16 year old bullying a Syrian refugee with a broken arm, choking and waterboarding him

The blase attitude towards bullying in this thread is incredibly sad to be honest. And those saying there's no evidence it's racially motivated; the kid's family has a history of racially motivated violence and are members of groups like Britain First. If you really think it's not racially motivated then I don't know what to say.

Indeed. Some shocking attitudes. This is exactly the type of thing the police should be getting involved in with such evidence easily available.

Hopefully the posters with such poor attitudes never have their kids be on the end of bullying.
Holy... this thread.

The perpetrator is a Yaxley-Lennon follower and supports UKIP/BNP. He's a ******* racist, anyone purporting otherwise is just PFFFFFFFFT.

Hopefully he gets put on a permanent GCHQ blacklist.

Yeah, I'll update my previous opinion where I thought he should be suspended or expelled... forget suspension I think expulsion is the only only option for the school, kid clearly comes from a scumbag family. Police involvement is sensible too especially given the possibly influence of hard right groups/family influence etc... We'd expect the same if it was some muslim kid who supported ISIS and say attacked a Jewish kid in the same way.
I can’t believe people are saying ‘it’s just bullying’ this was an assault pure and simple. He deserves all the punishment he gets,
I can’t believe people are saying ‘it’s just bullying’ this was an assault pure and simple. He deserves all the punishment he gets,

But this type of thing and worse happens every single day, up and down the country, yet the Police are not involved and charging people, and the victims are not walking away with £40k from Gofundme campaigns.

A slight difference.
But this type of thing and worse happens every single day, up and down the country, yet the Police are not involved and charging people, and the victims are not walking away with £40k from Gofundme campaigns.

A slight difference.

I not sure what your argument is? Unless it’s ‘worse things happen, therefore we should ignore this assult’ which is what you seem to be saying.
But this type of thing and worse happens every single day, up and down the country, yet the Police are not involved and charging people, and the victims are not walking away with £40k from Gofundme campaigns.

A slight difference.

Read my post above.

So you think he should get away with it because other people do?

How about I come bring my baseball bat round to yours and rob you tonight? ****** get away with it so it's all good.

Seriously stop posting rubbish.
Some people don't believe in rehabilitation on the thread.

Maybe we should get the tar and feathers out for him :rolleyes:
But this type of thing and worse happens every single day, up and down the country, yet the Police are not involved and charging people, and the victims are not walking away with £40k from Gofundme campaigns.

A slight difference.


I'm willing to bet if such evidence was available for all bullying incidents like it is here the police would be involved.
But this type of thing and worse happens every single day, up and down the country, yet the Police are not involved and charging people, and the victims are not walking away with £40k from Gofundme campaigns.

A slight difference.

Severe bullying DOES end with police involvement and the bully getting charged. The difference is that this is racially motivated and so the media has decided it is worth reporting as a hot topic. If you are so concerned about other victims, feel free to setup gofundme pages for them.

Sounds like you are either downplaying the vile bullying because it happens elsewhere or are just bitter this Syrian kid is getting £40k. Either way, it is pretty odd.
But this type of thing and worse happens every single day, up and down the country, yet the Police are not involved and charging people, and the victims are not walking away with £40k from Gofundme campaigns.

A slight difference.
I don't follow your argument here?
Severe bullying DOES end with police involvement and the bully getting charged. The difference is that this is racially motivated and so the media has decided it is worth reporting as a hot topic. If you are so concerned about other victims, feel free to setup gofundme pages for them.

Sounds like you are either downplaying the vile bullying because it happens elsewhere or are just bitter this Syrian kid is getting £40k. Either way, it is pretty odd.

I can testify that it doesn't. Schools and the police are pathetically weak at dealing with it. Largely because they have little to no power over minors. Schools have an incredibly difficult time rendering any punishment particularly with idiot parents who refuse to let their child be punished. This forum has had a number of examples of that illustrated before by our very own enlightened members.
I'm glad the bully is getting dealt with as I hate bullys. It's just a shame people only care when there's a racial aspect to it. I saw load of bullying at school and the worst that would happen is the bully would get detention.
I can testify that it doesn't. Schools and the police are pathetically weak at dealing with it. Largely because they have little to no power over minors. Schools have an incredibly difficult time rendering any punishment particularly with idiot parents who refuse to let their child be punished. This forum has had a number of examples of that illustrated before by our very own enlightened members.

Some of the best are parents where they are brought in because their kid seriously beat another kid at school and think their time is being wasted being called in and it's just kids stuff.

Yes, you can push me over and pour some water on my face for £500, and video it :) Less if I'm in a good mood. I think there are far more worthy cases for that level of pecuniary gift! Hopefully he and his family will do the right thing and help out funding of fellow migrants in the UK, it would make a nice statement given the sum involved has now reached heady heights. If they decide to keep it I hope the authorities see them as far more financially independent and reduce the charity given to them.

This could well set a troubling precedent in so far as others may see this as way to a quick and substantial boost to their finances and play the victim card for all it's worth...
I don't follow your argument here?

My argument is that this seems only to have been publicised because it was a "racial" incident, and that the 1000's of other daily cases are likely not being investigated by the Police and likely not raising the best part of £100k through crowdfunding.

Everyone seems to be jumping on the bandwagon from scant video evidence with zero back-story. Obviously now more information has come to light that the family of the bully is scummy, this might warrant a bit less skepticism, however, I struggle to believe the first thing I see on the internet, even a homeless guy story with a go fund me ended up being a fraud across the pond.

THere was a girl who had most of her face melted off and lost her hands when she had petrol poured over her by some sick thug next door neighbour, and her gofundme raised nowhere near this current level of fund, for a guy getting water splashed in his face.

It all seems a bit odd and agenda driven. Not sure why people are frothing about racism or anything else, its nothing to do with it. Publicity seems to be sought for incidents like this to fulfill an agenda, and that is what people are objecting to, not justifying any sort of bullying at all.

99% of people find any bullying horrible, its just the natural reaction, but just because people are not falling over themselves to virtue signal along with the rest of the clones doing the same, its deemed as something more sinister than it actually is.
Yes, you can push me over and pour some water on my face for £500, and video it :) Less if I'm in a good mood. I think there are far more worthy cases for that level of pecuniary gift! Hopefully he and his family will do the right thing and help out funding of fellow migrants in the UK, it would make a nice statement given the sum involved has now reached heady heights. If they decide to keep it I hope the authorities see them as far more financially independent and reduce the charity given to them.

This could well set a troubling precedent in so far as others may see this as way to a quick and substantial boost to their finances and play the victim card for all it's worth...

It happened already with a homeless guy and a couple story in the US. I think they are all up on fraud charges now as their gofundme went ballistic to the tune of nearly half a million!

When people see this "easy money", no doubt it will become commonplace a bit like the fake beggars who get into BMW's after finishing their "shift".

It is a sad world.
It’s not a case of being jealous, it’s just many of us can’t see how a school bullying incident warrants that level of fundraising. Far more deserving cases on these sites that get nowhere near their targets.

It’s up to £83k now.

Except his sister almost committed suicide over the bullying and he has a convenient broken arm... clearly the school doesn't give a ****, thus it's gotten as high as it did (perception of state-uselessness and bigotry, tends to push the right buttons).

It's also probably helps that it's a political device, that the victim will be far more supported than the self-imposed poorly bigots.
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