*** 2013 Powerlifting Totals - NEW ***

It's okay, I'm at a weight PB atm, I'll put you and Delvis to shame! Don't look all that bad tho #nomakeup #justgotup #yolo
LOL! Its ok Delvis, ladies love some junk in the trunk. Nomsayin? Even if it does mean I'm now tearing all my toight work trousers by merely contemplating bending down to retrieve the next chocolate bar/cookie from the vending machines at work...
Been a struggle numbers wise as I've been on a cut (wedding soon!) and been working on my oly lifts and front squat but finally something budged today:

kiwi --------------- 75+ / 140(B) / 150(B) ------- [80] ------ 365

edit: boy does my bench look sad :(
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Can I have a small update ;) As of today (15/11/2013)

T1Cybernetic------ 115 / 175 / 195 ------------- [100] ---- 485


And a partridge in a pear tree, Just the one though :D

To be honest, I was hoping for a bit more this year and especially wanted to get that 200 deadlift but it's just not meant to be!
I've also been slowly dropping some weight and had a couple of problem injury's so I am just happy that the weight's are still going up.

Not a powerlifter but would be cool to be included if I can be?

Heaviest lifts so far

Bench 140kg (for 3)

Squat 190kg (180 for 3)

Deadlift 200kg (180 for 12)

Not impressive but I'm better at reps haha.

Done at a bodyweight of 85 - 90 (I'd just started cutting when I hit my maxes so not sure)

Current best lifts at 75kg are:
Bench: 140
Squat 180
Deadlift 190

Only video I have is the one from my log which was 140kg bench for 3 paused reps when I weighed 86kg.


Not a long powerlifting pause though, but clearly paused.

As I start bulking/reversing I'll try and get some videos up so I can be counted. I train for looks though, so the lifts are just for fun.
those numbers are in no way bad, actually really good.. especially impressed with the bench press..

Thanks man! I train for looks really and strength just came along (a bit of strength at least lol)

This is my log, just started:

I neglected legs for ages though so the squat and DL should be going up soon. Also rarely did singles or 'low' reps for deads of squats like I did on bench, hence I can rep 180 for 12 with more ease than I do 200 for 1 haha.

New programme I should be starting soon will have more lower range deadlifts etc, so I'd quite like 6 plates by the end of next year :P but then as a natty that's getting near the limits at this bodyweight, so suspect I'll have to go up more than I expect.

Saw some of the crazy lifts on the first page, you guiz are all jacked haha
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