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14th Gen "Raptor Lake Refresh"

28 Sep 2018
The way intel's handled this has been shockingly poor. I'm hopeful the media doesn't lose sight of it and keep on them.

At the very least the process for RMA should be:
1. A central link that any consumer can go and download the proper BIOS for their setup
2. Clear instructions to set everything to intel specs
3. A stress test for consumers to run at anytime to check the status of their CPU
4. If the test above fails, send report via one click to a service for an advanced RMA

Anything less than above is inadequate.
6 Feb 2019
The way intel's handled this has been shockingly poor. I'm hopeful the media doesn't lose sight of it and keep on them.

At the very least the process for RMA should be:
1. A central link that any consumer can go and download the proper BIOS for their setup
2. Clear instructions to set everything to intel specs
3. A stress test for consumers to run at anytime to check the status of their CPU
4. If the test above fails, send report via one click to a service for an advanced RMA

Anything less than above is inadequate.

I like apart from the stress test, the real test is the CPU running at the advertised clocks while doing the tasks the user does, not some random intel benchmark
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
3. A stress test for consumers to run at anytime to check the status of their CPU

Doesn't necessarily need a stress test, though may on some CPUs - seems the issue can be exposed by certain operations without putting much load on the CPU. Though not sure if that only applies to CPUs already significantly unstable or very poor out the box or all cases.
6 Feb 2019
The whole point of a stress test is to tease out the issue on a consistent basis across the board….

No such wrap around software exists. There is plenty of stress tests already and systems that can pass it but fail in something else. For example a server provider recently complained about their 14900k that would pass any stress test they could throw at it and any benchmarks, yet trying to host minecraft which only needs 1 core and high memory would cause crashes
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28 Sep 2018
No such wrap around software exists. There is plenty of stress tests already and systems that can pass it but fail in something else. For example a server provider recently complained about their 14900k that would pass any stress test they could throw at it and any benchmarks, yet trying to host minecraft which only needs 1 core and high memory would cause crashes

A stress test isn't a product. You can easily create a pre packaged stress test that ranges from anywhere from load spikes on a single cores with sustained and variable workloads, impacting both cache and mem to doing that for all cores or any number of threads in between.
31 Dec 2010
A stress test isn't a product. You can easily create a pre packaged stress test that ranges from anywhere from load spikes on a single cores with sustained and variable workloads, impacting both cache and mem to doing that for all cores or any number of threads in between.
Of course my speculation on the other thread (and over on AT previously) is that since that "major [American] System Integrator which had the high failure rate at intake QA" are probably not running days of test on each CPU that they have such a tool. It might even be an Intel tool for their OEMs.

If such a tool exists (and it may be a simple cli thing) Intel should package it up and use it for RMA process.

That they haven't yet: could be indifference, or that it is just too widespread. Who knows? We are all left guessing.
Man of Honour
22 Jun 2006
A stress test isn't a product. You can easily create a pre packaged stress test that ranges from anywhere from load spikes on a single cores with sustained and variable workloads, impacting both cache and mem to doing that for all cores or any number of threads in between.
In the reddit thread that the Intel rep posted on, I think they recommended to watch a video that would help you know if you were affected.

It might have been this one?
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