£1850 Budget for Gaming Rig, Monitor snd Rift Bundle.

Glad I can help, RGB all the things.....!

Too fast!? okay I will feed that back to HQ Orbital... as it happens I am currently sending some recommendations on BIOS so will add that in.
Glad I can help, RGB all the things.....!

Too fast!? okay I will feed that back to HQ Orbital... as it happens I am currently sending some recommendations on BIOS so will add that in.

Text box when you go over it option in the bios settings stating what it does, and what the options do. Would be helpful :)

Set the speed to fast and it's a UFO :D
Option to dim it down was nice though ! Wasn't an option before hand
@orbitalwalsh @Plec

Afternoon Gentlemen,

I've been a bit quite this week, its been mad at work and I haven't time to do much else.

I'm going to try and get on and play the weekend, I will also upload some pics on the LEDS all the same colour:)

I've downloaded Elite dangerous, its supposed to be good in VR, I might wait until I pick up a HOTAS before playing it though.

Chat soon,
Hey @leeince - glad to read a post that's all positive, you deserve it.

I bought the exact same joystick for the exact same game (3 years ago) - i can't comment on the game as i never got around to playing it properly but the joystick is great quality. From the bits i did see it should be fantastic experience using VR.

I'm thinking of buying one for my kids - as Google Earth looks great and i'm an F1 freak so i'm interested in VR driving games but i'll probably get nauseous using it. :/
Hey @leeince - glad to read a post that's all positive, you deserve it.

I bought the exact same joystick for the exact same game (3 years ago) - i can't comment on the game as i never got around to playing it properly but the joystick is great quality. From the bits i did see it should be fantastic experience using VR.

I'm thinking of buying one for my kids - as Google Earth looks great and i'm an F1 freak so i'm interested in VR driving games but i'll probably get nauseous using it. :/

VR is stupidly good, cockpit games really come in to there own.

Google earth is very impressive, we have just booked to go Mexico and I was able to visit the hotel, stand around the pool, go on the beach............its bloody good!

There's a game called Aircar on the store that is a very basic cockpit game where you just get to free fly around a city at night, it blows you away!
@Plec @orbitalwalsh

I was playing battlefield today, i wad only playing for about 5 minutes and the pc crashed, screen went black and the no signal message came up. I restated the pc and tried again and it happened again but a bit longer this time. On both occassions there was a lot going on on screen with explosions and things, any ideas what this might be? And what i should do to stop it?
@Plec @orbitalwalsh

I was playing battlefield today, i wad only playing for about 5 minutes and the pc crashed, screen went black and the no signal message came up. I restated the pc and tried again and it happened again but a bit longer this time. On both occassions there was a lot going on on screen with explosions and things, any ideas what this might be? And what i should do to stop it?
Hey @leeince

Is the crash 'game specific' or is it replicated in any other games?

You'll need to run a few diagnostics - most obvious being your CPU and GPU temps - do you have any monitoring software and a couple of synthetic stress tests (i think you have core temp)?

We need the idle temps of both the CPU and GPU and then again when under load - this may have to be done/observed quickly if it is a thermal problem.

For speed try a couple of brutal synthetic tests - prime 95 for stressing the CPU and MSI Kombustor (you'll need to scroll down to the bottom of the site to get to the link) for making the GPU sweat.

Have the monitoring software running at the same time (Kombustor will do this within the software) - watch the temps closely. If it's thermal issue it will show up very quickly - likewise if it's a fundamental component flaw (but not always guaranteed) - but we're really just exploring temps for now. You will only need to run each test for 15 minutes for thermal testing as both will stress each component far more than any game so the heat generated within the cores will be very quick.

The other test you may want to consider running is memtest - this will tax your memory but unlike the other tests this is best left to run overnight unless it gives up errors straight away.
Hey @leeince

Is the crash 'game specific' or is it replicated in any other games?

You'll need to run a few diagnostics - most obvious being your CPU and GPU temps - do you have any monitoring software and a couple of synthetic stress tests (i think you have core temp)?

We need the idle temps of both the CPU and GPU and then again when under load - this may have to be done/observed quickly if it is a thermal problem.

For speed try a couple of brutal synthetic tests - prime 95 for stressing the CPU and MSI Kombustor (you'll need to scroll down to the bottom of the site to get to the link) for making the GPU sweat.

Have the monitoring software running at the same time (Kombustor will do this within the software) - watch the temps closely. If it's thermal issue it will show up very quickly - likewise if it's a fundamental component flaw (but not always guaranteed) - but we're really just exploring temps for now. You will only need to run each test for 15 minutes for thermal testing as both will stress each component far more than any game so the heat generated within the cores will be very quick.

The other test you may want to consider running is memtest - this will tax your memory but unlike the other tests this is best left to run overnight unless it gives up errors straight away.

