2,000 migrants tried to enter channel tunnel last night!

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Have we not shot them all yet? Come on France and England man up!

I feel sorry for the future generations who will be brought up in a country that's being overrun by such parasites. We need to grow a spine and stand up for ourselves.
Raihan Jan, 24, a clerk from Afghanistan, said he had travelled through Iran, Turkey, Greece and Italy before reaching Calais four days ago.
"We heard that one guy died and we know it's very dangerous, but there is not another way to go the UK," he said.

It's going to take a long time and a lot of work to dispel the myth that England (UK) is paved with gold. Jobs for all with benefits.
You want to cut people off who come here by illegal means but choose to ignore that fact that for many people that is their only means of getting here and the fact that the very policy you advocate directly led to deaths in the past.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

They dont have a need to be here.

You seem to be having difficulty understanding that plenty of safe countries between those hotspots and here.

IF we are obliged to take so many asylum seekers by EU mandate per year, thats fine, the EU can set up a location where they go, identify them, allocate them to countries per their quota and we will look after them.

We will not take anyone who does not go through this process, problem solved.
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He hasn't gone against the MPs. There was no vote about whether British personnel embedded with a foreign military could participate in this action. The vote was whether British forces should participate in action against the Assad regime. This has not occurred.
so are they or are they not British personnel.

oh wait your talking about a loophole....
so are they or are they not British personnel.

oh wait your talking about a loophole....

What, you mean the UK government actively sought to get UK troops involved in bombing Syria by the back door?
Involving a process that has been ongoing for decades? that of seconding troops between members of the NATO treaty?

Thats pretty far fetched.

Based Poland. The Swedish numbers make horrifying reading though, isn't Sweden the rape capital of Europe now?

I can't understand why we accept people on those grounds. Isn't France a relativly safe country? Or Spain? Or whatever country has been leap-frogged by these migrants to end up at Calais.

There is no war, torture or food shortage in any of the countries where they land, it's the entitled mindset of these freeloaders that drives them to the country they deem to offer the best free ride. This is the UK.


Oh boy, you're in for a shock.
Oh boy, you're in for a shock.

There's a difference between the managed, legal migration that Canada has, and the chaotic free for all that we have. That said, there were loads of Chinese people in Vancouver when I went.

Oh boy, you're in for a shock.

Not really, not unless that is an image of number of Illegal immigrants, as opposed to number of Immigrants. Which I am guessing it is, as it clearly states Immigrants rather than Illegal Immigrants.

Additionally, I am also not in for a shock, because the current UK situation and my opinion of the UK recently, is not simply down to a question of illegal immigration. There are many many other factors involved (what I see as the decline of the UK and the quality of life here). The QoL is undoubtedly better in Canada imo.
What, you mean the UK government actively sought to get UK troops involved in bombing Syria by the back door?
Involving a process that has been ongoing for decades? that of seconding troops between members of the NATO treaty?

Thats pretty far fetched.

so lets say america starts a war with another nation like cuba.

our embedded troops are going to fight vs cuba? no of course they are not... and you know it...

there only bombing syria because it's what the people in power want anyway
There's a difference between the managed, legal migration that Canada has, and the chaotic free for all that we have. That said, there were loads of Chinese people in Vancouver when I went.
Your implication being that lots of Chinese is a sign of poor immigration policy, presumably.

Why's that?
Because you put forward that is was a largely negative process whereas I've highlighted there is was largely a positive process even if it was for our own benefit.

All this woe is me colonial exploitation sounds very much like what have the Romans ever done for us.

I did not state that it was largely negative, I just challenged the view that European colonialism was nothing but advantageous for the African nations. I'm well aware that the the British empire had positive effects and many benefits for some colonies, as is evident by their subsequent flourishing.

But it's absurd to think that sweeping statements like "Africa was better off under European rule [sic]" are true when you consider some of the appalling barbarity with which we conducted ourselves using justifications that the indigenous people were somehow backward and sub-human because they didn't share our "advanced" culture. An ignorant view which I can't believe you have echoed here in the 21st century.

Countries have and always will influence and control each other. Most countries get on with it afterwards, some like to bleat about all the problems they face as being of external causation without looking at their own corrupt regimes that propagate problems.
For me the biggest negative influences the West/East have made in Africa are the provision of immunisation, the provision of famine relief and the provision of armaments.

