouldn't be forced to comply to fad movements.

I fear we are entering an era where developers will be scared to write a male centric game without a female side option "just in case" the SJW's get their knickers in a twist.

LateX'Dog said:
I think you and the other guy have an miss understanding of what fiction is. Fiction is a story written about WHAT EVER THE **** YOU WANT. And just because it doesn't include a black, white, Chinese, 3 boobed Martian women, doesn't mean you have the right to demand change. Just don't read it or play it.

LateX'Dog said:
How can you be under represented if the fiction didn't include a female to begin with?

If you want more females, write more female leads. Go make a game about menstrual cycles and transgenders. I hope its a great success, nothing is stopping you.

But don't go into a book club and complain they aren't reading the book you want.

LateX'Dog said:
If a piece of fiction doesn't have a female lead, they shouldn't be forced by fad movements to include one. Its that persons story and how they want to write it, if you don't like it don't read it or go make your own.

LateX'Dog said:
A game starts with a story, otherwise you have nothing to draw upon for inspiration.

I mentioned Doom, one of many games that clearly didn't start "with a story"

Then his argument was retconned slightly to include:

LateX'Dog said:
Any story heavy game started with story.

Don't cherry pick to suit your narrative.

Hence my reply that you quoted.
I stated an opinion that he sounds like an idiot & a bigot. If you could explain how an opinion is a logical fallacy then I'd love to hear it.

The rest of what you wrote is a baseless assertion I don't agree with, a worthless opinion you are stating as fact.

Yet you somehow seem to think yours was of any value, and you're calling others delusional?

You stated that he thinks females are taking over games, he never said this.
Because his initial argument was

I mentioned Doom, one of many games that clearly didn't start "with a story"

Then his argument was retconned slightly to include:

Hence my reply that you quoted.

But there are equally if not more games which did start with a story first. How can you create a RPG world for example if you have nothing to draw from?

"A farming boy born in Lanic town, gets attacked by goblins. His house is deep within the lush farming land of Astrali, surrounded by large hills and and sweeping rivers" (Terrible writing i know)

You use the story the writers create to paint a picture of the world you want to make.
Because his initial argument was

I mentioned Doom, one of many games that clearly didn't start "with a story"

Then his argument was retconned slightly to include:

Hence my reply that you quoted.

Yes, but that doesn't really answer all of my question, does it? Why are you talking about "amazing" stories? Is crap or amazing, with nothing in between?

You also seem to be confusing " no plot/story" with "I don't like" or "thin".

Doom has a story, it might not be the best or deepest story but it has one all the same.

But your response to him saying that most games have stories, was that he was some how suggesting most games in the last 25 years have had "amazing" stories.
Yet you somehow seem to think yours was of any value, and you're calling others delusional?
I'm still waiting to hear about how this is a logical fallacy.

I believe him to be delusional & paranoid, by thinking that games are succumbing to social justice warriors by including women.

You stated that he thinks females are taking over games, he never said this.

"I fear we are entering an era where developers will be scared to write a male centric game without a female side option "just in case" the SJW's get their knickers in a twist."

"If a piece of fiction doesn't have a female lead, they shouldn't be forced by fad movements to include one."

Are you reading the same posts as me, or are you just being a contrarian?.
Are you suggesting that the two comments above are not implying that he believes that games developers are being forced or coerced into including women?.

Games are games, studios shouldnt need to start giving gender options from the get go, its just going to eat into development costs and impact the game.

When tomb raider came out i dont remember and guys bitching that they couldnt play as a man in the game, or dont want to have to 'be' a woman in the game; you just played and enjoyed an awesome game.

Why does it matter if most protagonists are male if it fits the story? Just play the game if you enjoy games, if you dont then do something else.
I believe him to be delusional & paranoid, by thinking that games are succumbing to social justice warriors by including women.

Then your wrong. :)

My fear is they will hamper fiction through the fear of upsetting the feminists.

What if Bioware created a peice of fiction about a murderer who raped women and you as the detective went out to find him. Both villain and lead are male, you can bet your ass there would be outrage at the lack of female inclusion. Regardless of if the piece of fiction its based from included a female or not.
"I fear we are entering an era where developers will be scared to write a male centric game without a female side option "just in case" the SJW's get their knickers in a twist."

"If a piece of fiction doesn't have a female lead, they shouldn't be forced by fad movements to include one."

Are you suggesting that the two comments above are not implying that he believes that games developers are being forced or coerced into including women?.


I never said they are being forced or coerced, but pressured into making decisions that wouldn't ordinarily be made, for the fear of the feminist back lash.
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I'm still waiting to hear about how this is a logical fallacy.
You strawmanned him, then used your strawman to ad-hominem him.

I believe him to be delusional & paranoid, by thinking that games are succumbing to social justice warriors by including women.

Based on something he never said (as your initial statement was that he thinks women are trying to take over games). He also never said that including women means they are succumbing to social justice warriors. Strawman.

"I fear we are entering an era where developers will be scared to write a male centric game without a female side option "just in case" the SJW's get their knickers in a twist."

"If a piece of fiction doesn't have a female lead, they shouldn't be forced by fad movements to include one."

Are you reading the same posts as me, or are you just being a contrarian?.
Are you suggesting that the two comments above are not implying that he believes that games developers are being forced or coerced into including women?.


Yes, seriously. He even posted an example. What is it that you're struggling to grasp? It's not just women that are these social justice warriors.

Might Number 9, they've been effectively coerced in to including a female lead.

It's very clear what he's saying, but most people are doing the usual "this is what I want you to be saying, so I'll respond to that", and the thing it seems most people want him to be saying is that he has a problem with female leads in games.

No, he's saying the unnatural (in terms of flow of development) forcing of including female leads JUST to appease "equality" is ridiculous.

Anita Sarkeesian kicked all this off in terms of pushing it to a wider audience, and she is guilty of EXACTLY what the OP is talking about. She isn't doing it because she's a woman, she's doing it because she's crazy.

People want female leads JUST because they're female. They don't give a crap how it relates to the story, they just want it their way and they get upset when they don't get it their way.

Her comments about Dishonored, and being disappointed that there is an option to be a male character instead of being female only shows this, and shows how ridiculous and idiotic she is.

Also, why are you putting full stops after question marks?
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Is it just me or are the big studio's pumping out pro female agendas?

So to you I'm guessing pro female agendas are those were female characters are given an actual role in the game beyond damsel in distress? because I'm struggling to see how that is a bad thing.

Don't miss understand, i don't care who the main character is as long as it suits the game. But we seem to be having a overwhelming amount of anti misogynic rhetoric rammed down our throats.

What would disqualify a female lead character from suiting the game beyond just being female?

Then your overwhelming amount of games being against the dislike of women, how many is overwhelming for you? because I'm going to suggest you thinking female characters having valuable roles to play in games is either a bad thing, or even at it's current meek point, 'overwhelming', then that reflects far more on you than the gaming industry.

Can fad movements really have this much of an impact on a multi billion fortune industry?

Feminism is a fad? well if you're broadening your definition of fad to movements that have re-shaped human societies, then absolutely. Also actual fads (frivolous, temporary fascinations of non-importance) make their way into games as well, since that multi-billion fortune industry is generated upon the games earning it that revenue being made by people. Those people having lives that include exposure to culture and it's fads which renders them inseparable.
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