Oh dear god I can't read much more of this, yes Illegal immigration is a huge problem that needs addressing for a whole myriad of reasons from exploitation to the strain on the National Health service that is impacting all of our lives in some way whether we care to admit it or not.
But lets not forget that for the majority of these people risking their lives to make it here and to other countries they are truly desperate! If quality of life was tolerable where they were born they would not be hoofing it across continents or across the seas in the most dangerous of conditions. Bricking up the tunnel, searching every truck etc and shipping them all back to their home nations is not going to solve the problem.
They are only going to try and risk more extreme measures to get to their desired destinations or move on to other countries. This is a global problem and needs a global solution. Now I'm no politician, diplomat or strategist but surely the united nations should be taking this situation far more seriously and we as a planet should be addressing the issues that cause these people to flee; Wars, religious extremism, famine, lack of medical facilities and lack of gainful employment are all things that with the right amount of dedication could be solved with time and patience.
But hey, what do I know? Lets just throw up a massive wall around the UK and pretend its some other countries problem... yeah cause that solves things that does.