I've just got ED with the recent price drop. Enjoying it so far, and having an x52Pro I think probably helps. Tho there are stil a few areas where I'm lacking after 18 hours play.
1. When I see other craft around, is there a way to tell whether they are human or AI? I get interdicted quite frequently (I'm sure everyone else does), and now I have a Cobra I'm much better at withstanding that. I'm still not sure if that's random AI pirates or an actual human player trying to take me down.
2. My experience of online gaming is server based...BF3, and before that the Rainbow 6 theatre. When I log in, am I playing in the same Galaxy as everyone else? If so, why are there so many undiscovered systems so nearby?
3. When Horizons is released, does that mean we can form 'clans' and have a major battleship that can release fighters kinda like Battlestar Galactica but with real swearing?
I feel I should add, All Along The Watchtower has just come on Spotify. No Joke.