***2015 Powerlifting Total Thread***

Awesome work all.

Dreamforger, going to have some tasty comp PBs :cool:

I have a month of training to hopefully squeeze another 10kg into my max. If I can get 157.5kg - 165kg I'll have a 2.5bw deadlift at either this bodyweight or at the class category bodyweight. As for bench...I'm just going to hope for the best
Haven't done it yet this year. If however you get a spare moment feel free, as I hate doing that.
You've definitely go more in your deadlift - and I'm sure your squat has more in it. You've got the strength, you just need to apply it in the right way.
I'm really happy with how my squat is going at the minute to be honest, really seem to have hit the groove with it recently so it's still going up session on session.
Deads are no where near topped out they're snapping up nice and quick no horrible grinds it's just a lack of plates at my current place holding it back.
Bench I'm pretty much topped out on at the minute.

Finally getting the bike back on the road this weekend, so it might be time to go exploring for a big boys gym to have a play around in.
I'm really happy with how my squat is going at the minute to be honest, really seem to have hit the groove with it recently so it's still going up session on session.
Deads are no where near topped out they're snapping up nice and quick no horrible grinds it's just a lack of plates at my current place holding it back.
Bench I'm pretty much topped out on at the minute.

Finally getting the bike back on the road this weekend, so it might be time to go exploring for a big boys gym to have a play around in.

500 will be yours easily then. :cool:

Over the last 2 years I've managed to get my training partner up 100kg in his total lifts. So adding 50+ in a year should be doable with the right training :)
Couple of PB's on my Birthday last Friday:

Darryl_1983 ------- 137.5 / 170 / 210 --------------- [95] ----- 517.5

Grip is now starting to be an issue with my deadlift max at 210, so will need to work on that to continue increasing. Will have to get some chalk.

Also hit 6 reps with 140kg on the bar in the same workout, squats seem to be improving every week at the minute. And my deadlift is coming up too, been working on form more than max weight for a few months now.

Also got a belt coming from Strength Shop, so hoping that'll help add some weight in there too. Goal is still 600kg for the year.

Edit for bench PR this evening:

Darryl_1983 ------- 140 / 170 / 210 --------------- [95] ----- 520

Went for a 142.5, as 140 didn't feel too bad, but missed it

Edit 2:

Darryl_1983 ------- 140 / 180(B) / 210 --------------- [95] ----- 530

New Belt helped add 10 kg to my squat, first time ever using a belt, so still getting used to it.

May as well edit this again for another PB last night:

Darryl_1983 ------- 140 / 180(B) / 220(B) --------------- [95] ----- 540

Still got a little left to come from the deadlift i think and my squat feels great at the minute, hit 160kg for 4 reps last night, need to learn how to get the most from the belt in the deadlift though.
Last edited:
Freefaller ----------------- 150 / 205 / 250 ------------- [91] ------------ 605

New PB and lifetime Total PB (other than my best bench attempt but meh :p)

Here's my 250kg dead:

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