*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

1. When I see other craft around, is there a way to tell whether they are human or AI? I'm still not sure if that's random AI pirates or an actual human player trying to take me down.
Yup, easy ways to tell.
At a distance - Humans will show up on your radar as a hollow shape (triangle if weapons are out, rectangular if stowed), whereas AI are solid/filled-in shapes.

Also, try hailing them - If you can have a chat, they're human. But as mentioned, if they're called 'CMDR [something]' then they're real live people.

Interdiction is also fairly easy - If you get stock phrases on your comms panel, like "This is going to be so easy", "Now I have you", "Prepare to die", "Hmm, what are you carrying, I wonder?", then they're probably AI. Again, you'll see the CMDR bit here too.
Your chances of being player-interdicted are higher in the more populated areas, so if you see lots of hollow shapes then it may be a player. As you're being interdicted and struggle to escape, glance down at your scanner - The interdicting ship will be in red and you can see if it's a hollow or filled shape.

When I log in, am I playing in the same Galaxy as everyone else? If so, why are there so many undiscovered systems so nearby?
YOU have not scanned it (or purchased the data from Cartography), so your personal map of the system considers it undiscovered. However, there are 400 billion systems to explore, so it's still possible that everyone has sped off into the distant unknown, completely missing the occasional local one...
I really hope FD do more work on the visuals at some point. I know they have gone for the realistic look, but the galaxy is still lacking interesting sights. There was some during beta with how some systems were layed out, but they were apparently impossible so we gone after the galaxy code was updated :(

Theres not even any comets or young solar systems etc. or even active black holes.
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Loving CQC, so felt it only right to give it a noob review :D

For those who have left the game because they were bored, this might well get you back into it.
Nah man, you were down to earth and not over enthusiastic like some of these review on youtube which I cringe at sometimes!

Do you find the action is not intense though? Say compared to BF4?
Nah man, you were down to earth and not over enthusiastic like some of these review on youtube which I cringe at sometimes!

Do you find the action is not intense though? Say compared to BF4?

Cheers :)

Some rounds seems kinda quiet and then another is mayhem. As they are quite small maps, you end up pretty much in the action within a few seconds. BF4 32man TDM is a good example of how I would compare.
Loving CQC, so felt it only right to give it a noob review :D

Great stuff, looks a lot of fun!

As I understand it you can join CQC from anywhere? If so it will be a welcome change of pace for those of us like myself who enjoy long exploration trips but miss the occasional bit of pew pew!
Great stuff, looks a lot of fun!

As I understand it you can join CQC from anywhere? If so it will be a welcome change of pace for those of us like myself who enjoy long exploration trips but miss the occasional bit of pew pew!

Yer you can. It is completely independent of the main game and you choose the CQC Championship, play for as long as you like and then return to your exploration if you so wish. No loss to your ship or credits and adds a new rank in your main game (if you are on the CQC patch).
Yer you can. It is completely independent of the main game and you choose the CQC Championship, play for as long as you like and then return to your exploration if you so wish. No loss to your ship or credits and adds a new rank in your main game (if you are on the CQC patch).

Great review. It reminds me of three of the games I've most enjoyed but which are now forgotten:
  • Slipstream 5000
  • Clusterball
  • Mechwarrior (well, the 'Capture the Flag' bit)

And shooting stuff too. Hope they can develop this into a racing/shooting side of the game as well.

It's a great review as I'd dismissed CQC as a side show that wasn't for me, but I now want to dive in!
These HCS voice packs, can anyone using one tell me if it's a simple process to install and get working or will it require arsing about with files and stuff ? cheers !
CQC is due shortly. Stands for Close Quarters Combat and is just a set of short combat missions around a space station. Have a scan at the vids uploaded and online. Looks quite interesting, and I think I'll be giving it a go.

Ref powerplay.
Go into the left screen, then navigation. Bottom left is the powers map. Check that out and join one of the 10 groups. After that, you'll need to MOVE to their zone, so I hope you have a ship with good jump range. Took me 19 jumps to get there.
You then get additional mission options and there's some fairly easy ways to make more cash.
These HCS voice packs, can anyone using one tell me if it's a simple process to install and get working or will it require arsing about with files and stuff ? cheers !

It's easy to install and there's not much faffing with files.
However, it is basically a long list of voice-activated commands, so you need to go through and set each command to match your control configuration (unless you're running the default control profile).

Once you have set it to match your existing layout, it works exceedingly well and is very cool.
I personally just found it quicker to press buttons.
I really like my Cobra, have never tried the Viper.

Loving my Cobra MkIII at the moment :)

Using the following fit and upgrading it as I go along -


I have the gimballed weapons for the moment because I have been using a control pad whilst travelling with my laptop :)

Looking for suggestions on Anaconda hunting fits - perhaps swap the multi-cannons for another set of lasers to target power cores? (maybe beam lasers).
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