Poll: *** 2010 General Election Result & Discussion ***

Who did you vote for?

  • Labour

    Votes: 137 13.9%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 378 38.4%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 304 30.9%
  • UK Independence Party

    Votes: 27 2.7%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 10 1.0%
  • British National Party

    Votes: 20 2.0%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • DUP

    Votes: 4 0.4%
  • UUP

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • SDLP

    Votes: 3 0.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 16 1.6%
  • Abstain

    Votes: 80 8.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Blimey, just think, another 4 or 5 years of Labour or the dreaded Conservatives!! I really hope not.


Come on people, lets give the UK an new leadership, a new party an hopefully (better than 'knowing' Labour or the Cons will make things even worse) a better Britain for everyone.
Yay let's scare the banks away, we can make up the hole in the tax some other way... right?
Indeed. Also, "Thatcherism claims to promote low inflation, the small state and free markets through tight control of the money supply, privatization and constraints on the labour movement". That's soooo bad. It's almost like being raped by a watermelon.

Come on people, lets give the UK an new leadership, a new party an hopefully a better Britain for everyone.
You sound like a priest.
I love all the conservative supporters labelling people as stupid for supporting the Lib Dems - seems like us Lib Dem voters are all being labelled as fooled by the election debates.

Just for some justification on my pro-lib dem stance:

Tory schools policy sucks (according to my mum, a headteacher).
Lib Dem would repeal Digital economy bill.
Fairer electoral system.
Need to break the labour/tory stranglehold on power.
Dont think Trident is needed in the modern world.
General belief that Lib Dems care about personal freedoms, right to fair trial etc that Labour and Jacqui Smith seem to have forgotten is important.
Really don't like Conservative policies in general.
Think Labour have had their chance and not delivered.
Lib Dem candidate in Cambridge has better local policies than the other main candidates.

You may disagree with me, but I have at least weighed everything up.

I'm hoping I can stop laughing at you because I really have important things to do, but you have managed to bring a bit of lightness to my life today, thankyou.

I like how you brought your mummy into this, head teacher or not the libdems want too bring further and higher education to the masses (funded by the expulsion of trident which apart from the obvious problems with making a deterrent obsolete that actually prevents terrorist nations that we have managed to antagonise from actually screwing us, which when all said and done will not actually pay for it) therefore further de-valuing degrees (it appears every man and his dog has a degree at least to BA level which means they mean nothing). University education should be something that should be paid for and should only be available to the people with the ability to gain one, standards need to be way higher and if you want your kids to go to uni (if they have the abilities) then start saving.

Trident oh well I've covered that.

This country needs a bit of control, don't think for one minute you have freedom and don't be a hippie and think that fighting the establishment will help, control in this country will help to bring it back to a nation you can be proud of.

My only problem with the tories is the lack of support for i.d cards, I personally welcome them plus checkpoints, if you have nothing to hide whats the problem. ;)
I honestly hope you are being sarcastic.

Why do you hope I'm being sarcastic? I'm interested in this really as you and a very highly respected friend of mine have the same opinion of me when I say this, so it's not spoiling for a fight it is purely interest in a differing opinion.
It's comfortable on these horses. Better that than in the poo of the proletariat.

Indeed and ironically I'm from the lesser well off, when I say that I have to pay for my kids education I mean I trully have to as in start saving now (she's 3) in order to pay for her education in 15 years time, a responsibility I'm prepared to take on which means I won't be able to afford all the cool new tech, big house, nice car etc, but at least I understand the responsibilty.

I'm prepared to accept all the consequences of my vote in order to help my nation, bet I couldn't say the same for a lot on here.:cool:
It's all well voting liberal democrats but you're forgetting what the UK is built on. We are a dominant world leader behind the US in terms of service industries... providing most of europe with world leading banking and consultancy services.

I have been pro-capitalist for a few years, but recently have been rethinking the ideoloy as flawed and cruel, but it still remains the fact that we are a WORLD leader... that should not be ruined.

I think Clegg or Cameron would both be a breath of fresh air for the country, any party in control too long is bad as we will become biased to their agendas. Just don't go all out on "REFORM THE BANKS", you do that and there wont be an industry left... those who bring in the real cash for the banks DO get compensated for their work with substantial returns, they lose that, they move abroad.

I challenge ANYONE on this forum to try get into investment banks and trading positions, and do the job for a day, I guarantee you crack under pressure like most. It might be seen as "worthless" or not "generating real value", but the investment industry fuels R&D & SMEs something that we cannot survive without as an economy.
Indeed and ironically I'm from the lesser well off, when I say that I have to pay for my kids education I mean I trully have to as in start saving now (she's 3) in order to pay for her education in 15 years time, a responsibility I'm prepared to take on which means I won't be able to afford all the cool new tech, big house, nice car etc, but at least I understand the responsibilty.

I'm prepared to accept all the consequences of my vote in order to help my nation, bet I couldn't say the same for a lot on here.:cool:
Being childless myself, and from a 'broken' family (so no financial support for muggins here), I do not understand any parent in the UK saving for their children's education... Student loans more than cover it, and paying them back is an important part of life. I wouldn't've liked free money in retrospect - it would've cheapened my degree and hard work.
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