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10GB vram enough for the 3080? Discuss..

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16 Feb 2004
I wish they would give us an option to turn off the other newer reflections they have added. I used to play RT Ultra and DLSS performance in CP2077 pre 1.5 at mostly 60 fps with drops into the low fifties.

They added the option to do this in the last minor patch. Trying the setting out with the benchmark, it's only dropping my avg by 1 fps but my lows go from 49 to 46.
25 Apr 2017
I don't think that is the RT, though might be. I get the same thing after 1-2 hours of playing - goes from averaging ~60FPS to 45FPS and feels choppy until I restart the game/reload. It seems like some kind of bug with the streamed asset management like the game falsely detects a low memory state and starts swapping stuff out aggressively when it doesn't need to causing a performance hit.

I've not tested it on my main system yet but on my 3070 mobile laptop I didn't get that much hit strangely with the 1.5 patch - maybe 3 FPS less than before - ultra settings + ultra RT is still just about playable with DLSS quality mode at 1080p.
For me, the slowdown seems to happen when in crowded areas and exiting them doesn’t improve the fps at all. The area behind Tom’s diner is a good example. When I enter that area, I average around 51 fps. Quickly exiting it doesn’t affect my fps at all and I am back to 56-57. If I keep moving around in that area in circles, rapidly moving my mouse, fps tanks to like 46-47 after some time and exiting that area still has only 50 fps. When this happens, my gpu usage slightly goes down from 98% to 96% but my 12700k is nowhere close to maxed out. Also, DLSS doesn’t provide as much benefits as it usually does. Going down to balanced from performance just goes from 49 fps to 42 fps. Prior to 1.5, the difference used to be around 10-15 fps.

I wish they would allow us to download previous builds of the game. Turning off the RT lighting just makes the game looks worse than pre 1.5. They should give us options to disable the extra RT effects they added to reflections.
25 Apr 2017
They added the option to do this in the last minor patch. Trying the setting out with the benchmark, it's only dropping my avg by 1 fps but my lows go from 49 to 46.
It’s only for shadows. On my 3080 Ti, fps improves by 2-3 if I disable RT local shadows but it’s still not matching pre 1.5 performance. I guess it’s the RT reflections on even more rougher surfaces causing the drop.
16 Feb 2004
yeah I've been playing with settings, ended up bumping up quite a few and still keeping to 60fps avg. The engine has definitely changed since first release and I did all my settings. The benchmark is a bit inconsistent as well, run it multiple times and get slightly different results
25 Apr 2017
I have decided to tolerate those drops into the forties lol. Those newer reflections and shadows make the game look insanely good and DLSS performance actually looks like DLSS quality prior to 1.5. I could play maxed out 60 fps on my 1440p monitor but the game is designed for OLED imo so sticking to my CX.
18 Feb 2015
I sense bait but I'll bite anyway :cry:

Tiring/busy day so maybe I'm missing something but what exactly are they saying with regards to a "supposed vram issue" or rather what's their point?
The point is vram requirements have increased, and having "only" 10 GB is now a significant detriment to the experience if you wish to also enable RT - ironically the main advantage of Ampere.

It's not very clear.... That at 2560x1440, 3080 is running out of vram and performance issues are happening because of running out of vram? And this is without dlss? If so..... bit of a pointless point given that again, the main thing is not enough RT grunt hence the need for DLSS/FSR in the first place, of course when enabling these, vram usage drops.
No, it is very clear how and where the drops occur (see image below). Furthermore - yes, there's not enough RT grunt in general but there's still an obvious discrepancy here now. And no, vram usage doesn't drop so precipitously with resolution decreases, I was seeing 8 GB even at 540p (w/ RT, doing CPU tests).

So what exactly is the point/relevance here? ;)
Hopefully one day the fervent Nvidia GPU owners will understand that their card's performance does not change depending on how the other team's cards do.

On the whole that's a decent analysis but I'm not sure how they concluded the 3080 'run out of vram'. Typically when there's not enough buffer memory on the graphics card the minimums fall of a cliff as the game has to send data to slower system memory but looking at the 1% results that's not happening.

31 Aug 2013

The point is vram requirements have increased, and having "only" 10 GB is now a significant detriment to the experience if you wish to also enable RT - ironically the main advantage of Ampere.

No, it is very clear how and where the drops occur (see image below). Furthermore - yes, there's not enough RT grunt in general but there's still an obvious discrepancy here now. And no, vram usage doesn't drop so precipitously with resolution decreases, I was seeing 8 GB even at 540p (w/ RT, doing CPU tests).

Hopefully one day the fervent Nvidia GPU owners will understand that their card's performance does not change depending on how the other team's cards do.


The only thing I can take from this is that the ALL cards run out of grunt before running out of VRAM unless of course you wish to play sub 20 FPS or worse.

Why ignore the fact that current, top end, GPUs all run out of grunt before VRAM?
4 Jun 2009

The point is vram requirements have increased, and having "only" 10 GB is now a significant detriment to the experience if you wish to also enable RT - ironically the main advantage of Ampere.

No, it is very clear how and where the drops occur (see image below). Furthermore - yes, there's not enough RT grunt in general but there's still an obvious discrepancy here now. And no, vram usage doesn't drop so precipitously with resolution decreases, I was seeing 8 GB even at 540p (w/ RT, doing CPU tests).

Hopefully one day the fervent Nvidia GPU owners will understand that their card's performance does not change depending on how the other team's cards do.


Essentially this:

No one cares. Oh look, I do not have enough vram to maintain 20 fps....

It's completely pointless statement to be making as per the rest of the article and comparisons to cards, which do have the vram....

Maybe someone can do a benchmark to see how the 3080 12GB or even the 3090 fairs? I can guarantee that they will also need to be enabling dlss to get "playable" fps as well.

As for this comment:

"Furthermore - yes, there's not enough RT grunt in general but there's still an obvious discrepancy here now. And no, vram usage doesn't drop so precipitously with resolution decreases, I was seeing 8 GB even at 540p (w/ RT, doing CPU tests)."

I guess that's why the 6800xt is doing so well then, all that vram, oh wait....





Why ignore the fact that current, top end, GPUs all run out of grunt before VRAM?

Ding ding....

Like I said before many times in this thread, clutching at straws.... :cry: :p
4 Jun 2009
Got a 10gb FC6 update, changed cpu from 3700x to 5800x, can play the game 4K max settings/HD textures and it runs fine for a bit, but, just like the last time, ultimately it runs out of vram.

Have you got 32GB RAM yet? Your 16GB RAM is the main thing causing your issues imo.
31 Aug 2013
Got a 10gb FC6 update, changed cpu from 3700x to 5800x, can play the game 4K max settings/HD textures and it runs fine for a bit, but, just like the last time, ultimately it runs out of vram.

Just in the same way that a copy of the original pong could also tell you that you don't have enough VRAM, you were scAMD ;)
4 Jun 2009
If only the 3090 had more vram....





But in all seriousness, that is from when the game first released so not as relevant nowadays :)

Just in the same way that a copy of the original pong could also tell you that you don't have enough VRAM, you were scAMD ;)

I can't remember if it was Tommy or Gerard but one of them said they were even having FPS drops and crashes when NOT using the HD texture pack and at 1440P even with FSR.......
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