Africans are always moaning about colonial influence until something goes wrong for them then they come cap in hand expecting everyone to bail them out ... yet again. Well how about they stop being so corrupt, how about they stop breeding when they don't have enough food for the mouths that already need feeding, how about they stop fighting and ethnically cleansing each other, how about they stop eating monkeys/bats and all other sorts of wonderful bush meats? And how about they stop prostituting themselves to the Chinese but getting very little in return this time ...

Again, I didn't try and claim that all of Africa's problems are of our causing, but you really need to be aware of the huge impact we have had on the continent in the past before you start clamouring about how "backward" they are.

I advocate shoot on sight policy for illegal immigrants, that will soon resolve the Calais crisis.

At worst, you are being serious and therefore an utterly repellent excuse for a human being.
At best, this is just more keyboard posturing you are nothing more than a moronic troll.
Oh dear god I can't read much more of this, yes Illegal immigration is a huge problem that needs addressing for a whole myriad of reasons from exploitation to the strain on the National Health service that is impacting all of our lives in some way whether we care to admit it or not.

But lets not forget that for the majority of these people risking their lives to make it here and to other countries they are truly desperate! If quality of life was tolerable where they were born they would not be hoofing it across continents or across the seas in the most dangerous of conditions. Bricking up the tunnel, searching every truck etc and shipping them all back to their home nations is not going to solve the problem.

They are only going to try and risk more extreme measures to get to their desired destinations or move on to other countries. This is a global problem and needs a global solution. Now I'm no politician, diplomat or strategist but surely the united nations should be taking this situation far more seriously and we as a planet should be addressing the issues that cause these people to flee; Wars, religious extremism, famine, lack of medical facilities and lack of gainful employment are all things that with the right amount of dedication could be solved with time and patience.

But hey, what do I know? Lets just throw up a massive wall around the UK and pretend its some other countries problem... yeah cause that solves things that does.
The Swedish numbers make horrifying reading though, isn't Sweden the rape capital of Europe now?

What a delightfully juxtaposition of facts you've chosen there!

Why is Sweden helping more people "horrifying reading"? I would have thought providing refuge to the desperate and disposed should be something a country should be proud of.

As for "the rape capital", it's true that Sweden has more recorded rapes than any other developed nation, however, this comparison is utterly misleading due to differences in the recording of crimes and definition of rape. When you try to collect more comparable data these differences disappear.
At worst, you are being serious and therefore an utterly repellent excuse for a human being.

I fail to see what is 'repellent' about my position. Are you saying that human life is somehow sacrosanct? If so, does your disgust extend to those people who buy products manufactured in sweat shops where there are abysmal safety standards?
Oh dear god I can't read much more of this, yes Illegal immigration is a huge problem that needs addressing for a whole myriad of reasons from exploitation to the strain on the National Health service that is impacting all of our lives in some way whether we care to admit it or not.

But lets not forget that for the majority of these people risking their lives to make it here and to other countries they are truly desperate! If quality of life was tolerable where they were born they would not be hoofing it across continents or across the seas in the most dangerous of conditions. Bricking up the tunnel, searching every truck etc and shipping them all back to their home nations is not going to solve the problem.

They are only going to try and risk more extreme measures to get to their desired destinations or move on to other countries. This is a global problem and needs a global solution. Now I'm no politician, diplomat or strategist but surely the united nations should be taking this situation far more seriously and we as a planet should be addressing the issues that cause these people to flee; Wars, religious extremism, famine, lack of medical facilities and lack of gainful employment are all things that with the right amount of dedication could be solved with time and patience.

But hey, what do I know? Lets just throw up a massive wall around the UK and pretend its some other countries problem... yeah cause that solves things that does.

Lol, 'time and patience' are the two things we no longer have.

We are out of time because the oceans and seas are dying and there is naught that we can seriously do, that means what little livelihoods coastal areas have in underdeveloped Africa and Asia will disappear, even ignoring the eventual literal disappearance of the coast by increased storm potential and permanent flooding that will occur anyway.

We cannot service the millions that will eventually turn up on Europes doorstep, so unless we end welfare completely, we have to say no - however as always there will be some half-arsed solution where small camps like the one in Calais will pop up in more locations as a 'measure'.

Unfortunately there will come a time that armed response is inevitable.

Life sucks.
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