This isn't a court case buddy. It's very simple - the 3080 is supposed to be the flagship, yet has less VRAM than the 1080ti, that released 3.5 years ago.
Games are already pressing up against the 10GB limit at 4k, such as Doom eternal that needs between 8 and 10GB. Flight Sim 2020, that needs more than 10GB.
Then you have next gen games like Godfall, that is officially confirmed by the developer to require 12GB VRAM. Do you know more that a developer?
The next gen consoles have double the total memory over the last generation of consoles. This means the developers are making use of the double total memory, this will carry over to PC ports, require more VRAM than previous games.
It seems Nvidia also agree, else why would they be putting 20GB on the 3080ti? Why not 10GB?....
The 3080ti will be an absolutely fantastic card, I'm excited to buy it when it releases. I'm going to need a HDMI 2.1 card to tie me over until it releases though, so will be picking up whatever card I can find in stock!