2022 mini-budget discussion

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Quite easily because I haven't seen anything from the current Labour party, because lets be realistic it's not going to be another party, that makes me think they'd have done a better job during the same time or if they were to get in now.

Essentially I do not believe the current Labour party are actually better than the current Conservative party

I empathise, there is no party there for me at the moment, but I have got to the point, since the Kippers took over the Tories that anything, I really mean anything would be a move in the right direction for this country. And I won’t waste a chance to vote.
Really? You haven't seen anything that makes you think they might have done a better job?
How can you honestly say that with a straight face... A pile of dog vomit could have done a better job than what we have witnessed and had to tolerate from the Tory party over the last couple of years, let alone the 10 preceding it.

How about our sitting PM lying constantly to parliament, while accusing Starmer of doing exactly that which they were guilty of themselves, so much so the police actually investigated Starmer a SECOND time and still found him to be entirely within the rules and the law.
Just that alone should be enough for anyone when faced with the blatant dishonesty we have been witness to under the Tories.

You have a choice of people to lead the country... You can either :-
A) Choose the Tory party who have repeatedly been found guilty of lying, both to police and parliament, while funneling a crap-ton of public money into the pockets of share-holders and friends / ex-neighbours with Dodgy PPE contracts.
B) Choose the Labour Party who have repeatedly been accused of lying and after investigation TWICE, was found entirely innocent.

I know I'd rather have someone HONEST lead the country, than a blatant liar.

How about you?
I do not believe that Labour would have done a better job at running this country over the last few years and labour are far from squeaky clean.... I'm also not getting emotional about it like you seem to be.

At the end of the day the simple fact is in a democracy you are free to vote for who you want to vote for and I can do the same.
Again.... considering the unprecedented level of blatant dishonesty that has been displayed by the Tory party as a whole, let alone by some of it's main players (Boris while PM, pretending to be ambushed by a cake while getting ****ed up during lockdowns) How can you possibly sit there with a straight face and pretend you would rather continue with this utter ****-show of a political party we have had to endure for the last 12 years, versus giving the alternative a try.

Might I remind you that while Boris was busy lying, cheating and stealing his way through his tenure as PM, Starmer was found to actually have credibility and even after being investigated TWICE over "beergate / currygate" was found to be entirely innocent, unlike Boris and many others from Tory Party.
In the face of all this.... you would still prefer to choose the bunch of liars who have trashed the country for the last 12 years?
Its corruption , worse than all african dictatorships combined
Labour probably would have funded cities properly, cancelled Austerity and had a booming economy

instead, we had 12 years of decline and our country becoming third world.

Cancelled Austerity? We don't have Austerity, do you think we do? We had a good economy prior to Covid and now the war in Ukraine, both of those scenarios have been handled well by the government. The previous leader of the opposition was Jeremy Corbyn, does anyone think Corbyn and Diane Abbott would've done a better job of handling Covid and Ukraine than the Tories?
Cancelled Austerity? We don't have Austerity, do you think we do?
we don't? :cry:
oh you believed the lies...
The director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, Paul Johnson, said Mr Javid's plan signalled a "real change in direction on spending but most areas of public service spending were still much below 2010 levels".
"Health is the big exception," he said.
Overall, the IFS said spending would still be 3% below its level a decade ago, and more than 9% lower in per person terms.
"Non-health budgets have also lost out to rising NHS funding: real spending outside the Department of Health will still be 16% lower (21% lower in per person terms) next year than in 2010−11," it added.
Mr Johnson also warned that the current weakness in the UK economy could weigh on the government's declaration of the end of austerity.
"We of course live in a time of extreme economic uncertainty and I think the big risk in saying that austerity is over is that the economy starts to do significantly worse, which it might if we have a no-deal Brexit," he said.
"Then the deficit and debt will start rising and we are in danger of having another dose of austerity to get that over with for a second time."
:cry: Not in austerity because the tory man said so :cry:

Tories handled covid well... bojo is that you? how many infected old people were sent out to care homes? how many people were arrested for sitting alone on a bench in a park? how many parties did the tories throw at the same time as people being blocked from seeing dying loved ones? :mad:
Ukraine? wow give them our stuff, really handled it, all the yachts and stuff we seized like EU countries... oh wait :cry:
BOJO tried hard to get a nobel peace prize by giving them lots of our stuff though at a time he wouldn't help at home with the energy/living crisis.

Take from the pensioners to give to the Ukranians or something
I'm not sure if it's amusing that you seem to think the last 12 years have been such a huge success.

The Muppets could have done a better job than the Tory Party over the last 12 years.
Where have I stated that the last 12 years have been a huge success?
Have a nice soy latte and a browse of the Guardian and calm down before posting more utter tripe.
Where have I stated that the last 12 years have been a huge success?
Have a nice soy latte and a browse of the Guardian and calm down before posting more utter tripe.
The fact you tried to counter someone else's claims about how Labour "probably would have funded cities properly, cancelled Austerity and had a booming economy" with comments such as "i'm not sure if it's amusing or sad that you actually believe that" would certainly seem to suggest you think that either :-

A) the last 12 years under the Tories have been garbage, but you still believe Labour would have been worse.
B) the the last years have been better under the Tories than they might have been under Labour.

Either view is frankly delusional, but I guess that is what we should expect from someone who's first response to something is to attempt to mock and belittle the person for believing that Labour may have done a better job than the what we've seen from the Tories over the last 12 years.

I neither drink latte's or browse the guardian, so perhaps you should consider rechecking your stereotypes and step outside of your warped world view for a change, instead of resorting to belittling others, attempting to insult them and use frankly pathetic passive-aggressive comments about latte's and guardian readers.
Wow, that’s quite a rant.
Feel better?
What's the matter? Nothing constructive to say?
No comebacks to any of the points raised?
No witty remarks about latte's and soy?


Meanwhile .... Let us continue to discuss how a new Tory Chancellor is looking to scrap the cap on banker's bonuses, during a period of huge cost-of-living concerns for most "average joes". Because nothing really says "we're doing our best to help out all those who are struggling" like allowing bankers to earn even larger bonuses.
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