I've been playing VR without issue but other than that I have only played Battlefield.

I have HW Monitor for temps, I will download both the stress tests and us those.

My current temps are:

CPU = 39c
GPU = 36c

I will run the test and report back.
Hey @leeince

Is the crash 'game specific' or is it replicated in any other games?

You'll need to run a few diagnostics - most obvious being your CPU and GPU temps - do you have any monitoring software and a couple of synthetic stress tests (i think you have core temp)?

We need the idle temps of both the CPU and GPU and then again when under load - this may have to be done/observed quickly if it is a thermal problem.

For speed try a couple of brutal synthetic tests - prime 95 for stressing the CPU and MSI Kombustor (you'll need to scroll down to the bottom of the site to get to the link) for making the GPU sweat.

Have the monitoring software running at the same time (Kombustor will do this within the software) - watch the temps closely. If it's thermal issue it will show up very quickly - likewise if it's a fundamental component flaw (but not always guaranteed) - but we're really just exploring temps for now. You will only need to run each test for 15 minutes for thermal testing as both will stress each component far more than any game so the heat generated within the cores will be very quick.

The other test you may want to consider running is memtest - this will tax your memory but unlike the other tests this is best left to run overnight unless it gives up errors straight away.

I don't know what settings I should be using on prime 95 or kumbustor? I'm going to runlbench for now and see what that gives.

Those are the messages I get when I try to run real bench. The system error comes up immediately and then when IO click ok I get the instability detected down the bottom.

Any ideas?
My little boys currently playing sims4 without issue so far. I dont suppose sims is very taxing but my temp while he is playing are cpu 47 gpu 52.
I also turned the fps counter on in the nvidia experience earlier today and that shows 200 fps in sims when my minitor is only 75hz?

It's going that fast but your screen can't match you may notice a few frame skips .

Have a feeling might be ram related . Have to run a simple over clock and ram voltage and see
Those are the messages I get when I try to run real bench. The system error comes up immediately and then when IO click ok I get the instability detected down the bottom.

Any ideas?
Try 'Stress Test' option - if no joy you could try a reinstall (but you are missing a .dll file) or if that fails you could run Firestrike instead (most people preferred choice) However this is a much bigger app but will still will push the card but with added panache - plus bragging rights if you register.

My little boys currently playing sims4 without issue so far. I dont suppose sims is very taxing but my temp while he is playing are cpu 47 gpu 52.
My little boys now playing unravel, again i doubt its very taxing but its playing without issue.

Correct, neither of those will tax the CPU or GPU or even the memory in the same way as BF1 - but it could be a BF1 specific problem and even if it's not it could still be software related.

I also turned the fps counter on in the nvidia experience earlier today and that shows 200 fps in sims when my minitor is only 75hz?

Perfectly normal - a 75Hz screen will refresh 75 times per second so technically will only display/output 75 FPS even though your system is rendering/running the game at 200+ FPS. If you start to experience screen tearing or blurring you could cap you FPS using V-Sync - this will restrict your FPS to 75, matching your monitor's output.
@Plec at @orbitalwalsh

I was just playing the division at 2556x1440 @75hz all on ultra and it run without issue. Both gpu and cpu were around 61c, is this ok?

I was running the "stress test option when I got dll message, its confusing because the one you pic turns grey and the unselected one turns red, it looks like I've selected benchmark in the pics because its red but its actually the stress test.

I wll try firstrike tomorrow and also the ram voltage, you will need to talk me through the ram voltage if you don't mind gents.

Chat soon,
I don't know what settings I should be using on prime 95 or kumbustor
Missed this.

With Prime stick to 'blend test' as this will bring the memory into play too and will still generate more than enough heat to determine a thermal issue - although i agree with @orbitalwalsh, you could be looking at a memory issue - which could be as simple as massaging the settings or one of the sticks is borked. It's nearly always the weakest link in my builds if i have a problem - i never trust the stuff...

Remember the memtest link - run it overnight. You're only pushing 2933Mhz so it should't need any tweaking - but all builds are different even when using the same components...
@Plec at @orbitalwalsh

I was just playing the division at 2556x1440 @75hz all on ultra and it run without issue. Both gpu and cpu were around 61c, is this ok?

I was running the "stress test option when I got dll message, its confusing because the one you pic turns grey and the unselected one turns red, it looks like I've selected benchmark in the pics because its red but its actually the stress test.

I wll try firstrike tomorrow and also the ram voltage, you will need to talk me through the ram voltage if you don't mind gents.

Chat soon,
No problem - and those temps are fine.

It's could be game specific - not unusual, but could equally/oddly still be caused by hardware.

Did you have issues with this game before the 'restore point'?
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