Damn, even Nvidia sponsorships aren't enough to keep the vram thirst at bay (at least not past the launch window winkwink nudgenudge):
inb4 "bUt yOu dOn'T uNdersTanD, thE gAmE is unOptimisEd!1!!1"
I sense bait but I'll bite anyway
Tiring/busy day so maybe I'm missing something but what exactly are they saying with regards to a "supposed vram issue" or rather what's their point? It's not very clear.... That at 2560x1440, 3080 is running out of vram and performance issues are happening because of running out of vram? And this is without dlss? If so..... bit of a pointless point given that again, the main thing is not enough RT grunt hence the need for DLSS/FSR in the first place, of course when enabling these, vram usage drops.
And if we take a look at the rest of their article just below the quoted bit:
Speaking of unplayable: ray tracing on a Radeon was unplayable in Cyberpunk 2077 and remains so. The Radeon RX 6800 XT is already crawling around in 1,920 × 1,080 at RT on "Medium" with just under 38 FPS, the performance loss is a whopping 63 percent. And with RT on High, the framerate drops to just under 26 FPS - that's 75 percent slower than without the rays. Ray tracing does not even have to be tried on the AMD flagship Radeon RX 6900 XT.
So what exactly is the point/relevance here?
Shame they didn't test with RT maxed and using dlss/FSR, at least I only skimmed the article and couldn't see RT maxed, only medium and "high"????
As for the new patch, I only played a bit with the new patch and have noticed no issues with RT maxed and a mix of custom settings for everything else with dlss balanced (needed for when using RT maxed, if I dropped RT lighting to medium, could get away with dlss quality but then the game takes a hit to "overall" IQ) and vram is maxed at 10GB but there are no performance issues. Only way I encountered vram issues in CP was when using several 4k & 8k texture mod packs, I had to remove 2 of the packs to get the vram usage to drop.
New patch has added local RT shadows, which in theory should drop performance, however, it made no difference on my end, at least not that I have noticed so far and there are also a few others reporting the same e.g. mrk
Where is this? RT is improved after the patch. We now have RT local shadows where we only had sun shadows previously so FPS may drop slightly as a result of turning on RT shadows since objects now cast RT shadows.
Still seems to run the same for me with all RT on and where available, set to Psycho.
Also seen several on reddit saying they haven't noticed a difference in fps.
It definitely is not a case of being "unoptimized" either and if people claim this, they clearly haven't seen the game in action for themselves with RT maxed
Well lets be honest this thread is now just a troll. Has been for pages.
Pretty much, I await the day where I can't nuke everyone's so called arguments/debates on this topic from orbit
Interesting, they also seem to find FSR awful in this alongside techpowerup.... Where as this is the first game where I thought FSR looked good, even at 3440x1440....