Think I got this right - there are 2 English audio options for this; original and dubbed - original some characters speak English but other characters speak a variety of languages - while dubbed those are replaced with all English.
Is that what is going on?! I thought my internet was on a go slow or I was having a senior moment when the voices didn't match the screen, but only sometimes.
I thought it was boring and a bit of a chore to watch, spending more time wondering what the hell is going on with the lip sync. Judging from the positive comments here perhaps I wasn't in the mood for it and should give it another watch.
Well, I’m glad that it is over.
I have not seen Dark so no comparison here.
An ok series but not a masterpiece. Some solid acting and a dark atmosphere but confusing and disjointed at times. Repetitive in places and never really got going until episode five. The music at the end of each episode was apt.
It was a shame we didn’t get a complete story but have been setup for more of the same in the next series. I will watch series two but won’t be waiting for it with great anticipation.
Was not expecting that ending at all
Dark was a right mind-bender, this is far more pedestrianIs it less complex than dark?
With the time humps and subs I couldn't get to grips with dark. Could see it was good. But just too much jumping around for me.
Yeah it frustrates me that shows where things jump around a lot I just can't keep up with. Particularly with subs. I found I was reading the subs and not watching.Dark was a right mind-bender, this is far more pedestrian
Really intriguing and Lost-esque for the 1st 4 episodes. Then it all went a bit downhill.
The international element of the cast and the different languages and subtitles were cool. Mainly English and German and then the rest is Danish, Spanish and French. It feels like a classic mystery set on a ship albeit with some sci-fi mixed in.
Sadly the way it ended was rubbish. They basically don't have to explain anything else as it was all a simulation and metaphors. The whole setting being 1899 and on a ship was largely irrelevant to the plot in the end.
At the end of Season 1 of Dark my head was hurting but I desperately wanted to see Season 2. At the end of this I just felt a bit cheated and "meh". Off course I'll end up watching season 2 anywayI suspect I'll just end up watching Dark again soon to get the semi bad taste of this show out of my brain!
Dark 9/10 overall
1899 6.5-7/10
P.s. anyone else notice the main actress is basically a British Amy Adams?!