£1850 Budget for Gaming Rig, Monitor snd Rift Bundle.

I think in fusion you have 3 options tab, basic , advanced and something else. Using the basic option and hitting Colour cycle should make all the Mobo sync together

Colour cycle didn't work? I did have a lead that I didn't know what it was for, at a guess I would say one end goes on the rgb header on the MB and the other plugs into some led strip, maybe that has something to do with it? I will see if I can find a picture of the lead and show you what I mean.
Engine has gotten a lot better , but app just easier haha

Get it to work ?

Morning Mate,

The misses evicted me from the PC last night so she could do some work, the cheek of it:)

I will check tonight and let you know.

This is the lead i was talking about
Mornin' Gents

Just checking in - all looks good and reminds me why i have windowless cases - no apps to manage or extra cables.

I treat my components like a self-harming prisoner in isolation: Padded case, no access to light (no window), and all lights disabled. I'm a boring sod...

All looks good - and i do enjoy looking at builds where users have made the internals look very neat as they're on display. You may want to browse the Project Logs Forum - @leeince - there are some stunning, innovative builds on there. There's even a few from a certain @orbitalwalsh - who needs to update his Parvum build!!!
specially when I might be having an ITX case done .
You will have to showcase that as i need to do a build for my young daughter. i was going to pass on my 2500K system but it's full ATX and she really needs a micro build or preferably an ITX. Now she really does like illuminations - her whole room is a showcase for miniature Chinese lanterns.

I suspect she'll want a micro build as it will giver her more opportunity for RGB (nightmare) - but an ITX would be far better suited for the lack of room she has available.

Do you have a CAD example of the case or are you buying off the shelf?
You will have to showcase that as i need to do a build for my young daughter. i was going to pass on my 2500K system but it's full ATX and she really needs a micro build or preferably an ITX. Now she really does like illuminations - her whole room is a showcase for miniature Chinese lanterns.

I suspect she'll want a micro build as it will giver her more opportunity for RGB (nightmare) - but an ITX would be far better suited for the lack of room she has available.

Do you have a CAD example of the case or are you buying off the shelf?

I have CAD experience but this is taking one of their existing and shrinking it down. did design one from scratch but would take to long to produce - was going to be in Laz3er3D case but all out of HDPlex 400w units in the UK ;(

have a google of Jonsbo VR1 ;)
Designed by chinese so has form over function but for jonsbo- getting better with performance !
Looks Lantern-ie too

That would be perfect - love the sleek look/design.

Can't find a UK supplier - but then only had a brief look - but that would be perfect for her room, especially in red.

However, building it would drive me nuts with the size of my hands - plus my anticipated budget for her build would quadruple as i would need to source a quality 1155 ITX MB - £160 for p8z77 WiFi :/
That would be perfect - love the sleek look/design.

Can't find a UK supplier - but then only had a brief look - but that would be perfect for her room, especially in red.

However, building it would drive me nuts with the size of my hands - plus my anticipated budget for her build would quadruple as i would need to source a quality 1155 ITX MB - £160 for p8z77 WiFi :/

cant send you a message

QPC sure they had some - german site is offical distributor
@orbitalwalsh @Plec

Evening Gentlemen,

I will have a look at the project logs forum, thanks for that.

I might download that Aorus app just to see if that snks the lights.

Also, my idle temp is back up to 40c, all I'm doing is search the net and writing this post?

I Running Realbench again now, I will let you know.

I don't know if this means anything but while running realbench the keybpard and mouse seem to be working when they like? Would realbeanch effect this operation? I know it shouldn't do and I don't think batteries?
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