Yeah, don't worry, your house temps effect temperatures just as much etc . Seems under load it's fine, and don't forget, Real Bench pushes everything to the limits using real world applications.
Synthetic benches push it even harder but nothing actually a stresses it that much for gamers .
And when running stress tests, your GPU/CPU is at max so mouse and keyboard lag , due to cpu trying to process that and other tasks whilst being maxed out
There's a feature in BIOS, normally turn it off when overclocking but since you haven't yet, try enable and disabling it to see how idle and stress temps look
Again, if your power settings in windows options is to max performance, CPU will run a bit hotter for basic tasks and draw a little more power![]()
Mornin' Gents
Just checking in - all looks good and reminds me why i have windowless cases - no apps to manage or extra cables.
I treat my components like a self-harming prisoner in isolation: Padded case, no access to light (no window), and all lights disabled. I'm a boring sod...
All looks good - and i do enjoy looking at builds where users have made the internals look very neat as they're on display. You may want to browse the Project Logs Forum - @leeince - there are some stunning, innovative builds on there. There's even a few from a certain @orbitalwalsh - who needs to update his Parvum build!!!
Thats until you purchase that case you linked to earlier, that was a lovely looking case!! Out of couriosity, how much was that?
And would all my gear fit in it
Dont worry lads im not swappung cases just yet but the size of my current case was the only thing the misses mentioned!! What does she know about heat and air circulaton![]()
its small , very small but has flaws - one being the price £160+ - air flow is great due to 2 fans at the bottom pushing at to the top .
The glass is to dark! System with lighting on the block , strips and board- still very very dark
custom water is pretty much a no go - had to use £20 fans in this one to make sure fans were at 80% but quiet
UMX5 addresses some issues but issues but looks really bad!
UMX still may fave case but lacks VR ease
You don't muck about do you mate @orbitalwalsh![]()
Haha, I started to do a few client builds and then just getting everything sorted and fatherhood kicks in and side business dreams go on hold ! Hahaha
Tried out VR yet ?
Haha, I started to do a few client builds and then just getting everything sorted and fatherhood kicks in and side business dreams go on hold ! Hahaha
Tried out VR yet ?
@leeince in the graphics engine, click on the motherboard icon, the pick a colour and there will be another tab to click which reads, 'sync to all components' or something like that. If you've got no option to click on the mobo then uninstall and reinstall, it did it to me, like orbital says...not the best piece of software but it does definitely enable LED syncing...
Do you have a aorus mobo? If not, that might be why you dont see a mobo LED option but im new to this PC thing too. On mine i have both GPU and mobo options but im using all gigabyte aorus...
Yes set to active fan, stops fans running when not needed
Good to here some problems solved !
And those temps are fine ! Close to 60c the better and anything under 90c will do hahaha
Just as long as it doesn't sound like a jet engine .
Try Upscaling games to 4K and see how you get on. Games like battlefield have the option in the games menu, were you select your monitors resolution is, and what resolution you want to play at. Wouldn't say do this for every title but for older games is nice